My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1756: Uncomfortable


Although Ye Fan couldn't wait to pick up this delicate flower immediately, but now it is a bit hasty, if this is the first time to take away, Ye Fan will feel embarrassed. loose

When she opened the woman, Ye Fan looked at the fascinated watery eyes and took a deep breath. "

Wash it first, if the two feelings are long, and you are squatting in the dynasty, I don’t want you to leave regrets,” Ye Fan said, stroking the woman’s face.

After Rujia understood the man's mind, he nodded and asked intoxicatedly: "Wu, you still make poetry?"

"Oh..." Ye Fan replied honestly: "This is the world of the surface. It was made by a literati in history, but it was not what I thought."

Nian Rujiao starlight, "There is such a beautiful phrase in the outside world, and I really want to know the world quickly." in

In ancient times, in addition to making a living, it is cultivation. There is no such thing as a literati. Place

Therefore, the original talents like Nian Rujiao are not very high, and they are monks, and those who have no worries about life and death will be very boring.

Of course, when I get used to it, I feel very normal. Compared with the outside world, that kind of life is very boring. This

The water was also put in place, and Ye Fan looked at the bath and tried to control his own fire.

Can read Ruo Jiao seems to be very clear about his charm, from time to time will look at him with a smile. This

Looking back at a smile, it’s a perfect fit. it is good

It’s not easy for women to use all kinds of bathing supplies unfamiliarly. After washing the first bath in the new world, it’s time for Ye Fan to be “uncomfortable”...

It’s easy to blow dry your hair. When you use a small spell directly, you can dry your hair. It’s hard to change the clothes of this world...”

Fu Jun... This fabric has never been seen before. Why is the pattern so complicated, but it is hollow? ”

"Fu Jun, what is this two-piece round? Is it right before you wear it? How to wear it?"

The sails were itchy, and I couldn’t help myself. I just gnawed my teeth and called Sally.

"Sally, come in."

Sally Ye came into the room with some curiosity and saw the sight in front of her eyes. She couldn’t help but smile and smiled slightly: "Wang, let my sister give it to me."

When Nian Rujiai saw Sally leaves coming in, she shyly covered her body and her face turned red.

"Fu Jun... Where are you going?" Nian Rujiao looked at Ye Fan with uneasiness and looked at Sally, who was a hundred years younger than her. She was more like a little sister.

"I let Sally help you, this woman's thing, or a woman knows better." Ye Fanxiao smiled and said: "Don't panic, take Sally Ye as my sister, loved ones, I am waiting outside." . Read

Although Rujiao did not understand why she changed her clothes, Ai Lang had to go outside, but her sister had to come in, but it was estimated that it was the habit of the world, and she did not think much.

Although they didn't communicate with Sally's language, they smiled friendlyly and gestured, and they wore them as soon as possible. leaf

The sail came to the outer corridor and took out a cigarette. After clicking it, I took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

He picked up his mobile phone and made a phone call to Su Guangxue. He estimated that he would not say goodbye to these days, and he complained about him at home. "

The missing population is willing to return? Su Shixue asked coldly.

Fan Yan smiled and said: "Wife, how are you going to joke?"

"Is it a joke, can't you hear it?" Su Guangxue asked. leaf

Sail can hear scalp numbness, if the ancient fairy spirit has a cell phone signal, but it is also a bad habit, but I have to pay for it: "Wife, this time I am not right, next time there are conditions, I will definitely give you a report. Letters."

No, I am used to the days when you are not there. The life of a lonely woman is also very good. What's more, this time only a few days ago, the days before this are much longer..." Su Xiaoxue seems to be indifferent.

The sail sucked a bite and I couldn’t help but smile... this

The character of Su Liangxue and Nian Rujiao are really sharp contrasts.

However, I don’t know why, I feel the tenderness of Rujiao’s tenderness, and I feel the cold words of Su Shixue. He also finds it very interesting...

Is this the beauty of "Ice and Fire Two Heavens"? "

What are you laughing at? Su Guangxue heard that the man was actually "smirking" and he was about to blow up. This guy even dared to laugh!

Ye Fan was busy converging, and the color said: "I am very happy to hear the voice of my wife, I can't help but smile." "

Stop it! I see that you are happy in the ancient fairy world, don't think about it! ?

What happened to the woman in the ancient fairy world! ? When do you want to take me to me! ? Su Shixue asked directly.

Sail raised his eyebrows, "Is this news so fast?"

"Do you think that Ghost Valley's intelligence is a display, or do you think that Xiaoyu's little mouth is very strict?" Su Xiaoxue said coldly. leaf

The sail is secretly stunned, this girl is really not reliable, so I went around so quickly... no

It’s been a half-day to go through the rosary, and it’s normal to pass it into Su’s ears. "

That...wife, things are long, I will go back and explain to you," Ye Fan said.

No explanation! Anyway, you don't care about my feelings at all! "Say

Finished, "beep" and the phone hangs. leaf

The sail stared at the phone, and the man who dared to hang up his phone all the time, the woman in his house.

"Well, what happened to Sister Su?"

At this time, Sally leaves out and cares about it.

Ye Fan shook his head and said: "Nothing, I will go back and explain to her, and slowly make her happy, how are you?"

Sally Ye Qianran smiled and stretched out her hand to recite Rujiao. She said she was hesitant to walk out. only

Seeing that the green silk of Rujiao was all put down, the tip made a simple wave with a curling iron, which highlighted her mature and graceful temperament. certain

The international long-sleeved long-sleeve top with a white pleated skirt reveals a pair of filigree legs.

The whole person looks like a fashion and elegant everyone, how can you see the shadow of the ancient fairy world?

Obviously, Nian Rujiao is very unaccustomed to such a dress, and asks Ye Fan uneasyly: "Frank, isn't it ugly?"

The sail smiled. "What is not ugly? It is very beautiful. You look beautiful, how to wear it."

Nian Rujiao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sweetly. "

In fact, my sister’s dress in the ancient fairy world is also very beautiful. Maybe it can be changed. We will exchange it later.” Sally Ye is quite interested in authenticity.

The sail shrugged. "You will talk slowly later, come and eat." just

Going downstairs, I saw the phone rang again. leaf

The sail thought it was Su Shixue’s temper, and his heart was excited. He could pick up and see that it was Chu Yunyao?

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