My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1748: Happy new and tired


The monsters near the island have been killed unconsciously, and there is a trace of blood in the sea breeze.

On the edge of a reef, Nian Rujia sat on it. She seemed to have no strength to cry, but her body no longer shivered and calmed down.

What can make a monk is so tired is not the consumption of physical strength, but the embarrassment of the heart.

Ye Fan stood beside the woman, looking at the sea, listening to her telling the cause of the incident...

"I know... these things have nothing to do with you, so I am hesitant, shouldn't look for you...

I just ran away all the way, afraid that Han Yuntao would catch up. I really didn't expect to meet you here..."

Nian Rujiao said faintly, looked up and looked at the man's back.

This is a stranger, but she has a man who is constantly ignoring the relationship.

Ye Fan’s eyes flashed in the cold, a few regrets, a few low-pitched: "I have doubts about the cold clouds, but I have to say that he is well hidden...

It’s still a big idea. If I killed him and left, I wouldn’t have what happened today.”

"How can this blame you, I thought that the condensed wind of ungratefulness has already avenged the husband..." Nian Rujiao said.

Ye Fan turned around and looked at the woman with a gaze: "Gillian, there is something you said wrong, this thing... has something to do with me, not only because of you, but also because of the cold star that died.

When I buried the cold star, I promised that if I found the enemy who harmed him, I would avenge him... So, Han Yuntao is not dead, and what I promised is not over. ”

Nian Rujiao slightly stunned, and there was some confusion in his mind...

Promise the cold star, revenge for him, this can be understood, after all, Ye Fan has a lot of benefits with the identity of the cold star.

That...not only because of her, but what does it mean?

For her, will she also take revenge? Why is that?

Moreover, why did he call himself "Gillian" and he did not listen to a sense of abruptness...

Nian Rujia thought of this, the heartbeat was a little chaotic, took a deep breath and let myself not think about those.

"Light rain, come over", Ye Fan shouted at the time when the blue rain was not far away.

When Lan Yu was playing with a bunch of special jewelry bought by the latest, after all, she was still a playful age. Even if she didn't pay attention to her, she could play for a long time.

When I heard Ye Fan call her, the blue rain speeded up the jewelry and ran briskly. "Well, Ye Fan brother?"

She estimated that the two had some special words to communicate, and she could not understand, so she did not bother.

Ye Fan saw Rujiao's fascinating look and explained: "Gillian, she...she is my woman, called blue rain."

Although hesitated, Ye Fan said it frankly.

Although Nian Rujiao is a simple temper, but also a woman, this kind of thing is naturally sensitive.

She had already noticed this fresh and beautiful woman, listening to Ye Fan’s introduction, and her guess was confirmed.

However, there is nothing unexpected about Nian Rujiao. After all, such a powerful monk as Ye Fan, who has a Taoist or something, is normal, and some even have several Taoists.

As for the loss, what is sad, Nian Rujiao did not think, but it is a little resentment.

Since he has a Taoist, why should he deceive her feelings? Is it a matter of blue rain?

In addition, Nian Rujiao also wondered, Ye Fan and the words of the blue rain conversation, why have never heard of it? Is it a whisper?

Although there were all kinds of questions in my mind, Nian Rujiao was very polite to follow the blue rain.

This time, the blue rain was embarrassing, and she also learned a trick.

"Ye Fan brother, have you introduced me to this sister?" asked Lan Yu.

"Tell it," Ye Fan said.

"How did you introduce it? Did you say that I am your sister? Or are you?" Blue Rain asked some grievances.

Ye Fan frowned. "Do you think so?"

"Because she doesn't seem to be lost at all, she doesn't complain, it doesn't matter, it seems that I am by your side.

Did she know before that there are many young ladies around you? Or is this sister very open? "Blue rain is curious."

Ye Fan was crying and laughing, and this mind turned very fast. This wave of analysis is a bit powerful.

Suo Yefan is too lazy to explain, just say: "Yeah, I will say that you are my fault! Let her not care too much!"

"Hey! Too much! Happy new and old!" When the blue rain was savage, "When I learned the language, I must tell her that you are a big liar!"

"When you learn to talk about it," Ye Fan touched the girl's head and said: "We set off and let Xiaojin come over."

When the blue rain reluctantly pulled out a delicate bamboo flute, and then blew a piece of music.

This is the tone of her contact with Xiaojin, so it is convenient to call this patron.

Although Ye Fan can go directly to Xiaojin, but yelling, it is better to let the girl blow a song.

Not long after, Xiao Jin flew out of the sea.

It stands to reason that the snake's hearing is very poor, and even can be said no.

However, after all, Xiaojin has evolved and does not know how many times, and the hearing is extremely sharp. Even in the deep sea, this special temperament can be heard.

Nian Rujiao saw this giant, scared instincts back two steps.

In a blink of an eye, Xiaojin became a small figure of the length of his arm, lazily hanging on the shoulder of Ye Fan.

When Nian Rujia saw this scene, she couldn't help but blink in the eyes. I have to say that Xiaojin, who is getting smaller, is still a small pet that is very popular among women.

"Gillian, let's go, are you a sword, or are you with me?" Ye Fan asked.

"Walk? Where are you going?" Nian Rujiao asked.

Ye Fan smiled. "Are you still asking?"

Nian Rujiao's heart string is fastened. Although she knows that Ye Fan is very strong, she really wants to find Han Yuntao to avenge her. It is equivalent to the whole cold door.

In her heart, there is some uneasiness, not only the casualties that may be caused by the battle, but also how she should face the sects that grew up in the future.

"Why, you don't want to take revenge for Leng Xingchen, Lengyu and Mo Xinzhi?" asked Ye Fan.

I remembered Rujiao and remembered the in-laws’ intention to protect her and to go to death with generosity. She immediately and firmly said: "No, I want revenge! Please help me..."

"You don't have to ask me, this is what I promised to be cold stars." Ye Fan felt a sigh of relief, and the woman used the word "seeking" to show that she still wanted to keep her distance.

Ye Fan called out three flying swords and said: "Tread my flying sword, the speed will be faster."

When the blue rain light car jumped up the road, Nian Rujiao squatted, and then stood up.

In fact, the swordsmanship, the monks in the ancient fairy spirits will be everywhere, and you will be able to recite yourself.

However, it is possible to control a large number of flying swords at the same time, and to carry other people at the same time and to fly smoothly at the same time, it requires a very high kendo.

Ye Fan took the two women and flew up into the air, thinking of something. Facing the Yuxi Taoist people who had been staying near the island, they shouted: "This time you did a good job, I remembered."

When the jade Taoist heard this, there was a ecstasy in his heart. He never left, but he actually waited for this affirmation.

As long as this "extraordinary high-ranking person" recorded his credit, he is making a big profit!

"Give me the predecessors!" Yuxi Taoist is busy taking the lead to say goodbye.

Ye Fan did not say more, Yu Jian quickly flew to the direction of the cold door.

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