My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1370: Broken


In the void, the magic wand lifted on the hand, and a magical power was released from the crystal. The space in front of him began to appear a strange wave...

Ye Fan frowned, this vowed vowed, what is it really necessary to kill?

However, nowadays, Ye Fan is not easy to come out of the space cracks, naturally, can not let Ai Er was taken away.

After Ye Fan’s thoughts, the black giant sword in his hand disappeared instantly, and a relatively slender and sharp fish-sword appeared in the hands of Ye Fan.

"One trick is... then I only use one trick..."

Ye Fan’s voice did not fall, and the fish in the hand’s sword suddenly burst into a glaring golden light! !

At the same time, Ye Fan's feet are violent, the rhythm changes abruptly, and the figure draws a sharp straight line of straight lines, direct to the void!

Breaking the sword!

Released in the state of the sword disintegration, the explosive power immediately rose several levels!

Ye Fan is going to be fast, so fast that it is too late to cast a spell, and it’s too late to send it away!

The golden sword light is like letting the night light directly into the day, and the whole body of the sword **** is stunned!

The people around me felt a short sting in the eyes, and couldn't help but want to see this magnificent battle picture!

In the confrontation of the electric light and flint, the eyes of the void flashed out of the blazing blue mans!

"The door to the empty!!"

Almost Ye Fan wants a sword to touch the void of the sky, a powerful space force, an instant burst, a huge blue magic light array, appearing in front of Ye Fan!

not good! Counted in!

Ye Fan’s heart screamed badly, but when he found something wrong, it was too late!

The whole person of Ye Fan, after falling into this magical array, connected the body of the sword **** and disappeared!


By the lake, the darkness was restored.

Everyone present was a little worried, how... Ye Fan is gone! ?

At the moment, the Void put down the short stick, his face was pale, and his forehead was also a fine sweat.

He took a deep breath and turned to look at Ai Er. "Okay, princess... now, you can go."

Ai Er’s frightened, embarrassed after a moment of thought, then look at the look of the void, said: “You...have you used the forced space to transmit magic and sent Ye Fan to another place?”

Maybe others can't understand it, but Ai can feel something.

Normally, space transfer needs to be agreed by the sender, not resisting, and it takes some time. After all, it is not the same as transmitting and transmitting others.

Just like Ai Er’s mental resistance, interfering with the magic, and disturbing the energy flow of the space, it is difficult to be passed away.

However, the "broken door" that was just used by the void, the leaf sail was sent away without the consent of Ye Fan!

This kind of unreasonable transmission makes Ye Fan unprepared. If you plung it in, you will step into another part of the space.

"Yes," the void does not deny, said: "Although this spell is huge, but even if I am very tired now, it is more than enough to take you away, and you should not try to challenge my patience..."

"Where did you send my king?!" Sally said in a hurry.

The void did not answer at all, he stared quietly at Ai Er, waiting for the girl's reply.

Ai Er's eyes looked back at his parents intricately and muttered: "This is also good... at least Ye Fan is fine..."

"Princess Ai, what are you talking about? Do you really want to go with him?" Sally was not willing.

Ai Er smiled bitterly. "Sally, only when I go, he will let others here."

Moreover, even if the void has been consumed a lot, it is not that we can fight against each other...

You can rest assured that Ye Fan should have nothing to do, long-distance space transmission, according to the basic magic principle, it is necessary to have a spiritual imprint to respond.

In other words, it is only in the place where he has been to the place where he has been to the place where he has left the mark, and then he can pass the leaf sail to the past. It should not be a place that is too dangerous. ”

The void was a bit unexpectedly: "You know a lot of things... Yes, force the magic, and only pass the place with my spiritual mark.

However, he is far away from us, you don’t have to expect him to come back..."

When Sally heard this, she felt a little more stable. After all, as long as it is in this world, Ye Fan should not be in danger.

"" Queen Margaret saw her daughter leaving, sad tears.

Ai Er’s eyes turned red and looked at his parents. He smiled apologetically. “Father, mother, from small to big, I have been hiding behind you, and I’m still holding you so many things, I’m really sorry...

This time, let me protect you, this may be the fate that I can't escape."

King Gutaff has tightened his wife. He also knows that it is impossible to stop all of this. His heart is like a knife: "Ai, my father understands you... we are waiting for you to come back... you must take care of yourself..."

At this moment, they are not kings and queens, just the most ordinary parents.

Ai Er smiled and nodded, and shook her head at Sally, who was eager to try to do it, and her eyes told her not to do unnecessary battles.

"Let him not come to save me, the king of France let me go, certainly not to kill me, don't take risks..." Ai Er confessed.

Sally leaves her hands tightly and finally nods. Although she can't help Ai Er, she put her first in her heart, naturally it is Ye Fan.

The void has long been impatient, picking up the short stick and quickly laying a magical array around Ai.

"Let's go..."

Ai Er did not resist this time, closed his eyes and nodded.

The figure of the two was blurred, and soon disappeared from the place.


"Hey! La la la!!..."

After a while, the wind and waves slap on the reef coast.

On the shore, the grassy grass, the undulating terrain, under the blue sky and white clouds, looks like a fairyland.

Ye Fan stood on the empty grass, stared at the sea, and looked at the wilderness. He was so annoyed that he directly put the fish on his hand into the soil!


Ye Fan’s heart is full of mothers. This void, what he said “a solution to solve”, is not killing, but forcibly sending him away! ?

When you look at this place, you know that it is not Ruidian, because it is daytime, at least several time zones!

Ye Fan took out the satellite phone from the storage bag. This is the phone that Chu Yunyao helped him to transform. It has a long battery life and there are signals everywhere in the world.

He quickly called Sally's phone, only to play a few, Sally leaves to pick up.

"Sally Ye! Why don't you answer the phone!? How is that over there?!" Ye Fan asked anxiously.

"Wang... are you okay? Where are you?" Sally said.

"I'm fine, I'm at the beach, here is the day, the ghost knows told me how about Ai Er?"

Sally said with regret: "The princess she... was taken away by the void, she told you not to save her, saying that Wang would not hurt her."

Ye Fan long sighed and knew that Ai Er would follow him. He did not expect to raise his combat power to the level of the battle with the void, but he could not stop it.

I also blame myself for being too ignorant, not knowing that the void can be forcibly transmitted.

"How do you answer the phone now, are you not hurt?" Ye Fan cares.

"I'm fine, the phone is in the car, I didn't bring it with me..." Sally said.

Ye Fan remembered that Sally's skirt couldn't put a phone call and said: "Well, Ai Er's business, we have to think about it from a long time. You should go back to Purgatory Island first... I will see where it is, and then find a way. go back".

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