"Yeah, I just got things done, I want to give you a peace, what happened?"

Ye Fan frowned, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Great! You are finally back! Blue rain seems to be worried about you, shouting Sally leaves, saying that I am going to find you!"

Later, Sister Su also set off with them. I don't know where to go. You should call Su sister! "Foggy night said busy."

Ye Fan’s face sank. “I’m calling a light snow... I can’t connect... Where have they been?”

The foggy night is stunned. "I... I don't know, they are very anxious to leave... How can they not get through? Is it a signal problem?"


There are not many places in the world where the signal is not received.

Ye Fan suddenly thought of something, immediately said: "Hey! You can find a way to contact them, see if you can contact, I will go to them now, they may be dangerous!"

I heard the foggy night, and immediately, "Oh! I am looking for a technician on the island to see if I can contact."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fan returned the phone to the black emperor.

"Master, I am leaving! Goodbye!"

The black emperor frowned, and he seemed to be in a state of emergency. He stopped directly and stopped. "Go ahead."

Ye Fan nodded, ran off the car and quickly entered an alley, then the figure turned into a shadow, like lightning, slammed into the air...


The snowy world of the sky, the center of the Antarctic continent.

A huge black pyramid on the edge of an igloo.

"Someone is coming, very evil atmosphere..." said the wandering Virgin Rania.

"It's Sally... but how could she come here?"

Sisley pulled back his knowledge from meditation, got up from the cushion, and took the lead to go out with some doubt.

Several other elders have followed.

"Is that Xiaorou leaking the wind? She hasn't seen anyone in the past few days. Will she go to the people of INFERNO to talk about Lucifer?" Feitian Luosha Nangong suspected.

"Xiaorou is fun, but not a big mouth, not going to make irresponsible remarks everywhere. The secret of leaking here is not good for her," said Sisley.

At this moment, in the air, a golden snake fluttered with wings and flew down. The sun was sitting on the light snow and the blue rain.

Behind Sally leaves the magic wing, landing at the same time.

Seeing this huge golden flying snake, a group of elders of the World Union are quite astonished. Although Xiaojin did not maximize the release of his body shape, it has already made them feel shocked!

"What snake is this?"

“Is it the legendary python?” Several elders whispered a few words, all of which were full of interest.

Su Xiaoxue and others who came down from Xiao Jin at this time were actually quite shocked.

No one expected that there would be such a building in the area of ​​this Antarctic center!

The group of people who appeared in front of them, the pressure on them is extremely huge, just like the clan ancestors of the ancient gods!

But at this moment, women such as Su Qingxue can't show fear and uneasiness. They must ensure that they are not looked down on in order to have the capital of conversation.

"It turns out that you are Su Xiaoxue, the new owner of Ghost Valley, the wife of Lucifer... You used the power of Ghost Valley to find it here?" Heathley asked coldly.

Su Xiaoxue pressed his heart and said with a calm face: "This should be the great elder of the World Alliance, the still witch, the Sisley predecessor."

Yes, I used the power of the eye, but I didn't mean to offend."

"If you dare to check us, you have already offended. What is unintentional?" Sisley was not pleased.

Su Xiaoxue said: "The reason why this is the case is because the World Alliance first came to provoke my husband, and since he left with you, this time has disappeared."

"Oh? So... are you here to find Lucifer?" Heathley said indifferently: "Lucifer should have confessed to you, don't provoke us to join the World Alliance. You know, you are playing with fire and self-immolation..."

"We just want to know the whereabouts of Ye Fange! Is he in this black tower!?" When the blue rain could not help, he pointed to the town of Xianta.

Behind the Nangong 岷 恻恻 恻恻 恻恻 :: "You little girl, this breath ... is the **** of the gods?"

When the blue rain frowned, "Who are you?"

Nangong 岷嘿嘿 laughed and said: "You still don't deserve the name of the old man. You don't even have to ask Lucifer's whereabouts. Since you dare to investigate our world, you don't want to leave!"

Sally leaves a hint of purple-red light, and she sternly said: "Since we dare to come, we are ready for everything.

If you do not say the whereabouts of my king, then we INFERNO will make all your information public!

Are you not going to die? At that time, see how you still live! ”

"Yes! It's a big deal to make things big! Tell you! If it isn't for Ye Fange, the Doomsday King will kill all of you!" When the blue rain is not afraid of things, the first half and the half will blow first. The cow said again.

"Little girl... What do you think you can scare? Just rely on one of your gods, two away from the dust, and dare to scare me here!"

Tianshan Snow Maiden Qianxiu screamed coldly and said: "I will let you know that you are disrespectful to the World Alliance!"

I saw that Qian Qianxiu condensed a group of white real yuan, was about to start, but was stopped by Heathley.


Qian Qianxiu turned back, "The big elders, they have already committed taboos, you can't even let this go?"

"Hey elders, this Su Shixue has the eyes of the sky, the two forces of the Xuanming clan, plus INFERNO, if they leaked the secrets of our relegation alliance, then it would be a big deal..." Rania reminded.

Thousands of embroidered eyebrows, hesitated for a while.

Sisley asked: "Su Xiaoxue, there is one thing, I am very strange... Why are you not willing to wait any longer, maybe... After a while, Lucifer will go back."

Su Xiaoxue hesitated and said: "Because we have reason to believe that my husband has encountered trouble."

"How do you know?"

Su Xiaoxue feels a little risky, but in this case, he is at a disadvantage. If you don't try to talk, you really have to have a chance.

"Spirit... you know?" Su light snow road.

Nangong岷 loudly said: "What!? Lucifer's body is full of spirits!?"

"Do you know?" asked Blue Rain.

Nangong couldn’t help but laughed and said: “It’s the same! You demon girl, have planted a scorpion in Lucifer? Is it that you can’t feel it, so you will be eager to find it?”

"What is it?" When the blue rain hesitated.

Nangong ecstasy, turned his head to Heathley: "The elders! The scorpion is the thing that the man can't take out himself. Once the person dies, he will not perceive it!

We can already go back in advance! Lucifer, must have died in this tower! ”

When this was said, Su Xiaoxue and Sally Ye, when the blue rain and the three women, looked pale, full of unwilling eyes, it seems that the spirit is out!

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