My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1575: Light of rice


In theory, Ye Fan feels that his plan is feasible.

But it is not 100% successful, it still needs to look at his luck, but also his control, endurance!

First of all, although Reiki can be consumed when accelerating recovery, this does not mean that Ye Fan can fully grasp the balance.

The essence of the world released by weak water is too high density. If there is a slight difference, the leaf will still have a body burst, and even be directly decomposed into energy particles!

Secondly, the body is constantly being damaged by the sword and being repaired. It is like the wounds are cut, healed and cut again.

For the average person, when you are scratched by a knife, you are already suffering from it. Even a warrior who has been through a hundred wars cannot say that it does not hurt at all.

But Ye Fan has to be hurt like this many times, and at the same time keep his attention, to condense the sword and the golden dragon!

Such high frequency of constant self-destruction, Ye Fan does not know, whether he can hold his teeth and hold on!

In other words, Ye Fan is not clear. How long does it take for Luwu to persist, how long does it take for him to complete the sword and tie Dan...

If he is too late to be able to bear Dan, Lu Wu is plagued by those long-lived ancestors, it is likely that he and Lu Wu have to be here!

However, there is no turning back to the bow, and Ye Fan has decided to fight this time, and then he can no longer be afraid!

When I felt that the surrounding aura began to gradually exceed my body load, Ye Fan immediately began to raise his status to the peak!

Double sword meaning!

Sword sword body!

Unparalleled swordsmanship, extreme!

The body of the sword **** that is compressed to the current limit, at the bottom of the dark lake, is like a golden **** of war!

Ye Fan clenched his teeth and continued to continually squeeze the sword to increase the density according to the compression method of the ultimate sword.

The body of the sword **** slowly shrinks and shrinks from the height of the original three meters at a very slow speed...

The reduction of each inch is actually a great increase in density, and the power of the sword is also extremely ruined!

At the same time, more importantly, Ye Fan has concentrated this sword, and continues to integrate in Dantian!

With the first experience, Ye Fan knows more clearly how to condense Jin Dan this time, but the problem is that this violent sword is also destroying every cell of Ye Fan from the inside out, destroying the nerves of Ye Fan!

Ye Fan’s face looked embarrassed. He felt that each of his meridians and every muscle fiber seemed to be tearing constantly!

At the same time, the combination of Aura and Ye Fan Shenlong blood, and let these cells have a strong self-healing ability, so that Ye Fan's body tissue is constantly recovering!

In every second, Ye Fan is experiencing hundreds, thousands, and even hundreds of millions of cell deaths and new births!

This kind of suffering is far beyond the imagination limit of ordinary people. If Ye Fan does not have the powerful spirit of Dragon and Dragon, he may even faint directly!


Ye Fan grinned, tried to get rid of distracting thoughts, forget the pain, put more energy, all bet in Dantian...

The golden unparalleled sword around the four sides gradually presents a viscous, a form that tends to be liquid, and it is silky...

A golden light spot like the light of rice grain is gradually being formed under the circumstance of the sword that is constantly rotating and compressing.


In the sky above the lake, five long-lived ancestors discovered that after Ye Fan went down, they did not come up late, and they gradually began to fall into doubt.

However, because their goal is Lu Wu's cub, so much lazy, how to sail, I want to come to Ye Fan can not escape.

It’s just after I don’t know how long it took, and gradually, everyone found out that there was a hint of swords in the lake that made them uneasy...

"You seniors..." Tianbao ancestors thought sharply, and said: "The kid, as if doing something in the lake, his sword is under pressure, is strengthening..."

The cold ancestors frowned, and there was a worries in their eyes. "Is this kid's emperor-level sword, is it necessary to break through?"

"In such a short period of time, how can he improve with a gun?" Too old ancestors have some disdain.

"This Luwu can be psychic, just seems to be communicating with this kid... I don't know what secrets there are at the bottom of the lake, we have to beware of it," Xuanhai said.

"Isn't this simple?" said the old ancestors of the red ancestors: "Whoever you go down and take a look at what the kid is doing, if necessary, kill him first.

With the power of five of us, killing him alone is just a blink of an eye, and it’s a little effort! ”

Tianbao’s ancestors smiled and said: “I don’t know that the former seniors think that it’s more appropriate to go down and explore.”

"Hey, here you are alone, holding a sacred thing, a gold bullion, and you are one, with the fewest people, still ask?" The red ancestors laughed.

There was a hint of cold in the eyes of Tianbao, but the smile did not smile and nodded. "Well, that day, the treasure will go down..."

He also knows that this time he is an outsider. The four major factions do not work together to crowd out him. It is already good.

Therefore, Tianbao Taoist people do not want to, but they have to endure, first ran to the lake.

On the same day, when Baodao people were going to dive into the lake, Lu Wu suddenly moved!


Lu Wu footed the flames, suddenly a dive, first fell to the lake!

Immediately, the flames of Lu Wu’s body turned into a blue ice fire, and a blue tail flew toward the lake!

At that time, the whole lake was covered with cold fog, and the ice covered the entire lake directly!

On the day when the treasure ancestors made a mistake, Lu Wu suddenly looked up and opened his mouth, and a group of ice flames condensed from its mouth!


The gust of wind swept the flames of blue and white ice, turned into a tornado storm, and rushed toward the Tianbao ancestors!

Tianbao ancestors looked shocked and hurriedly took out their own gold bullion!

The gold ingot saw the wind soaring, directly turned into a copper wall, and the golden light blocked it in front of him!


The chilling wind and shock waves are deafening, even those who are a few miles away are shocked!

The other ancestors also had a tight mentality. After all, Lu Wu’s gods, they are also quite taboo.

However, when they found out that Tianbao’s ancestors successfully blocked Lu’s offensive, they all showed a bit of joy!

Tianbao ancestors also came back to taste, although this Luwu is very strong, but it seems that ... is not strong enough to make him unable to resist?

"Sure enough... This Lu Wu is pregnant with Liujia, it is already inferior to the former, it is against the Tianbao, the boy under the lake, there must be problems!" Xuanhai ancestors laughed and laughed.

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