My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1542: what did you eat


Ye Fan passed through a fleshy ground and found the figure of Nian Rujiao.

The woman was apparently affected by the recent explosion. At this time, it was covered with dust. It was already fainting in the past, and the mouth was still bleeding. It seemed to have suffered internal injuries.

Ye Fan’s heart was pity, and he quickly gave the woman a pulse.

It was found that the internal organs were somewhat damaged, but after the problem was not serious, Ye Fan was relieved.

"Gillian... You don't have anything to do... otherwise I am really sorry for you... I am sorry for the cold stars..."

From the storage bag, Ye Fan took out a few medicinal herbs that raised the ingredients of Shenzhi. Although he had a lot of lingo, he was only sure that he could heal the wounds.

After the nun Rujia swallowed in, the woman did not wake up at once.

Ye Fan knows that this explosion did not make Nian Rujiai seriously injured, it is already fortunate, and it is estimated that it is impossible to completely improve.

This place is not suitable for long stays, women are injured, Ye Fan is not in the mood to search for these storage bags, and casually saw that nothing can reveal the things behind the scenes, Ye Fan quickly left the scene with Nian Rujiao.

Holding the woman flying for a while, Ye Fan hesitated, and felt that he could not immediately return to the cold door.

I used the sword in front of Nian Rujiao, and in the absence of Dan, the sword meant to suppress the four monks, which would make the cold door people know, but it would not be round.

Moreover, before the condensation wind sent people to assassinate, this thing Ye Fan did not say in the door before.

Now that the condensed wind is dead, the cold door will definitely find out, unless Nian Rujia helps him to lie, otherwise there will be many doubts.

In case the person in the door wants to ask, where is the place where he was assassinated, and where are the bodies of the fake Fenglin Haimen, how can he answer?

Even if Ye Fan did not intend to stay in the ancient fairyland for a long time, but before the sacred objects were seen, he was not willing to ran.

In this way, whether Nian Rujiao will speak out today is the key...

Ye Fan thought for a moment, he had to wait for Rujia to wake up, explore her tone, or convince her to keep secret, in order to consider returning to the cold door.

As soon as the blade turned, Ye Fan flew in the direction of Hanlu City.

After coming to the city of Hanlu, Ye Fan found an inn, and regardless of the surprise of the innkeeper, he held the most superior room with Nian Rujiao.

The buildings in the ancient fairyland are very antique, but they are quite delicate.

After Ye Fan put the woman on a soft big bed, she was wondering where she could get water.

Looking back, I saw a table with the words "water" and a black stone with a circle of figures.

Ye Fan walked over and went to a circle where he reached out and found that there was a stream of water, gathered by the circle of law, and fell along the stone into a basin below.

Ye Fan couldn't help but smile. The "tap water" of the ancient fairy spirits is environmentally friendly, and the water pipes do not need to be connected.

Holding the basin towel, Ye Fan went to the bed and helped the woman wipe the dust on her face.

Looking at the nun Rujiao who was looked at because of internal injuries, Ye Fan’s inexplicable heart hurts...

It’s not a real wife. How can I feel so uncomfortable? Ye Fan shook his head helplessly.

For a while, Nian Rujiao was awake, and Ye Fan had to stand up and wait quietly, considering how to explain to her when she woke up.

Just thinking about it, but suddenly found that there are three familiar atmosphere, came to the inn.

Ye Fan frowned, went to the door, and carefully distinguished it. It turned out to be the Yuhuang Taoist and two disciples of the Eastern Emperor.

"The store, come back with a pot of wine, just a few small dishes."

"Well! The fairy lord waits!"

Ye Fan's eyes circulated, I thought they were leaving, I didn't expect that there was still leisure to stay here to eat and drink.

Monks naturally do not need to eat these vulgar things, but it is also common to have some fun.

Fortunately, Ye Fan has a phantom, but he is not afraid of being aware of his existence.

Ye Fan’s hearing is far more than ordinary people. When he is idle, he is fine. Just at the door, listen carefully to what they say.

"Uncle Yuxi, since Han Yuntao and Leng Xingchen of Hanguangmen are not suspected, why should we stay in the cold-light gate boundary, shouldn't we go to the North Xuan faction to see it?"

"Yeah, Shi Shu, the wound on the corpse, is clearly caused by the North Xuan Pai Lei Fa, but there is no cold trace of the cold light door, I see the North Xuan faction is the most likely," another disciple also said.

The jade singer laughed and said: "Ming, tomorrow night, you still think too simple..."

"Uncle Shi, what is the saying?"

"You think... even if you saw the corpse, you can see at a glance that it was the wound caused by the North Xuan Lei method.

So, do you not know if you use the murderer of Rafa? If he is really a North Xuan faction, why should he use such an obvious Leifa?

The entire ancient fairy spirit world, only the North Xuan faction Lei Fa is the most famous, they are North Xuan faction is to have a big fight with our East Emperor? ”

Both the sensation and the night suddenly wake up, "The uncle said what he said! So, it is more like someone deliberately planted!"

"Against this, you think, if the other party is really a person of the North Xuan faction, why use Leifa and use a sword?

The people of the North Xuan School want to kill people. They usually use spells or ancient savage beasts to drive the beasts.

But this murderer, with a clear sword, is likely to have a strong sword..."

Nodded tomorrow night: "Uncle Shi analyzed this, it seems that the possibility of the cold door is naturally larger than the North Xuan faction.

It is very likely that the other party has stolen some of the North Xuan faction's Lei Fa, and deliberately want to cover it..."

Yuxi sneered aloud and said: "There is one more point, that is, the day of the cherished pavilion, although the Lingtian Dao of the North Xuan School has a conflict with Mingrui, but the strength of Lingtian is not enough to do this. all."

"Uncle Shi said very much, we are still looking for more investigations here, maybe we can find other clues..."

Upstairs, Ye Fan heard these conversations and touched his forehead with distress.

This jade singer is really fine. It is no wonder that the Eastern Emperor sent him to investigate.

But they have to check it out, don't come and provoke yourself.

"Fr... husband..."

Ye Fan slammed and jerked back, and found that Nian Rujiai opened his throat with exhaustion and was lying there looking at him.

At such an instant, Ye Fan could see a hint of doubt and strangeness from the woman's eyes, but soon disappeared, as if it were an illusion.

Ye Fan showed a sincere smile and walked over to the bed. He said, "Gillian, you should rest and rest, your body needs to be rested, and the organs will be restored, and then you will be able to heal."

Nian Rujiao's pale lips moved, seemingly to taste the taste of the mouth, and some doubts: "Father... What did you eat for you?"

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