My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1505: Cold star

Although 1505

However, Ye Fan was not the first time to enter the ancient fairyland, but the last time he came in, he only moved in a small area.

What's more, the last time I entered was the entrance to the Americas. This time it was under the Antarctic, completely different from the 100,000 miles!

Ever since, Ye Fan went and found that he didn’t know where he was and didn’t know which side he was...

At this time, Ye Fan, standing on a sea, is endless, everywhere is water.

Looking up, it is a very ordinary sky, and there is no entrance. "

It’s a headache...what is the way to find the exit?” Ye Fan scratched his head.

For a while, Ye Fan first took out the "phantom". In order to be safe, I still wear this mask, and it is better to hide my breath. Look

With a very ugly monkey mask, after Ye Fan put it on, he instilled a real yuan into it, and then the black scorpion that was killed by him appeared in his mind...

In a blink of an eye, Ye Fan found his appearance, and it really turned into a black martyr! The body shape is exactly the same! ? "

This is really interesting..." Ye Fan grinned and changed a few people he knew, but they were all vivid and vivid, and the key could not be distinguished from the breath.

However, Ye Fan thought carefully that he could not become a black man.

Because it is difficult to meet some people here, you will know the black scorpion, then it will be troublesome.

Ye Fan also noticed that his own clothing must also be changed. Fortunately, from the black martyr, he got some clothes.

After finding out a loose and comfortable cyan gown for himself, Ye Fan changed his appearance to an ordinary person and changed his hair.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his appearance, Ye Fan nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he stepped on a flying sword and looked around for a while, and finally chose a direction.

After flying for more than an hour, Ye Fan was thinking about whether he chose the wrong direction, but suddenly found that there was a small island in front! ? more

What surprised Ye Fan was that on the island... seems to be fighting? anti-

I am not being noticed by myself. Is it better to be close to see what happens on the island? leaf

Sail does not like to join in the fun, but he feels that since someone is fighting, it must be for the benefit... I can’t guarantee it, is there something good on the island that raises the gods? leaf

The sail was hot, and I hurried over...

On this small island, the terrain is relatively flat and a large number of plants are densely covered. One

The name is dressed in Tsing Yi, wearing hair, looks like 30 or so, looks handsome, the man with the eyebrow star, is holding a cold long sword, facing the four men in red!

The man in the green shirt gasped and sweated, and his breath was disordered. He held the sword with both hands, and he just put it on the shelf, but he had reached the end of the road. One

The red-faced masked man smiled and said: "Cold star, you really are a shame for you, can you afford the 'cold moon sword' on your hand?

You don't even understand the sword. In the 180s, you are still building a foundation. The knots are not formed... Haha... What is the difference between holding this cold moon sword and holding a hatchet? ? ”

The man named Leng Xingchen, when he heard this, was so angry that his face turned red, and a painful mouth smashed a trace of blood...he

I have been suffering from extremely serious internal injuries, and I have gone to the end of the oil...

"The cold door of the cold home waste, it really is waste ... give you a best flying sword, and give you so many body protection magic weapon, you still planted under me and four people, you say how much your hands are useless!! "Another masked man joked. cold

The stars bite their teeth and the mouth contains blood. "If it weren't for the four of you, you would bully less... I am cold, why are there..."

Haha! joke! You have five magical bodyguards on your body. Do you want to play one-on-one with you in the four realms of Dan? Wouldn't it be impossible to break your defense? Want

Blame yourself, the old guys of the cold family, so protect you, give you so many good magic, good medicine, you are still such waste! ! "cold

The eyes of the stars are full of pain and unwillingness, but nothing can be said, and tears are in the eyes...

"Hey, cold star, you can rest assured, when you die, we will search for things on your body. These things are in our hands, but they are much more useful...

Yes, your beautiful fairy, our master will take good care of you..."

When the stars heard it, suddenly seemed to wake up to something, and angered: " are not the people of Fenglinhai! You are him...he sent it!?

No wonder... you have never used the way of Feng Linhai... It turns out was because..."

Having said that, the cold star is full of pain and hatred, but it is powerless to return to heaven...

The four red-faced masked people seem to have noticed that they have said more. One of them sneered and said: "You are going to die, so much nonsense? I will give you the last sword, go to hell!!"

Then, this person stepped forward, with a long sword in his hand, brought a sharp sword, and took the cold star's head!

But at this moment, a touch of figure suddenly appeared in front of the cold star, one hand directly at a block, this sword gas was forced to pick up! "

who! ? ”

The four red men were shocked because they didn't realize that someone was close, and they couldn't see the person being repaired! Come

People are naturally Ye Fan, Ye Fan listened for a while in the dark, although many things did not understand, this cold star's life and death, has nothing to do with him, but ... to sit back and ignore, let these are obviously evil The guy in the disciple succeeded, and Ye Fan was not comfortable. what

Moreover, since this is the four villains, it is good to kill them and take away their things.

Ye Fan, unconsciously, has already had a keen interest in taking away the storage bags of the ancient fairy spirits...

Just like playing a game to open a treasure chest, God knows what fun things will come out? Addictive!

Cold Star, seeing Ye Fan at this moment, is also a puzzle. "Lord is..."

Ye Fan didn't talk nonsense with him. He scanned a circle of four people and said, "Are you coming up to die together, or am I going to kill you?"

Four red masked masked killers listened to each other and looked at each other. If you go so directly, can you be willing?

So the four people almost rushed forward toward Ye Fan, and the four swords were like chilly glaciers, and they rushed toward Ye Fan! "

Really cooperate..."

The sail sneered a little, and both hands instantly evoked the two swords of the evil spirits, and each side waved two unparalleled swords! "

Hey! ! --"four

The celebrity monk monk, directly by this unparalleled sword into two! Blood splash!

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