My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1520: Misfortune


Since it is said to read Ruojiao, come out to buy something, Ye Fan feels that he has to bring something a thing.

When passing by the corner of a street, Ye Fan found a very distinctive shop. When he saw the things sold inside, Ye Fan suddenly turned his eyes and went inside.

When I returned to the tea house, I saw that Nguyen Jue was looking forward to it with anxiety.

When I saw Ye Fan coming back, Nian Rujiai got up in a happy way. "Fu Jun, for so long, where have you been? I thought I was in trouble, and I was anxious not to go out and find you!"

Ye Fan took out a box of fine wood from the storage bag and opened it, all of which were women's rouge gouache.

Perhaps it is because there is no industrial revolution in the ancient fairyland, everything here is ancient.

However, these gouaches for women's make-up are not inferior to the chemicals in the world of the surface. Here are all natural techniques, and the materials are also very healthy.

Ye Fan found that Nian Rujiao did not apply powder, so he bought a box of rouge gouache.

Nian Rujiao saw this box of rouge, could not help but open the alum, looked at Ye Fan incredulously.

"Fu Jun...this is..."

Ye Fan smiled and said: "I think this box of rouge is good, I want to buy it to send you, if you don't like it, then it does not matter."

Nian Rujiao moved his eyes and crystallized, saying: "The things that the husband sent are naturally like... Cove Jun didn't like to dress up before, but why do you even have to give it to you?"

"Oh, I used to be wrong in the past, and I will not stop you in the future." Ye Fan felt in his heart that a woman was not even dare to dress because of her husband's self-respect, which was much more aggrieved.

Nian Rujiao endured the tears of happiness and took over the rouge box. "Thank you for your husband..."

Ye Fan laughed and said: "What's the thank you, Gillian likes it, so I don't want to run it."

Nian Rujiao saw the man's smile and expressed his emotions: "Since the 30-year-old husband, I have never seen the husband like a smile like today. I saw that the husband finally solved the knot of the year..." Happy and happy."

After the age of thirty? Ye Fan’s heart is awkward. Is it because of the inferiority of the cold star? What happened when I was thirty?

However, Ye Fan did not ask directly, so he had to sit down and drink tea while he was talking...

"Gillian, you said that when I was thirty, what happened... What is the reason?" Ye Fan pretended to know that she would let women analyze.

Nian Rujiao sighed and said: "When the husband was the earliest genius of the foundation of the building, he was prepared for several years. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to attack the failure of the knot.

However, once I practiced, I was filled with too many unpredictable bumps. The husband and the husband failed, and the heart and the gods were born. Later, they failed to make a tie. It was also a hit.

As long as the husband can forget these unpleasantness and return to the road, can he still be able to bear the knot in the future?

Even if you can't make a knot, the husband just needs to be as cheerful as he is now, and he is already satisfied with his body... He grows up alive, and there are several people who can really live forever.

Even if we are the ancestors of the cold family, the realm of longevity, in the end, we will not be able to rival the heavens, and the failure of the world will be defeated.

Ye Fan blinked and gained two important messages...

It turned out that Leng Xingchen was a genius before, because of the accident, the failure of the knot, it became so decadent and inferior.

Combined with the cold murder of the murder, Ye Fan suspects that the knot was also overcast.

The ancestors of the cold family are also long-lived, but they are already dead, or because of the failure of the impact of the heavens...

If you want to fight with the sky, you will naturally be punished by nature. If you are careless, the spirit will be destroyed.

It is no wonder that although the cold star is a descendant of the ancestors of the mountain, many people dare to publicly smash his waste. It turns out that the strongest ancestors are no longer there...

There is only a canopy in the ancient fairyland, which is constantly lit, and there is no night. For the monk, what is sleeping in the night, it does not matter, so the mortal will find time to rest.

Ye Fan did not know how much time had passed. The tea was drunk almost. After asking a bunch of useful information, he got up and said: "Gillian, let's go back."

Nian Rujiao was satisfied, smiled sweetly, got up and went directly from the tea house with Ye Fan, and flew out the sword.

On the way, Nian Rujiao is still worried about whether there will be anyone ambushing, and always be on guard.

Ye Fan’s heart is dark, silly girl, silly girl, who wants to count the old man, has already been buried!

Ye Fan’s face was sloppy, and his heart had already begun to calculate. After returning to the cold door, how to get more good things...

If there is any treasure trove, it’s good to go in and search for a circle, then change your appearance and slip away. It’s much more powerful!

Unknowingly, there was a cloud of misty mountains in front of the two.

Cold light door, arrived.

After all, it is one of the four major factions of the ancient fairy spirits. There are hundreds of undulating peaks and hundreds of people living in the cold gate.

Although Ye Fan knows the location of Zongmen, he is not clear about himself and Nguyen Rujiao’s residence.

Therefore, Ye Fan pays close attention to the direction of the flight of Nian Rujiao and carefully follows.

As the only seedling of the cold family, even if the cold star repair is low, the place to live is still very good.

Elegant several lofts, large secluded swaying, a paradise-like scenery.

In front of the main building in the middle, Ye Fan noticed that there was already a land spirit and two monks in the ground, waiting inside.

"Fu Jun, my mother and my brother came, and I am sure to worry about you too."

Ye Fan sighed with relief, but fortunately the woman introduced it in advance, otherwise it might be exposed.

However, isn’t the cold star a single seedling? How come there is a brother? Is it the brother of Rujia?

In a quiet and elegant house, a black-haired long-haired man with a serious looking middle-aged man, a woman dressed in a piazza, dressed in hair, and a 30-year-old woman The gentle man is waiting.

"Star, Ru Jiao, you can come back! How come back so late?" The woman came forward.

Nian Rujiao is very rude and said: "Mother, the husband and I went to the Zhenzhen Pavilion, and then strolled around the city of Hanlu, so that you worry about the old man."

When the cold mother heard it, she looked at her son in amazement. " really went to the city of Hanlu? Have you gone to the Zhenyuan Pavilion?"

Ye Fan had to use the smile as natural as possible, saying: "Yes, mother, we have nothing to do."


The cold father behind was a tea table, and stood up and said: "I have such a big disaster, it is still okay!?"

Ye Fan and Nian Rujiao both squatted, what happened.

The cold mother is busy looking back and not pleasing: "Cold jade! What kind of fierce you are!? My son, Mo Xinzhi, I am so easy to look up and be a man, I am very happy now! You say him, do you want him like As before!!"

The brother on the side also smiled and advised: "Yes, righteous father, we should be happy for the stars, how many years have not seen him so spirited."

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