My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1347: give me one more chance


Ye Fan actually didn't have a good meal in the castle for a while. The people and women of INFERNO were busy practicing recently and didn't eat much.

As a special dinner, everyone came.

Bellier is the best in eating and drinking. He is very fancy and wears a chef's hat and pushes a dining car.

"Bellel, what are you doing?" Ye Fan sat on his master's seat and couldn't help but laugh.

"Boss, I prepared a small dish that you like to eat," Bellier said, opening a huge silver meal cover.

Inside is a huge piece of ham meat, the color of the delicate thin meat is like a layer of red glow.

"The pure acorn-fed black pigs do the hind legs, Iberian ham, the little gift that the King of the Western class has just sent you, the boss you liked this dish the most."

Ye Fan will smile, "You guy, some unique areas, memory is really good."

"That is natural. I even remember the brand of toilet paper that you used to go to the toilet." Bellier took a sigh of relief.

Everyone laughed, and Ye Fan shook his head with helpless smile. This guy can't fight, the command is not good, the logistics is not good, but it is definitely the chief candidate to help everyone relax.

When the blue rain curiously said: "Ye Fan brother, this ham is not raw, how to eat?"

Ye Fan rolled up the sleeves of the shirt and got up and said: "The ham can be eaten raw, even if we are ham in summer, as long as it is mature for about two years, low salt, it can also be eaten raw, but most people are not used to it. .

However, this Iberian ham is sweet and mellow, fat but not greasy, and the **** is more suitable for raw food..."

Ye Fan said, walked to the dining car and picked up a silver sharp knife. A serious saying: "You have a good fortune today. Let me cut it for you. Let you see and understand the masters of the imperial sword." How did you cut the ham..."

The girls couldn’t help but laugh and laughed. Asazil and Xie Linyuan and others shook their heads with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Fan’s action was slightly, and he looked at the restaurant door.

Nie Wuyue and Hei Ji, the master and servant of the two men, came in and joined Feng Yueying.

Nie Wuyue and Feng Yueying are talking and laughing. Looking at Feng Yueying's eyes, full of harmony and love, it seems to be very good.

When Nie Wuyue entered the restaurant, the ladies and members of INFERNO stood up.

Regardless of how Ye Fan treats it, after all, this is the mother of Ye Fan. They must respect it, not to mention that this woman is stronger than the people in the room.

Nie Wuyue smiled and nodded to the crowd, and then looked at Ye Fan with a bit of excitement. The kind of joy that could not be suppressed was beyond words.

Obviously, she was very surprised that she could invite her to dinner.

Ye Fan’s mood is also strange. Simply say: “Sit down.”

"Good," Nie Wuyue went to sit down for her seat.

The atmosphere on the dining table was a bit quiet, and everyone didn't know what to say. The big guy had to watch Ye Fan cut the ham.

The knives on the leaves of the sails were followed by a silver thread, delicately and swiftly passing over the cross section of the ham.

Soon, a piece of ham like a flap, fell into a small dish.

Ye Fan hesitated, picked up the dish and put it in front of Nie Wuyue, saying: "Eat with Sherry."

The voice just fell, and Bellier on the side had already come to Nie Wuyue to drink.

After Nie Wuyue was surprised, his eyes were slightly red and he smiled and said: "Ye Fan... You... Don't you hate me?"

Ye Fan turned and walked back to the dining car, continued to cut the ham, smiled self-deprecatingly and said: "I don't know you, how can I hate you..."

Nie Wuyue looked stagnant and bowed his head and said: "Yeah, you didn't know before, who is your mother, how can you hate me..."

Ye Fan cut two more dishes and let Bailier give it to others to eat. He said: "It’s just that I was very surprised. When you last seen in Manchester City, why did you say that you are my big sister?"

Nie Wuyue said with self-deprecating: "Because I am afraid... you can't accept me, my wrong judgment in the past, it hurts you to eat so much, I am an incompetent mother...

So I originally thought, let you recognize the ugly face of the clan, and go to the doomsday with me, so slowly tell you the truth...

I definitely don't want to marry you forever. I want to be around you and make up for some of the responsibilities that I didn't do in the past..."

Ye Fan sighed softly, this answer is almost the same as he guessed.

Think about it carefully, it is Nie Wuyue's point of view, and she is justifiable.

Ye Fan cut the ham, walked back to the seat and sat down. After tasting the ham, he sipped his sherry and felt the wonderful taste and fragrance in his mouth. He fell into a silence...

Nie Wuyue was a glimpse of her eyes. She found that her son had to be more inscrutable than he was when he met last time.

The high-intensity experience, combined with the improvement of the martial arts realm, has made Ye Fan already have a deep look beyond his peers.

Nie Wuyue is also in power in the doomsday kingship. He manages a large number of people and is not idle.

However, she could not see what Ye Fan was thinking.

Ye Fan turned to look at her at this moment and said: "How do you not move? Do you like it?"

"Ah?" Nie Wuyue squatted and realized that Ye Fan was talking about ham.

Nie Wuyue smiled and shook his head. He also tasted a piece and drank some wine. He said, "I thought... what do you want to tell me?"

Ye Fan, "I just want to quietly taste this taste..."

Nie Wuyue relieved, and he laughed at himself. How could he be in front of his son, but not as stable as his son?

Ye Fan snapped a finger and said to Bellier: "Almost on the main dish, eat and talk."

"Well, boss!" Bellier was busy preparing.

Ye Fan then followed Nie Wuyue: "Talk about what happened in the past, why did you hand me over to Hu Xiaoqin?"

Nie Wuyue heard this question and explained it quickly: "Ye Fan, you must believe me in this matter. I didn't want to abandon you."

I was sick at the time, and Ye sent a servant and sent me out of Kunlun.

I am alone in the suburbs of Huahai, with the help of a kind village doctor, I am really scared after you were born.

Although the old servant promised me, I would say that the child had a miscarriage and helped me, but how can I fully believe the people of Ye?

If your birth is discovered by the people of Shenlong, I can't protect you, then our mother and child will be finished.

Moreover, my identity is too sensitive. It is too conspicuous in Xia Guo. With me, I can't work to support you, it will only harm you.

So... I only thought of Hu Xiaoqin who was saved when I was performing the task. She is a kind woman. I entrusted you to her, and she didn’t ask much.

I was secretly secretly from the secret channel of the last kingship, back to the doomsday kingdom, intending to look at my righteous father's attitude, if he can accept you, then send someone to take you back to me.

And if the doomsday power does not allow you, then I will find a way to wait for me to have the independence and ability to bring you back.

But... I didn't think that when I returned to the doomsday, I was born because of the failure of the latent task. I was punished and confined for 20 years. I can only continue to learn black magic in it...

When I regained my freedom, I realized that you have suffered so much, and I have no face to see you, even more afraid of my identity, will bring you trouble..."

Nie Wuyue said, there have been some whimpers, tears and tears: "Ye Fan... Do you know, if you give me another chance to choose, I would rather live in Xia Guofan, and I don't want to go back to the doomsday power. You have been splitting for so many years..."

Hearing here, everyone present was a bit sentimental, and everyone can understand that Nie Wuyue regrets and hurts.

After a long silence, Ye Fan sighed and asked: "I don't understand a bit. The old servant, who sent you all the way from Kunlun to Huahai, isn't it blocked?"

Nie Wuyue shook his head. "I felt that I couldn't be loved at the time. I didn't think so much. I thought that even if I died, I would love someone wrong...

But in recent years, I am a bit strange. It was really safe on the way... No one hurts me.

It stands to reason that the old servant only practiced the hard work of strengthening the body. Anyone who came to a clan could kill us, but... no one came. ”

Ye Fan blinked. "Is it no one to kill you, or is it stopped by someone?"

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