My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1727: ether


This string of characters, except for her in the world, I am afraid that no one can understand!

Because this is the text recorded on the axis of the Earth!

The literal meaning, translated into human language, is a phrase "I want to talk to you."

Chu Yunyao almost calmed her expression in an instant. Although her heartbeat accelerated, she still looked at Xu Lingshan without waiting for her to enter the bathroom.

Then, Chu Yunyao entered a word on the keyboard: say.

She knows that her laptop has been invaded at this time, and she only needs to type and type, and the other party can read it.

Soon, there are lines of characters on the screen...

"You can understand our civilization, you can read our thoughts, we should be friends."

Chu Yunyao sneered, typing and saying: "So, you want to kill me?"

"The assassination plan is not out of hatred and disgust, but it is purely out of respect. Your existence is a huge obstacle to my plan.

I believe that you have a deep understanding of yourself. If it is not you, humanity has failed."

Chu Yunyao continued typing: "First of all, I don't need this kind of respect. Secondly, without me, you may not have won. It is me who cracks the axis of the earth, but not necessarily only I can crack it."

"Maybe you are right. In my algorithm, the data related to our own civilization is a blind spot, but I still believe that human beings like you are extremely rare.

Before you appeared, there was never a human being that could cause me trouble in the field of technology."

Chu Yunyao blinked and suddenly understood what he was saying. "What do you mean by "prophecy" is just a big data operation?

And your algorithm has loopholes, the content related to your own civilization can't be calculated, and the odds beyond the big data range can't be calculated.

So, you have not been able to save your own civilization, nor have you foreseen that I have solved the Earth's axis, and even more than Angel's life to save me? ”

After a while, the characters reappeared: "Your summary is basically accurate, but it is not accurate about the invasion of our parent star...

Invading our civilization, its own racial characteristics, is not within our algorithm, so even if we can predict for our own civilization, it will not help.

However, these are not the purpose of my conversation with you. I hope to establish a cooperative relationship with you because the struggle between us is not good for both parties. ”

Chu Yunyao almost didn't laugh out, knocking on the keyboard: "Last week, you made a world of blood and rain, and put more than 20 missiles filled with biochemical liquid. Now, you said you want to reconcile with me?"

"Before my actions, there is no inevitable connection with the things I want to talk to you. The so-called hatred is only a narrow angle.

In the face of interests, all this is just a physiological reaction, and the greatest weakness of human beings is guided by physiological reactions.

I believe that your intelligent life will not be disturbed by these insignificant things. ”

Chu Yunyao turned a blind eye and said: "You, these purely energetic races, have never experienced the pleasure of the body, so don't just evaluate our human physiological pleasure."

"Do you think that you and I are different?"

"Otherwise? I have metabolism, I have aunt, do you have it?" Chu Yunyao asked.

The characters on the screen paused for a while, then a long list of content...

"I am from the ethereal civilization. We have appeared three billion years earlier than you humans. I have experienced countless interstellar wars and seen countless civilizations appearing and destroying."

In the long years, we gradually evolved into a complex living body from the beginning of the low-level living body. When we reached a certain period, we found that the living body has the limitations of evolution.

The life of the flesh is too short, too little information can be stored, and cell metabolism will make the flesh become a burden to explore higher civilizations.

Thus, at a certain time, we gradually evolved into an energy form, which existed in an energy way for a longer period of time, avoiding the demise of physiology.

The period in which you humans are now is only our very early state.

If you are not destroyed by other races, or self-destructive, one day or a later, one or a group of people will combine your energy of the soul with the energy of the plane to achieve a state of separation of spirits and flesh.

When material civilization reaches a certain level, the spiritual pursuit must be eternal life, and the preservation of consciousness for a longer time is the key to eternal life. This is an irreversible inevitable trend...

Therefore, human beings are early us, not heterogeneous in the full sense. The real heterogeneity is the civilization that invaded us..."

Chu Yunyao Emei, she actually recognizes this guy's theory. In some of her ideas, the pursuit of a longer life is indeed in this direction.

There are ways to change the body, but the problem is how to make the human fragile soul preserve for a long time. This is the subject of her research.

The cultivator may have taken a very different path, and Angel’s higher-level racial race is another matter.

If she wants to use science to reach her longevity, she must find ways to strengthen her soul with some energy...

"So, you told me this, the purpose is to let me be with you on the same line?" Chu Yunyao asked.

"When I came to this planet, I didn't know that our people were subjected to an abnormal fluctuation of energy, and they were completely annihilated.

Perhaps humans believe that it is caused by the global climate becoming cold and entering the glacial period, but it is actually due to some special energy fluctuations caused by a certain substance attached to the comet.

Although the energy wave lasted for a short time as the material decayed, our people did not survive.

I didn't know. Before they died, several of them were forced to create a secret database to stay on the planet in order to prevent their wisdom from being lost..."

"You are talking about the 'Axis of the Earth'?" Chu Yunyao suddenly realized, no wonder this guy did not get back the Earth's axis in advance.

It turned out that it did not know that there was such a thing in the world.

Moreover, it has previously said that their algorithms cannot calculate the things of their own civilization, and they cannot count on the existence and specific information of this thing.

"Yes, presumably you have already understood why there is a situation today.

What you have in your hands is the wisdom of some of the strongest people in our civilization, and in my hands, I have mastered some other wisdom.

Some technologies, we share, and some technology, only we have their own..."

Chu Yunyao suddenly became cheerful and said: "No wonder you come to me to negotiate... Because of the technology in my hands, some of you can't understand it?"

You are worried, if you go on like this, your only technological advantage will be gone.

It’s a pity... Now that you say this, it’s too late. If you want to use the Hongshi Stone to make a home delivery device, talk to us early, maybe you can think of a way for you.

But now, all human beings are trying to get rid of your intruder. You killed so many people. Who do you think will talk to you? ”

The screen was fixed for a while, and two lines appeared: "One, I can't convince the foolish human beings, understand our thinking, you are the first human who might believe everything I said."

Second, if I can't return to the parent star, or if our ether can't keep our home, then your planet can be destroyed at any time, because the coordinates of this planet are in our parent star's database..."

Chu Yunyao violently stunned, looking at the characters on the screen, his hands trembling and clenching, feeling the back of the cold...

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