My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1558: Not too late


After the hour, Ye Fan feels that he is back to the best state.

This time, I tried my best to fight with Tianbao's ancestors. Although she died in her life, she also gained something. from

The limit of the unparalleled sword has been tested in actual combat, and has a clearer understanding of the strength of Changsheng.

"It's a pity that this mirror..."

Ye Fan took out the sun-changing sun mirror and found that the mirror was completely devoid of light. It is estimated that there is not enough time to recover, and it is impossible to use it again. If

This mirror can block several long-lived attacks. He has the means to kill the long-lived monks. Unfortunately, the next time he encounters Tianbao's ancestors, he has no way to make this move. leaf

The sail has some headaches. Tianbao’s ancestors’ mixed gold ingots are worthy of sacred objects. If he is not so confident, he will take out the gold ingots early, and he is estimated to have lost.

It seems that... I have encountered a long habitat and I am still in absolute weakness...

However, Ye Fan’s thoughts on the ultimate compression have unexpected effects on the wound, which is very unexpected. leaf

The sail can't help but think of the plan that he condensed the sword and Jindan...

In fact, his own sword, Jin Dan, is a higher level of ultimate compression. "

It seems that ... the fastest way to improve combat effectiveness to defeat the longevity is to condense the sword and the golden dragon..." Ye Fan muttered to himself, thinking about it.

Yi Jin Dan, like the body of a planet, and with the gravity of the planet, you can easily appear the ocean of liquid, a bit like the current situation of the ultimate sword...

Nowadays, in the general state of Ye Fan, the uncompressed unparalleled sword meaning can only be regarded as "gas".

By learning the magic sword left by the etheric civilization, Ye Fan continuously compresses the energy particles according to the principle of science to achieve a higher quality angle analysis...

The conclusion is that if you can successfully cultivate the sword and the golden dragon, then ... you may be able to upgrade the ultimate sword to a qualitative leap! very

To ... you can make a "liquid unparalleled sword" is also not sure! only

It is a slightly biased sword with a slightly biased liquidity. It has already caused the long-lived Tianbao ancestors to suffer. If you really compress the unparalleled sword into a liquid state, it is estimated that a few drops will be dripped on his body. He will be directly Hole through!

Ye Fan was helpless, but unfortunately he condensed the sword and Jindan. Even if his body was disintegrated, he couldn’t afford it. The anti-sickness of Jianyi was too strong. His body recovered speed and could not keep up with its speed of reflexion.

It is as if you want to build a weapon in your own dantian. The cooled soldiers can be stored, but the high-temperature furnace environment created by the ship makes it impossible for Ye Fan to bear. leaf

The sail can't help but think about it. If you want to compete for this sacred thing, there is no sword, and there is no difference between sending and killing.

Do you want to give up? Or, think about it, see if there is any possibility that the sword will be condensed in a short time...

"Fu Jun... husband..."

The sail was thinking, and suddenly heard the whisper of Nian Rujiao.

Ye Fan just promised, but realized that the woman is not calling him...

Nian Rujiao opened her eyes at this moment, and her eyes were full of tears. She took the medicinal herbs that Ye Fan gave her, and she was much better.

After standing up from the ground, Nian Rujiao did not look at Ye Fan, went directly to the place where the cold stars were buried, and slowly walked over.

Ye Fan looked at the woman who was like a walking dead, her eyes were empty, and her lips were white. My heart was not a taste, and I didn’t know what to say.

Nian Rujiao sat on the grass, stretched out his hands and began to dig the mud. One

The white and tender silk jade hands are so painlessly tied in the mud, constantly planing and digging...

Ye Fan saw this scene and quickly walked over: "What are you doing?"

"I want to take my husband to go home... Go back to the ancestral hall of the cold house... I can't let him alone, lying alone here..." Nian Rujiao whispered. "

Then you don't have to dig this way, so when do you dig? Ye Fan said helplessly.

Nian Rujiao did not speak, only looked at herself, dug in the ground, and she had done such a rough work with her hands. It didn't take long for the nails to be muddy and worn out some places. leaf

Sailing saw her hand begin to bleed, and quickly grabbed her hand and frowned. "Tell you not to use this hand! You will only hurt yourself, you know!?"

Nian Rujiao looked up, tearful eyes, looking at the man indifferently: "This is something between our husband and wife, it doesn't matter to you outsider! I don't need you to tell me this!"

Even if the cold star is here, will he have the heart to see that you have made yourself full of blood? "Yan Fan took out a sword and said: "I can open it here with sword air, and you will open it."

No! Nian Rujiai categorically refused, desperately squatting in the burial place, saying: "What if you hurt my husband?" ? "leaf

The sail is speechless: "Impossible, he is buried by me, I will never touch his body." "

I am not allowed! go away! He is already like this, I can't let you hurt him again! I...I..."

Ru Jiao couldn't talk anymore, sobbing: "I didn't do anything for him... I don't know anything... I'm so useless... His body, I must take it back..."

Ye Fan bite his teeth and had a headache. He didn't know whether he was annoyed by the woman's "stupid" or because she was so disoriented with her attitude. but

Yes, he really can't see Rujiao's tears, and the wound on her hand... Ye

After the sail took a deep breath, he put away the sword, then crouched down, rolled up his sleeves, and began to reach out to dig the turf and dig up the dirt.

Nian Rujiao choked and looked up at Ye Fan, "You..."

I don't need a sword, I dig it by hand, it's OK. I can't bury it. If I don't hurry and dig, I can't dig him in one day..."

Sail feels that it is useless to say anything now. The only thing that can be done is to help the woman to dig together.

Nian Rujiao's red eyes, looked at the man intricately, did not talk much, buried his head and continued to dig up. hand

The pain and the dirty, the woman does not matter at all, she just wants to see the side before the body is completely rotted...

After a long period of hard work, although most of the soil was excavated by Ye Fan, the hands of Nian Rujiao were all scratched, and the blood and the soil were completely indistinguishable.

Finally, a body was revealed...

When I saw the face that had begun to decay, Nian Rujiao almost stunned and stunned. but

She still tried to stare deeply at the face. After watching it for a long time, she was so eager that it was not true, but she had to face it all.

Ye Fan slowly walked outside the pit, rubbed the dirt on his hand and said: "I have to wash my hands, you should have a lot of words, want to tell him..."

Just as Ye Fan was going to leave, Nian Rujiao stopped him. "

My husband... How did you die? Asked about Ruo Jiao.

Ye Fan sighed. "The information that is currently known is that Tianbao's ancestors bought the condensed wind, and then designed to trick him here. Then he wants to send some people to pretend to be Feng Linhai's disciples and kill him.

Tianbao ancestors should want to use his death to provoke the battle between Han Guangmen and Feng Linhai in advance so that he can steal the upcoming sacred objects.

When I arrived that day, he was seriously injured. I killed the four people who killed him, but I could not save him. ”

After listening to Nara, he was silent for a moment, and his eyes turned back and asked: "You really... is it too late to save him?"

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