My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1753: If there is an afterlife



Ye Fan ran quickly, picked up the woman, gave her a pulse, and found that the pulse is constantly weak! ?

The true elements of the monks of the earth can not save the decline of physiological functions, which is clearly a sign of gradual exhaustion!

"You...what are you doing!?" Ye Fan’s eyes were red and he gnashed his teeth: "If you don't want to go with me, you don't have to commit suicide!!"

Ye Fan feels that his heart will be broken. If it is because of his kindness to himself, he feels too heavy and unbearable, then isn’t he the murderer who killed the woman?

He would rather recite Ru Jiao alone, and she is not willing to die like this!

At this time, the blue rain also heard the movement, ran over, and found the girl, the girl was also paralyzed.

Although this poisonous grass is everywhere in the ancient fairy world, but who will be fine, to challenge the fate of the arrangement, eat this poisonous grass?

Once taken down, it is equal to giving life to the prince, it is life and death, all by heaven!

"Gillian sister, why should this be..." When the blue rain burst into tears.

Although I only know two or three days, the language is also inconvenient to communicate, but when Lan Yu still likes this simple and gentle big sister, she is also very sympathetic to her experience.

"Taro! Think about it! Is there any way to detoxify?!" Ye Fan asked loudly.

When Lan Yu was anxiously looking for something in his storage bag, "I... I only have some herbs that can neutralize toxins.

But...but the geranium is extremely toxic. If you eat it alone, there is basically no way to change it. Why is she doing this..."

"No matter what! What is the use!" Ye Fan urged.

At this moment, Nian Rujia suddenly had a hand, and moved weakly, opening his hand.

A delicate bun in her palm.

Ye Fan saw the moment of this bun, suddenly stunned, this is the gift he had bought for a woman in the city of Hanlu.

I still remember that Nian Rujiai said that this is the first time for the "Falun", to wear her a scorpion...

"You can't put down the stars... but you can't forget you... You can't stay with you in this life. If you have an afterlife, you will report your grace..."

The voice of Nian Rujiao is getting lighter and lighter. When the tears fall and the eyes close, the whole person has no breath...

Ye Fan felt that time had solidified, and he picked up the scorpion in a dull manner, and looked at the woman who was like a white paper. It was quiet and asleep...

"Nian Rujiao... How stupid you are... How did I let you repay it... I just want you to be alive..." Ye Fan muttered.

Obviously, in the end, Nian Rujiao can't forget the cold star, but she also knows that she has never forgotten Ye Fan.

Ye Fan helped her revenge, and this kind of kindness made her even more convinced.

She did not want to betray the cold star, but she did not want to have two men in her heart. This is a disrespect for Ye Fan.

Therefore, she is stupid, choose to use Jurassic grass to make a life and death choice.

If it is dead, it is life, she went with the cold stars, and ended this life.

If it is to survive, it is equal to the day when she wants her to be a new person, and the front edge is gone, then she can cut off the past and face the emotion of Ye Fan.

All she wants is a pure emotion, not a vagueness, that is entangled on both sides.

Perhaps, for most people, this choice is too paranoid and too crazy.

But in the eyes of Nian Rujiao, this is the only way she can stay with Ye Fan without any worries.

"Gillian sister... Gillian sister, don't die..."

When the blue rain was equipped with some potions, it was poured into Nian Rujiao, but it had no obvious effect.

In fact, the breathing stops and the heartbeat stops. This situation is obviously already fragrant.

"Ye Fan brother, it seems that my potion is useless, or do you bring Gillian sister back to Purgatory Island? Angel may have a way?!" asked Blue Rain.

Ye Fan’s spirit was shocked. He was too sad, and he forgot Angel.


Ye Fan said nothing, directly picking up Nian Rujiao, Yu Jian with the blue rain together, quickly flew to the exit.

Xiaojin didn't pay attention to it at this moment, and saw Ye Fan himself go first, rushed to catch up, chasing can not catch up, can not help but feel self-confident.

When Ye Fan came out of the exit, Sisley and other elders of the Union League were guarding.

Seeing Ye Fan came out, I was about to ask how the following was done, but I saw that Ye Fan had no time to take care of them and flew away directly!

"Great elders, I am not mistaken, how can it seem that there is more than one person? Isn't it two people?" an elder asked wonderingly.

Heathley's complex complexion, frowning: "It seems that Lord Lucifer has something to do, you should first fix this entrance, I will ask."

Purgatory Island, Ye Fan hurriedly fell to the castle.

"Angel! Angel!!"

Ye Fan shouted directly and alerted the members of the entire castle.

Sally and Asmontis and others came out and asked what was going on.

But Ye Fan has time to explain, hurriedly holding people upstairs.

Angel was practicing in the room and found that Ye Fan was shouting at her, and her heart was swaying, but she immediately suppressed it.

"This **** will not like a human..."

Angel had just finished reading a sentence, and she saw Ye Fan suddenly broke into her boudoir!

When I saw Ye Fan’s moment, in Angel’s eyes, suddenly there was a starlight...

"Angel! Look at it, can you save her!" Ye Fan put Nian Rujia on the bed and urged him to ask.

Angel returned to God, shook his head, took a deep breath, and then looked calmly and looked at Rujiao.

One discovery was a beautiful woman, she was a little unhappy in her eyes, proudly glanced at the curly hair of the linen, said: "Is this woman very heavy to you?"

"It's very important!" Ye Fan nodded.

"You..." Angel was eager to say something, but found that there was an inexplicable sadness in Ye Fan’s eyes.

Angel couldn’t help but feel distressed and drums up and said: "This **** knows... God has checked her first..."

"Thank you," Ye Fan said honestly.

Angel turned and went to the mouth to read some incomprehensible words, a holy white light, which was scattered from her hands and wrapped in Nian Rujiao.

At this moment, many people came to the door, and they all looked with suspicion and concern.

Sally Ye pulled the hand of Lashi Lanyu and whispered, "Small rain, what the **** is going on? Who is that woman?"

When the blue rain wiped the wet corner of the eye, he said: "She is called Nguyen Jiao, who is in the ancient fairy spirit world. She is a very good sister... She seems to be unable to open, commit suicide... It’s hard to say..."

It’s no wonder that a group of people are stunned. It’s no wonder that Rujia’s looks and hairstyles, the clothes on her body, look so antique.

While everyone was watching and watching, the light on Angel’s hand dissipated, and a strange look appeared on his face.

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