My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1525: Have a message


Ye Fan and Nian Rujiao are lying down, and they found that the three people are close to here. As soon as they perceive, they know that they are cold jade and Mo Xinzhi, and three people are condensed.

Ye Fan’s heart groaned, and the three guys did the same, and this time came to bother.

"Fr....Is they coming?" Nian Rujiai also noticed that she quickly sat up and shyly said:

Ye Fan thought that Nian Rujiai would go out and change. As a result, the woman saw the clothes in the storage bag and changed it directly in front of him...

In Nara Rujiao's view, the husband changed clothes in front of him, and it was night, and there was nothing wrong with it.

You can see all of this, and his eyes were once unattractive and he had to control his own fire...

It’s a self-abuse, it’s too unbearable!

"Stars! Stars! Down, my mother has something to tell you!" Mo Xinzhi has shouted below.

Nian Rujiao turned back nervously: "Folly, wear clothes soon, and it seems that there is an urgent matter."

Ye Fan sighed and dressed up neatly and walked downstairs with Nian Rujiao.

In the hall, I saw the cold jade and Mo Xinzhi, and the three people who condensed the wind.

"爹娘, what happened?" asked Nian Rujiai first.

Mo Xinzhi grabbed Ye Fan’s hand and looked anxious: “Xingchen, this is not good. Qibin and other group of inner disciples took the lead. They all went to the Presbyterian Church to apply for your sword and Tianchi!”

"What? How can this be?" Nian Rujiao exclaimed, the flower is eclipsed.

Ye Fan’s face is awkward. What is Tianchi’s sword?

Everyone thought that Ye Fan was scared, and could not say a word.

"Oh... we thought that this matter has been suppressed, but I did not expect that Qi Bin and Han Gang and other disciples will take the lead, or refuse to stop, and directly start looking for stars in this way." Xin Zhi shook his head.

Leng Yu Shen Sheng: "Bad boy, you don't have to be too scared. Tianchi can be rejected. It is a big deal. This time, you will endure it and reject all the battles!"

"Father... This time I found the inner disciple of the Star Tianchi sword, I am afraid there are at least dozens of people. If he refuses all... I am afraid..." The condensation wind hesitated.

Leng Yu looked blank, "I am afraid that I will be despised and become a joke of the whole cold door...

Yes, I naturally know, but those disciples who dare to go to Tianchi to discuss swords are at least the realm of human beings. Your brother has built a foundation and is a realm. What is the ratio? ”

Ye Fan blinked, the original Tianchi sword, is the door to the competition?

This group of guys found that they could not rely on the elders and the head to sanction themselves. They chose to pass the door rules and go to the table to abuse him.

Hey, bullying a person who is lower than himself, this guy can do it.

If you are really a cold star, you may be scared, but unfortunately... I am not the original waste.

At this moment, a small flying sword outside, do not know from which direction, "嗽" flew into the building.

"The Great Elder's Flying Sword Book?"

When Leng Yu grabbed it, he directly grabbed the short sword and it was bound with a letter.

"What did the elders say?" Mo Xinzhi asked busy.

Ye Fan remembers that the cold elders seem to be called the cold winter forest, which is the pillar of the cold home.

Lengyu unfolded the letter and read a few lines of words. His face was on the iron and blue. He said, "Is this going to kill us?" There are already 130 disciples who are looking for the stars in Tianchi."

" hundred and thirty people!?" Mo Xinzhi felt incredulous and exclaimed: "Where are so many disciples!?"

Leng Yudao: "The elders said that not only the inner disciples, but also some elite disciples of the outer door, they also asked Tianchi to discuss the sword...

Among the foreign disciples, the nine-fold monks of the foundations are not a minority. This time, the estimates are also incited, and they should show their faces together. ”

"Outside... the outside disciples are coming too!?" Mo Xinzhi was so angry that his face turned pale.

Condensed wind frowns: "Mother, they are outside disciples, even if they lose, there is nothing shameful, and they will not be afraid of anything."

This is troublesome. If you refuse more than one hundred battles, it will be even harder to hear.

Moreover, if you don’t even dare to pick up the foreign door, you can’t even say it, but if you pick up the outer door, you don’t pick up the inner door, but you are even more cast aside...

Father and mother, they simply don’t give the stars a way to live, forcing him to go to a desperate situation! ”

"Fu Jun... How can this be good?" Nian Rujiao is also full of worry, holding Ye Fan's arm, very uneasy.

Leng Yu gritted his teeth and said: "In the cold light door, there are already large people who want to shake the position of our cold home... The building of the stars can be inside the inner door, and there are a lot of resources, all of which are jealous.

In the past, the stars were low-key. When I saw everyone walking down, they couldn’t find the trouble of the stars.

Even if they are peers, they can launch the Tianchi sword, but they are also embarrassed to find a sword that is lower than their own for no reason.

But this time, the stars took the initiative to provoke Huo Yuntao and Qi Bin in the Zhen Ge Pavilion, which gave them an excuse, a good reason.

They are standing at the commanding heights of the sectarian interests, to launch this Tianchi sword, even if they know that they are bullying weakly... in terms of reason, they can't say them. ”

"The reason is, why do we have to say so much!? I can't let my son go to sin!" Mo Xinzhi was so angry that tears came out.

Cold jade sighed, "Mrs. ah... I don’t think so, but... I really want to reject more than one hundred battles, then we are cold... I really can’t lift my head! The laughter of the entire ancient fairy world!?"

"Mother... I am afraid that the elders will not agree. The stars have rejected so many battles... so they will rush to fly the sword to pass the book..." Condensed wind said complicatedly.

Mo Xinzhi was frustrated and sat on the chair with red eyes.

Leng Yu quite glanced at Ye Fan with annoyance. "Bad boy! Even if you want to look up and be a man, why bother with your master?"

Han Yuntao is the head of the future, you should not let him embarrassed! Na Qibin and Han Gang and so on, have been looking for opportunities to step on your feet for so many years, you are not giving them a chance! ?

This time... those supporters of your masters, who want to borrow your cold family to come to Yangwei, come to you for trouble! ”

Ye Fan listened to some confusion, some places did not understand, so said: "My mother, I have forgotten the rules of the sword in Tianchi, this rule, can you tell me more."

" still have the mood to ask these!? Tianchi on the sword, you don't remember what happened?!" asked cold jade.

Ye Fan smiled, it was innocent.

Condensed wind said: "Father, the stars have not experienced the Tianchi sword, and some places are normal. I will talk about it."

Said, the condensed wind said to Ye Fan patiently: "Star, this Tianchi sword, is the tradition since our cold door opened the mountain, in order to have a fair and just judgment when the doorman disputes.

The sword of Tianchi can only be raised by the same generation or by the elders, and cannot be proposed to the younger generation.

Therefore, those outside disciples, and our inner disciples, although they have different status, belong to their peers and can fight.

Above the Tianchi, you can't kill, but the sword has no eyes. Sometimes you can't hold your hand, and you are hurt, and there are also some.

However, once you have been injured or injured, or you have lost your hand, you have to take responsibility.

If you are injured, you can't get the color head. If you are disabled, you have to pay compensation. If you kill someone, you must dispose of it. You must hand it over to the Presbyterian Church. If you are imprisoned, you will be responsible for it. ”

Ye Fan is not interested in anything else, but there is a message, he is very interested, and he is very expecting to ask: "Brother, brother, I still have a little bit unclear, this Tianchi on the sword's 'color head'... What is it? ”

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