My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1762: Arrange


"Go, go in and see", Ye Fan frowned.

When a few people came to the office where they recorded their confession, they saw a bald head on their head, a famous brand, a big gold watch, a little old man with a figure, and a table inside.

"How big is it! No one is dead! Are you guys idle and doing nothing??

Leading the taxpayer's money, I bully me an old man! ? Dong Weisheng pointed at a police officer across the table.

The police officers in the office did not dare to be too harsh. They had to endure. For them, the family of the sword-bearing man was really a hot potato.

"Noisy noisy!? Answer the question well! Noisy is a hindrance to official duties!" Yao Zhengang walked into the lesson.

"You, this little secretary, is also equipped to take care of me!? I want to report you!! You are abusing power!!" Dong Weisheng is not afraid.

Yao Zhengang turned helplessly and smiled at Ye Fan. He did not know what to do.

Dong Weisheng turned his head and saw Zhou Xinjiang coming in behind him. He couldn't help but scream at his eyes: "You Lao Wang Ba, dare to report the case!? You are so bold!!"

Zhou Xinjiang is not afraid. "Why, you are stinking and losing your game. Is it reasonable to beat people?"

"How did I hit you? Not that you fell yourself!? Who let yourself go to the flower bed!?

Sesame mung beans are a big thing, but also used here! ? What are you counting, when my son comes, you are waiting to die! ! Smelly shameless..."

"To shut up!"

Before he continued to speak, Ye Fan directly stunned him.

Ye Fan did not want to start an old man, just released some killings, and his eyes warned.

But even if this is the case, Dong Weisheng was scared to be in a hurry and suddenly became a child.

He remembered that his son had gone home twice, and occasionally his unconscious eyes were the kind of murderous people who had been on the battlefield.

Although I don’t know who Ye Fan is, Dong Weisheng still stopped, thinking that waiting for his son to come, see what you are still looking good!

When the police officers saw that Dong Weisheng was finally honest, he began to make a transcript.

At this moment, there was a "哐哐哐" helicopter propeller sound outside.

"Haha! My son is here! You are all over!" Dong Weisheng stood up fiercely and smiled proudly.

Ye Fan stood at the door and looked at Yao Zhengang with some confusion. He asked: "He is a deputy commander, a helicopter for travel?"

Not to mention that this helicopter disturbs the people, the arrangement is almost bigger than himself. Ye Fan thought that he often took the subway...

Yao Zhengang is puzzled. How does Ye Fan seem to know how to understand the sword?

"Oh... Mr. Ye, the swordman has independent air rights, because sometimes he needs a helicopter to carry out his mission.

The deputy commander like Dong Yang does have the power to dispatch helicopters, but it is reasonable to say that it should not be used.

He may have received a call from him, rushed over and took the helicopter."

Yao Zhengang smiled bitterly: "In fact, he has already threatened me on the phone just now, let me hurry to let go, or I want to finish my career! But my old Yao Yao is the kind of villain who fears the dignitaries?

As the saying goes, 'Anneng can't be happy if you break the eyebrows and lose weight.' Can you fold your waist for five buckets?

I told him righteously that I am a public servant of the people and I have to deal with it according to law, even if he is a swordman... Mr. Ye, how are you leaving? Haven't finished yet..."

Ye Fan, who is interested in listening to this cargo bragging, went straight to the parking lot and watched a black helicopter descend.

Outside the helicopter, a golden "Hell Swordman" badge is printed.

The ups and downs of the wind brought the turmoil, and the people in the whole bureau were very nervous. Many people came out and carefully discussed it.

Waiting for the decline to stop, from the top down a man wearing a special camouflage military uniform.

The man has a thick eyebrow, a high nose, a tall and tall body, a temperament, and a badge of the swordman.

The original badge that Ye Fan liked, which appeared on the helicopter and the man’s uniform, made Ye Fan feel a bit dazzling...

Ye Fan’s face was more and more ugly.

"The helicopter doesn't have to stop, I will take my dad out and go straight!"

The camouflage uniformed man was Dong Yang, and he gave a confession to the pilot behind him.

"Yes!" The pilot saluted very respectfully.

Subsequently, Dong Yang took a deputy wearing glasses and walked the wind and stepped forward.

The expressions of the two men were arrogant, their eyes were staring straight ahead, and everyone around them was too lazy to look at them.

Ye Fan stood at the door. He thought that Dong Yang would recognize him. Although he had never seen it, the sword-bearer should always know something about his sword god.

Unexpectedly, this guy didn't even look at him even when he saw it?

"Yao Zhengang! Hello, bold! My dad, you dare to catch!?" Dong Yangjin went to see Yao Zhengang and pushed it straight away!

"Hey!" Yao Zhengang couldn't help but force the people from this special team to push the ground and fall to the ground.

Dong Yang did not care about him at all, and went directly to the office.


"Son! Son, I am here!" Dong Weisheng was already arrogant at this moment, walked out of the office, and stood upright, waving to Dong Yang.

Dong Yang walked over and looked at it carefully. "What are they not doing to you?"

"Haha, this gang of turtles, can you really move me? I smashed them and they dare?!"

Dong Weisheng sneered and pointed to Zhou Xinjiang. "Son, the old turtle, the bastard, reported the case, and he wrestled and broke his head.

This kind of stinky face, you have to ask them to take care of it! Grab it in for seven years and eight years! ”

Dong Yang looked coldly in a circle and said: "Dad, you can rest assured, I will talk to their superiors, abuse of power, is a big problem."

A group of police officers listened to these words, and they all looked unwilling, and they dared not speak.

"Son, just a little young, just fiercely scared me! Let me shut up! You can't let go of that guy!" Dong Weisheng said.

"Oh?" Dong Yang was even more unhappy. "Where is that man?"

Dong Weisheng looked down and pointed to the door. "That kid!"

Dong Yang just looked up and looked at Ye Fan.

Ye Fanzheng took out a cigarette with him, and smoked a cigarette at the door. The father and son in front of him were just a small problem. The key was that he was a little annoyed and a little angry...

What kind of **** management does this old Xie engage in, how can I raise such garbage in such a time?

Is it the overall problem of the sword-bearing person, or is it the problem of this body?

Today, this incident, he met, where he did not see, the sword-bearing people also have such a deceptive deception, borrowed the name of his sword **** to sway the martial arts guys?

Although he is not particularly concerned about the face image, can make these stinky fish rotten shrimp stink his reputation, Ye Fanzhen can bear it?

What makes Ye Fan annoyed is that Xie Linyuan did not call?

To this extent, Xie Linyuan has already heard the news, but he did not contact, the reason is that I do not know how to explain? Or is he also afraid?

Have to say, many years of brotherhood, this time, Ye Fan is a little disappointed with Xie Linyuan.

"Hey, kid, look up." Dong Yang has already walked to Ye Fan at this time. He is half a head higher than Ye Fan and asks with a frown.

Ye Fan took a cigarette and said: "Don't bother me..."

He has already planned to clean up the portal, but it is not easy to get started in the Defense Agency.


Dong Yang thought that he had misunderstood. Since he entered the sword-bearing people and became a high-ranking high-ranking person, his status has risen and he is not respectful. The top leader in Huahai City is welcoming!

The deputy behind him was also angry. "Bad boy! Who are you talking to?! Dong commander is also something you can provoke!? Do it right with the swordman, don't want to live!?"

Ye Fan said much more, silently.

Dong Yang was extremely angry and laughed. He could not detect the atmosphere of the ancient warriors in Ye Fan. Even if they were ancient warriors, they were not afraid of the sword-bearers. After all, they were against the ancient warriors.

In addition, the local ancient warriors of Huahai are registered, and he basically knows that the man in front of him is obviously not on the list.

"I counted three times and looked up. Let me see what your arrogant face looks like..." Dong Yang began to count and count: "Three...two..."

Waiting for him to count to three, Ye Fan looked up, his cold eyes directly gave him a sigh!

Ye Fan violently violently violently, his hand grabbed the neck of the goods like a thunder, and then took a half-lit cigarette directly into his mouth!


Just listen to Dong Yang’s painful snoring!

Ye Fan's fist directly smashed the teeth of this guy's mouth! Cigarette butts, blood and teeth straight into the throat!

After the end of the palm directly pushed the goods on the side of the deputy, the two hit the next, the deputy directly ribs broke, spurting a blood!

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