My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1356: Big things


Ye Fan nodded and said: "Well, let's take a walk around the lake, I also eat almost the same."

Ai Er guessed and asked: "Ye Fan, have you sent Bahamut in the past?"

"Yeah, Alabama, Asazil is the most familiar, and the deployed force is also the most. Although I have never heard of any Lance terrorist organization, it should be no problem," Ye Fan said with a smile.

Sally said: "It is just a few warlords behind the support of the magnesium country's weapons manufacturers, inciting a group of religious extremists, the Uighurs."

If Bahamut intervenes, it is estimated that they will shoot a few shots at most, and then they will let go... After all, their heads don’t want to die. ”

"Oh, yes, that's fine, there are fewer dead people. Yes, remember to tell them that the angels let them come to save," Ye Fan said with a smile.

Sally leaves nodded, "I have already confessed."

Ye Fan said with a smile: "I have always been at ease."

Aier's face powder is moist, "Ye Fan, why are you making this story, what is my angel?"

"Haha, what to do, we can't say our true identity, or just make a beautiful story. Anyway, those reporters have to make headlines, true and false, it doesn't matter, people can save it," Ye Fandao.

The three walked by the lake, blowing the cool wind, avoiding the group of nobles, but it was quite comfortable.

After a while, Sally leaves some doubts: "Princess, I don't understand a bit. Why don't you shoot yourself, the hostages that were caught at the beginning of the month, if you have a glimpse, it should be easy to save."

Ai Er bowed his head and said: "Yeah... I can save them. I am not doing well. I am too timid, always hesitant, thinking too much, I should take responsibility."

Ye Fan sighed: "You don't have to blame yourself. I understand your difficulties. After all... AIR in the underground world is not an ordinary person. If you go out often, you will find your true identity sooner or later.

You are also afraid to involve the king and the queen. Once they know the truth, they will not be able to stay out of the way, but also face the various things in the underground world. ”

"Even if the king and the queen know, can they not understand? I think Princess Ai can do a lot of things for this country," Sally said.

Ye Fan made a look at Sally. "Well, let alone, this kind of thing is the freedom of Ai Er. She always has her own difficulties."

Sally knew that she had asked too much, and she didn't dare to say more.

Ai Er licked her lower lip and smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter if Ye Fan, Sally Ye said it is true.

I don't think you think about the overall situation. I am actually... selfish, seeing my life more important than others...

If you can, I don't really want to be an actor. I don't like the battle of the underground world. I cherish the name of Ai-Ingrid-Alice-黛西蕾, not AIR.

In fact, I am afraid that after the real identity is exposed, I have to bear too much. In the face of too many problems, I am afraid to become a stranger in the eyes of others. I am a coward..."

Ye Fan and Sally Ye were silent. I didn't expect Ai Er to say this to herself. She finally understood why girls are always so shy and unwilling to show their faces.

She is actually from a young age to a big one, and she is carefully hiding her true self.

Whether it is Ai Er or AIR, she is trying to become mysterious and not letting people discover the connection between them.

Ai Er laughed and laughed: "It’s funny to say it... I am the president of the Amateur Association. It is reasonable to say that it is to lead the abilities and bravely face the world. But I myself work hard. I want to cover up the identity of the abilities.

Once, the last President Maxim, when I passed the position to me, told me that 'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility', I was still small, didn't think too much, just wanted to find more similar, can have Some common languages.

But now, I gradually understand that I am really a very poor president. I don't understand at all. What Max McCaim was expecting from me at that time was always confused about his own affairs. ”

Having said that, Ai Er’s eyes are bright and looking at the sparkling lake. She smiles faintly: "I am a poor abilities, and a poor daughter. I only know that I am hiding in the dark, not Dare to face yourself.

I am actually sorry for those who trust me, and I am sorry that my parents have been protecting me... obviously, I should do more for them."

Ye Fan looked at her like a smile, and reached out and patted it on Ai's head.

"Stupid is not stupid. Are you a birthday of two hundred and fifty years old? Are you not twenty-five years old?"

Ai Er squatted and looked at Ye Fan with confusion. "What do you mean..."

Ye Fan sighed: "You said, when you took over as the president of the Abilities Association, it was still small and not sensible. Then you don't understand now?

You are only twenty-five years old this year. Is it very old? People must always have a process of growing up and understanding the meaning of their lives.

You can't expect a new recruit who just entered the new battalion camp to become the general of the defending country. You have to give him time to study, experience, and experience.

Ai Er, from the first time I saw you, to the present, I haven’t had much time, but you and I have protected the headquarters of the Abilities Association and helped me catch the postman. When I was away, I saved Sha Liye...

How can you say that you are a poor abilities? You are a strong abilities and a comrade-in-arms we trust.

Besides, did you stand up today and face the reporters for your parents? This is the first step, but there will be a second step in the future, the third step, isn't it? ”

Ai Er was obsessed with looking at the man, carefully savoring the words of Ye Fan, and there was a glimpse of his eyes...

"I... am I growing up?"

Ye Fan nodded, surely: "Of course, don't believe you ask Sally, this girl speaks straight and doesn't lie."

Sally leaves nodded. "Princess Ai, I have been thanking you very much, you are really good."

Ai Er suddenly smiled shyly and smiled. When he looked up at Ye Fan, the beautiful woman contained the tenderness and tenderness. "Ye Fan... You know, the person I admire most since childhood is you."

"Ah? Have you worshipped me since childhood?" Ye Fanzhen, "I didn't listen to what you said..."

Aier drums his mouth. "I used to say it to you, but when I was a teenager, I heard about the name of FALLEN for the first time. I think, you are so powerful...

Your experience is a legendary story of the same age. What I admire most is that you are so young, but you are so responsible.

You can resist the fate of so many people, fight, and defeat the opponent, as if the burden is not overwhelming you...

I can't do it, even though President Maxim said that I am better than you, but I feel that I can't do anything, sometimes I meet the challenger, I am running away directly...

When I first saw you, it was like seeing an idol, and my heart was excited...

Later, when I was in Laos, I knew that Shura would kidnap me, but I didn’t want to reveal my identity at the last moment. As a result, you came to save me... I feel so happy. ”

Ye Fan embarrassedly touched his chin and smiled: "There is still such a thing. I was the idol of the legendary air brother AIR? Haha..."

Ai Er’s face was determined, and Ming Ming shone brightly: “I’m listening to you today, I understand, I have to work hard to grow up, take on my responsibilities, and I can’t stay behind.”

Ye Fan smiled, a bit of a parry, this lovely and serious expression of Princess Royal Highness.

"My silly princess, there is actually one thing, you misunderstood."

"Ah? What?" Ai Er doubts.

Ye Fan sighed with emotion and put it on Sally's shoulder. He said: "The reason why I can resist so many things on my shoulders is not that I am alone.

The relatives around me, my comrades-in-arms, they are all trying to share it in their own way.

Sometimes defeating the enemy does not require everyone to bleed together, in a word, a look, or as long as some people are waiting for you to go home, it is enough."

Sally said softly at Ye Fan and nodded gently.

Ai Er was awkward, then looked at it silently. On the far lawn, the king and queen who were waiting for anxiety there seemed to understand what...

Suddenly, Ye Fan laughed and said, "Well, let's not mention these heavy topics. Let's talk about it. We are bored here. Is there any fish in the lake? Isn't fishing?"

Ai Er smiled. "Yes, I will help you with the fishing gear!"

Said, Ai Er took the skirt and ran to the villa briskly, the girl's pace was full of joy.

In the eyes of a group of nobles who were very speechless, Ye Fan took Ai Er and Sally Ye and started fishing at the lake.

Ye Fan got a pack of cigarettes, and while he was pumping, he tapped on Erlang's leg. Sally was still feeding the man to eat fruit, and it was very far away.

Seeing that the sun is going down the mountain, King Gutaff is unable to hold back, thinking about how to explain to reporters the "absurd farce" just now.

"His Majesty, I see... you can shirk responsibility to that Fron, he is a demon confuse, the simple princess is tempted," Prince Will suggested.

Gutaff looked at the sails of the lake fishing, thinking that this was the only way, so he walked to the group of reporters.

At this moment, the general manager of the royal family hurriedly ran, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and his face was full of surprise: "The King is kneeling! It is a big deal!"

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