My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1577: Unruly


Jiang Yan smiled and said: "Light rain, when is it coming back, just right, just want to open a meal."

"Jiang Yan, I have something to talk to Sister Sue, eat it later," Lan Yu said.

"What is it, so anxious, can't eat and say it again..." Jiang Yan looked a little confused and seemed to be worried.

When Lan Yu grinned and shook his head, he said that there was no major event. After entering the house, he said: "Sister Sue, I have to ask you something, can you go to the study room?"

Su Guangxue nodded, let the group draw their own paintings first, and then went upstairs with the blue rain.

In the study, when the door was closed, the blue rain smile suddenly dissipated, the face was tense, and the voice was trembling: "Sister Sue... I... I can’t feel Ye Fange..."

Although Su Xiaoxue had some hunch, but when he heard this, he stood still there, silent for half a minute.

After taking a deep breath, Su Xiaoxue tried to calm himself down, walked to the desk, held the table with one hand, and thought for a while, and turned back: "There are several possibilities that will make you feel like him..."

When Lan Yu thought about it, he frowned and said: "Only I can take out the spirits, and Ye Fange can't take it out by himself. He has no need to do it for our peace of mind...

It is possible to go to some special places, but this probability is very small, and the ability to perceive the spirits is tested by countless seniors.

There is also the possibility that in the short time, in the short time, the spirits are killed... but... but this is only theoretically possible..."

Su Xiaoxue turned around and looked at the blue rain when he looked coldly. "You still have a possibility to say nothing..."

When the blue rain and the body trembled, the hand was tightened, and there was a scar of crystal in the water.

"He may have already..."

"No!" When the blue rain directly interrupted Su Shixue, he quickly said: "Sister Su! No! Ye Fange is definitely in trouble. Let's go find him now!" ”

Su Qingxue slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyes were slightly reddish, and after quietly thinking for a while, he said, "Do you know where he is?"

When the blue rain nodded, "I can feel the position where he finally disappeared!"

"Okay, then go to Sally Ye now, don't tell her, let Sally leave with you, secret action!" Su light snow road.

When the blue rain screamed, "Sister Sue, don't you go with us?"

Su Xiaoxue shook his head. "I can't go. If I suddenly go to some strange places, the target will be too obvious. Let some people know that it is very likely to cause more trouble.

No matter what happened to him... The longer he leaves, the more we have to stand firm and seem to have nothing to do.

If he really has trouble, it means that the enemy is very strong, there are more people going, and nothing can be changed. Only Sally... There is a probability to reverse the situation..."

When the blue rain suddenly, nodded, indeed, in the days when Ye Fan was not there, there must be a lot of eyes on the side of Su Shixue.

If Su Shixue looks around for Ye Fan, then it will be discovered by the people who are in the heart. If the enemy is attracted, then something big will happen.

"Sister Sue, I am going to find Sally now, wait for the situation, then contact you!" When the blue rain.

When the blue rain did not delay, he jumped out from the balcony and quickly disappeared into the night.

Su Xiaoxue seemed to have lost his strength. He sat down on the carpet softly, reaching out and touching the green ring, taking a deep breath, but still could not restrain the body's shudder...

"Why... why are you always like this..."

Su Xiaoxue lowered his head and choked for a while. After reaching out and rubbing his eyes, he stood up.

She picked up the phone and dialed a number...

"Su Xin, immediately investigate the whereabouts of the elders of the World Union League... Don't worry about anything! Investigate their contact information, or their specific location! The more detailed the better!"

After the order was completed, Su Xiaoxue went to the mirror and sorted out the appearance before he walked out of the study...


Ancient fairyland, Hongyue Island, deep in the lake...

Ye Fan did not know how long he had been in the crazy aura of this weak water.

The pain makes every second become very long, but every second of persistence makes Ye Fan have more determination and perseverance to challenge the next second!

The sails around Ye Fan’s body are getting higher and higher. I don’t know how much time has passed. The whole person seems to have been wrapped in a golden huge drop of water!

The body of the sword **** of Ye Fan, from the original limit of three meters of sword, has been continuously compressed and reduced to coincide with the whole person of Ye Fan...

A subtle feeling, at this moment, appeared!

Ye Fan unexpectedly found that his body was subjected to extreme swordsmanship and excessive reiki, and the pain was slowly reduced.

If you carefully observe with the gods, you will find that every cell of your body, every meridian, every muscle and organ tissue seems to have been washed through constant aura. After death and new life, there is a qualitative leap! ?

In other words, it is not that Ye Fan is numb to pain, but his own physique is getting stronger!

A wound that might have been torn open with a sword will become less vulnerable, so it will not be so painful!

Ye Fan suddenly came over! While recovering the flesh with the help of weak water aura, I am actually quenching my body!

It is as if the steel is in good shape, and the body is in the weak water. Although there is a probability that it will be abolished, as long as the balance is controlled and persisted, it will naturally be transformed!

After the physical strength is fully strengthened, Ye Fan finds that the consumption of his double disintegration is not so great, and the control of the ultimate sword is more convenient!

In Dantian, the compression and condensation of Jianyi Jindan is a lot easier than before!

Originally, Ye Fan’s process was like a three-year-old child, using a pair of tender and delicate hands to go with a large bowl of flour.

It is naturally difficult to make this big pot of flour into a good dough, relying on the strength and hands of a child.

But now, Ye Fan seems to have changed from a three-year-old child to a teenager in his teens.

To make a pot of flour into a dough, although it will still be tired, it will not be too difficult!

Swordsmanship is improved, and it is necessary to start from the improvement of the basic quality of the body!

After Ye Fan felt that it was no longer so painful, he finally had a bit of energy and checked the situation on the lake...

Suddenly, Ye Fan heard the screams from Luwu, including the anger, unwillingness, pain and exhaustion, and let Ye Fan’s heart tighten!

I didn’t know how much time I spent. I had to go out as soon as possible. This **** guy, even the younger Lu Wu, would not let go...

Ye Fan’s eyes showed a burst of killing, even if he accelerated the knot, it would make the body pain, and he couldn’t care too much!

The state is raised to the extreme, and a liquid liquid sword meaning is extremely compressed in the Dantian of Ye Fan!

A golden dragon that has not yet been fully formed, spinning at a rapid speed, seems to be the same as the pocket nuclear bomb that will be detonated at any time!

There is no doubt that Ye Fan has no turning back. If this moment stops the knot, Dan Tian will be crushed by the horrible swordsmanship released!

Although it is Ye Fan's own sword, when it is tanned, it seems to have evolved into a more powerful beast, and is not willing to be tamed by Ye Fan!

It’s like telling Ye Fan unruly – you don’t deserve me!

Ye Fan's eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, and the golden dragon's blood is constantly stimulating to release Longwei, let him stay awake, and curb the anti-phagosis of Jianyi...

"Jie Dan...Jie Dan...Give me a knot!" Ye Fan kept roaring in his heart!

The uncertain Jindan is struggling with Ye Fan, but as more and more swords are squeezed in, the brilliance of it is becoming more and more flamboyant! Eye-catching!

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