My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1386: All demons


It was quiet for ten seconds, and the Princess of the Princess who was beaten only reacted. What happened just now.

The princess of the gods of the gods is actually being spanked by a human! ?

Angel's face is red and can drip out, and it is angry and shy. Like a mad cat, slaps his hands and shouts: "Humble human! How dare you hit the god!? You Not afraid of being punished!?"

No matter how she struggled, she could not escape the control of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan did not say anything, but he also played a few times, and while he was beating, he still taught: "Don't dare to be hard!? Have you such a low-quality god? God can swear people?!"

After a dozen or so draws, Angel finally became honest, with a grievance and flat mouth, sobbing and screaming.

Sally Ye couldn’t bear to bear it. "Forget it, Wang, is the relationship of blood race, she hates that I am normal."

"What is your mother who hates her, what have you done wrong? How can she insult people?"

Moreover, she occupies the body of Angel, and I will not allow these words," Ye Fanzheng.

Ye Fan pulled Angel up and put her hand on her face. "Listen, since you come to this world, you have to follow the rules of this world."

You are arrogant, I don't care, but your current body, and Angel's soul, are now tied to you.

If you are still so proud, talk indiscriminately, when you get into trouble, and let Angel be in danger, then I will care what you are or what princess, I will not let you go! ”

After saying this, Ye Fan only released his hand.

Angel’s eyes were tearful and full of anger: "I am the Platinum Protoss of the Most High Heaven. If you dare to do this to me, you will inevitably be punished!"

You wait, when I recover my strength, I will go out from this body. At that time, I will give you a humiliation of your humiliation to me today! ! ”

"哼哼", Ye Fan laughed. "I am waiting, I really hope that you can quickly restore your strength, so that you can come out of Angel's body.

I want to be resurrected, is a lovely, dexterous and sensible Angel, but it is not your arrogant, Princess ‘An Qier’.”


Angel was about to swear, but she saw Ye Fan raise a hand and suddenly fell asleep.

She didn't want to be so big in the ass, it was too shameful. She didn't know how many years she lived, and she has never been so humiliated!

Next to the INFERNO people can not help but admire the incomparably looking at Ye Fan, I did not expect even the Princess of Heaven can be convinced by the teachings, the boss is the boss.

In fact, Ye Fan is also a guilty conscience. After all, the **** from the ectopic face is too horrible.

However, he must suppress the woman's town, so that he will not be confused. After all, he can afford to wait for a little grandmother every day, nor can he watch Sally leaves being bullied.

Fortunately, this Protoss princess seems to be really weak, and there is no special means to resist.

I only hope that her recovery rate will not be too fast. Otherwise, I will not be sure that one day I will be taught by her.

Looking at Angel's face is not reconciled, but can only be forbearing, Ye Fan feels very interesting, just like the prostitute Angel, turned into a rebellious girl.

Ye Fan thought for a moment and said, "An Qier, you..."

"I am not Angel! I am *&*#&**&*!" The princess is very dissatisfied.

Ye Fan tried to make several sounds, and he couldn't say the name accurately. He said: "Your language is too strange to pronounce! How to be like electronic sound!?"

"Hey! You are inferior races in this low-level plane, and the language is also inferior. Of course, you can't say the noble language of this Protoss," Angel said.

Ye Fan did not say anything, but also stretched out and bounced on the girl's forehead!

"Oh! It hurts! What are you doing!?" Angel cried, how did this guy have a little fear of the gods! ?

Ye Fan squinted: "Zhangkou closed low-level, inferior... dare to say that I dare to hit you! Anyway, before you peeled off the soul, you are Angel!"

Angel swelled his mouth and kept cursing in his heart.

Ye Fan said again: "There is one more thing. Your identity must be kept secret. From now on, in front of outsiders, you are just Angel, like Sally, my sister.

It's a big deal. If you really want to restore your strength, don't be too swaying, before you have the ability to protect yourself."

Angel is dissatisfied. "Why should you be your sister?"

"Why, do you want to be my wife or a small sister?" Ye Fan said with a smile.

"Thinking beautiful! Sister is sister! Hey!" Angel licked.

Ye Fan swept the crowd next to him. "Everyone remembers that it must be kept secret."

Everyone nodded, and they all knew that if this incident leaked, it might make Angel become the target of some people. Whether it is good or bad, it is always risky.

Nie Wuyue is thinking of something, going forward and frowning: "Ye Fan, the predecessor of the Doomsday, the Tenjin Magic Training Society, is said to be the **** of the founder, and is said to shoulder a mission given by the gods...

Since it is called the god, is it, from the same place as her? ”

Ye Fan is also a glimpse, looking at Angel in disbelief. If this is the case, then the last day will be surrendered to the princess of the gods?

However, Angel gave them a blank look and looked disdainfully: "You think too much. According to your magic, the **** in your mouth is another civilization in the same plane as you."

If that is the tribe of our gods, then your spells will not be so low.

As for what you call them gods, it is just your wishful thinking, which is far from our true Protoss. ”

Ye Fan is silent, this is almost the same as he thinks. He also thinks that the civilization of the heavens is not a god, but a civilization from other planets.


A stomach call, a sudden spread.

Angel licked her abdomen and her face was red.

Ye Fan looked at her with a sly look. "If you are hungry, you can say it straight. Although we humans are low-grade, we still have food to eat."

"Hey! It’s not that God is hungry, but Angel is hungry!" Angel said.

Ye Fan shook his head helplessly, and he bounced on the girl's forehead. "The **** of God, tell you, you are Angel now!"

Said, Ye Fan told Sally Ye: "Give her some food."

Sally Ye was a glimpse, then she understood what, smiled and nodded.

Angel is very unhappy, "No! I can't let the Abyss Witch prepare food for me!!"

"Then you are hungry, anyway, you are hungry, and when you are hungry, I will let Sally leave you." Ye Fan laughed.

Angel is so angry that she is gnashing her teeth. "Ye Fan! You... how can you do this to me!? I saved Angel!!"

"Hey, come here, I haven't seen Angel's soul come back, how do I know that you didn't lie to me?" Ye Fan squinted and said to everyone next to him: "Call me to order, except for Sally's leaves on this island. No one is allowed to give her food and drink."

INFERNO everyone and women can't help but laugh. Everyone knows that Ye Fan deliberately wants the princess to resolve the racial hatred of Sally Ye, so she is led.

"Demon... Devil... All demons..." Angel was so angry that he fainted and muttered to himself.

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