My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1516: An old blood


"Insane... crazy... this waste... dare to talk back!?" Qibin and other disciples muttered, unable to believe in their ears. cold

Yun Tao frowned, his voice was silent, and his eyes flashed an inexplicable look.

"Master, wait for the next time, I must teach this waste once, let a waste scream, I can't swallow this breath!" Qi Bindao.

Han Yuntao advised: "Teacher, we are the same door, how can we kill each other outside, we must make people laugh." "


Another clever disciple reached out and stopped: "Hey, brother Qi Bin, the master is right, we can't guilty outside."

What's more, he is the only seedling of the cold family after all, and he hurts him casually. It is not good to go back. Big

I don’t feel happy in my heart. I can go back to the teacher’s door and use the path of compliance to make sure that today’s account is clear...”

When Qi Bin heard it, he suddenly thought of something, suddenly realized, and grinned and said: "Good! Go back and clean up him!"

Yuntao did not say anything, as if he did not hear the conversations of the younger brothers. that

On the side of Nian Rujiao, after hearing the words of these people, my heart was uneasy and looked at Ye Fandao: "The husband... This is troublesome, they must wait for you to go back, use the door rules, deliberately harass you." leaf

The sail does not mean the tunnel: "I am afraid of what I want, and I have my own plans."


"Gillian! You don't trust me?" Ye Fan frowned.

Nian Rujiao shook his head, "I don't dare to be alone, then... Nafu must be careful."

Said this on the mouth, but in the heart of Ruo Rujiao, I have already planned to go back and immediately let the elders take care of them, lest their husbands be bullied.

At this time, two kinds of refining materials have been called 16,000 stones, which already requires a lot of floodstones in exchange for it. north

The Xuantian Lingtian Taoist, sitting down, he can no longer come up with more floods, because the amount given by the division is so much.

Mingrui looked proud of his face and smugly scanned a large circle. He said: "If no one robs us, we will return to us!"

The audience is quiet, such a high price, if you can really break the six times of the refining of the magical instrument, successfully broke through seven times, it is worth it. but

Yes, the refining of this thing, that is, the failure to complete the failure, so ... this six thousand stone, in the end worthless, it depends on luck. "

Congratulations to the Emperor of the Emperor of the Eastern Emperor, this is too mixed with Jinmu and Black Kirin blood, all belong to the Eastern Emperor, really aside others, haha! "The old man on the stage laughed haha.

Ling Tiandao people are very reluctant to glance at Mingrui, but they can't say anything.

Some of the following things are not as valuable as the two, basically the spirits, herbs, and some small implements that are related to cultivation. This

After a while, Ye Fan came back again. In the eyes of a group of people watching idiots, Ye Fan bought a lot of cultivation materials.

When the hawking party arrived at the last moment, the old man on the stage once again smiled mysteriously: "The last baby of today is also a remedy..."

The old man picked up a white porcelain bottle and uncovered the red stopper.

Soon, a very fragrant fragrance of the heart, it drifted to the entire venue! ! "

This is... Quenching Dan! ? Standing

Engraved, a large number of exclamations came from the scene, and the monks once again became mad. old

Head laughed and said: "Yes, the last one is this single ‘Quenching Dan’.

Dan's effect, needless to say, Jie Dan and plastic spirit, are reliable this Dan, have the opportunity to upgrade their Jin Dan or spirit.

Although it is a very small probability, after all, this is one of the few ways to improve Jindan and the spirit!

Tianbao's business has never been bullying. This Dan, the whole business has only one grain, and everyone is here today. Only the Zhenyuan Pavilion here, everyone can buy this Dan! Do not

More to say, starting price, two thousand stones! "listen

At this point, Ye Fan can't help but see, is it a medicinal herb that can enhance Jindan and the spirit? meaning

Thinking is that Ren Dan can be promoted to Didan, and Didan can be promoted to Tiandan? The spirit can enhance the heavenly spirit, and the heavenly spirit has the opportunity to become a fairy spirit? ! This

It is indeed a huge temptation, even if it is a very small probability, but at least has a success rate! ! bottom

Different children, different lifespans, repairing strength, future prospects, will be greatly different. Place

Therefore, this is a precious remedy for the monks! ! where

I am afraid that I will spend a few thousand stones to change the chance of promotion. Even if one thousandth, one in ten thousand, I want to try it!

Sure enough, the people who ask for the price come one after another! "

Three thousand! ""

four thousand! ""

Five thousand..."

Yun Tao also joined the war at this time. If his spirits can ascend to the fairy, then he has the opportunity to become the first person in the long habitat. He naturally desires..."

Six thousand! ! "Chen Yuntao gritted his teeth.

Ling Tiandao, who did not buy the refining materials just now, also kicked out, and shouted directly: "Eight thousand!"

It’s just that the Hongya Stone has been almost as sharp as it is, and it’s very urgent.

Although he is a great-grandson of the head, the cultivation of the land is not enough. He is eager to become Tiandan, so that he has a better chance to plasticize. Bright

After a consultation with the three disciples who were eager to follow, the placard said: "Eight thousand five!"

The entire monk is stunned. This East Emperor Sect is rich in financial resources. Ling

Tiandao people couldn't wait for a while. He didn't think that Mingrui would dare to smash the red stone. He wanted him to go higher again and buy a quenching dan. He didn't dare. After all, this is not the main goal, and the division may not allow it.

What makes this group of people feel incredible is that from behind, there is a familiar voice...

"eight thousand six hundred stones."

The monks who were present, one by one, were stunned and looked at Ye Fan in the back.

"Cold Star!! You are a waste in the foundation period, what do you want to quench your spirits??"

Rui is going crazy, this guy is stupid or deliberately spoiled! ? Doesn't he know that this qualification does not have to consider the knot and the plastic spirit in this life! ?

Han Yuntao and Qi Bin and others, this time did not speak, they also know that quenching Dan is a special kind of magical probability of spelling, is the price, but the question is... cold star Chen can be used! ?

If the cold star is really bought, it is not allowed to return to the teacher's door to report it, but it can still fall into their hands, so they don't fight, and they can't wait for the cold star to buy it.

Nian Rujiao is the heart of the heart of the blind man, a monk in the base period to **** the quenching Dan? She couldn't understand what her husband was thinking...

Ye Fan didn't really think too much. He had just eighty-seven hundred and seven hundred in his pocket, and this is the last treasure of the cherished pavilion. he

I may not need it myself, but I can use it for women in the future. If this is effective, it can be a qualitative leap.

Ye Fan does not think that he will be in the ancient fairyland, until the next time the Zhenye Pavilion sells, simply take the rest of the wild stone, to take this quenching. listen

To Mingrui, Ye Fanxiao smiled and said: "Why? If there is no flood stone, then you will scare people? This young master is not lacking, there is no shortage of floodstones. Do you have any opinions? Who can guarantee that the foundation period cannot buy quenching Already?"

"You..." Ming Rui was so angry that his face turned red, and he could not wait for a sword to die. leaf

The sail is a dark heart. When a rich second generation, arrogantly spending money, it seems to be quite interesting.

Mingrui can't swallow this breath at this moment, his brain is hot, loud voice: "One thousand stones!!"

The field monk was once again amazed, although quenching Dan is precious, but 10,000 stones, already very scary price, not to mention... Mingrui has just spent so much, it is really bleeding.

"How? Cold stars? You come! Do you dare to call again?? Who is there no floods in the end!?" Mingrui proudly laughed.

Who thought, when he had finished speaking, Ye Fan shrugged his shoulders and said: "I just have eight thousand six left. Why do you add so much? If you have 10,000, then it will be yours."

The sharp expression suddenly became like a weathered rock. After a long time of rigidity, it was completely smashed!

The eyes of Ming Rui are all bloodshot, and an old blood almost didn't squirt out!

Originally, he won the quenching spirit in 8.5, because this cold and big, by the way, such a pin, hard and become a million! ?

"Cold Star Chen..." The sharp eyes, as if to eat Ye Fan, are green.

The monks of the audience almost always looked at Mingrui with incomparably regretful eyes...

Although the son of the Emperor of the East Emperor, bought the three most precious treasures of today, but... how do you feel that he is so pitiful?

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