My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1777: Cool down and keep warm

1777 but

With such high-intensity energy shock waves, all kinds of consumption, the unparalleled swordsmanship of Ye Fan's double disintegration state, after all, has the power of at least long habitat. what

In the case of Fire Dragon Dragon Soul Bodyguard, Ye Fan’s mental strength has not received any pressure.

Ye Fan stood in the protective range of the sword shield, and his heart was awkward. This guy should not think that such a level of energy attack can kill him? but

After thinking deeply, Ye Fan suddenly had a cold brain!

bad! Tune the tiger away from the mountain! ? This

The guy is just trapping him here, so that you can catch the Nie Wuyue and the group! ?

If they are in other places, there will always be someone who will secretly protect them, but here, there is no helper! One

Mindful of this, Ye Fan no longer dared to wait like this, ready to be hit directly by the energy shock wave, separated thousands of flying swords, and shot out in all directions! band

Flying swords with flaming red flames, like countless meteors, indiscriminately attacking all directions of energy light cannons! "


After a series of explosions, the outer energy beam is missing a large piece. These guns are naturally not the opponents of the sword. can

Yes, Ye Fan has lost a part of Feijian, and there are also several loopholes. There are a few energy shocks that fall on Ye Fan’s body!

Ye Fan snorted and quickly sneaked away from the position where the beams penetrated. but

Even so, he has three places on his body, and his skin is fleshy, like being burnt.

Although it can heal quickly, but also has to let Ye Fan be surprised, the weapon of Heaven is really powerful, if you do not have a flying sword to block, just rely on the body of the sword, I am afraid it is a bit too much! This

The point injury is not a big deal for Ye Fan. He manipulates the flying sword, and the whirlpool sweeps through the space and destroys the remaining energy cannon. Do not

What else is there in this spaceship, Ye Fan directly took out the black giant sword and rushed to the metal at the top of the arc! "

Xiao Xiaochen star! "leaf

The giant sword in the sail quickly condensed the blazing light, and suddenly flew out and threw a brilliance!


The top of the spacecraft was bulged, but it was not broken! ? "

How is it possible..."

The sails are stunned, this ethereal spaceship, even the emperor-class sword of the long-lived power, can't break it down? ! more

What makes Ye Fan feel incredible is that the metal that is being deformed is slowly changing back to its original shape! ?

Memory metal! ? leaf

The sail was once again surprised by the technology of the etheric civilization. The outer wall of this spacecraft can not only resist the attack of the long habitat, but also repair itself! ? difficult

Blame the ancient times, the power of the heavens can not beat the etheric civilization, this technology has reached the point where humans can not imagine. Want

I know that human scientists all over the world are still not able to produce the product that can block the sword of Ye Fan just now! Of course

And the ether, but with such a powerful metal, made such a huge spaceship, and ... there must be more than one ship that year.

Imagine that in the middle of the fight, the etheric strongmen returned to their spaceships, and the human monks outside, even if they were cultivated in the long habitat, wouldn’t they just blink? difficult

Do you want to force yourself to make more swords than the long-lived category? Such as

If you release the body of the sword **** at this time, you may be able to penetrate this wall with the power of the heavens, but... if you bring in the sinister thunder, are you all finished? One

Gritted teeth, Ye Fan intends to try again, since a trick Xiaoxiao Chen star can not, then give it two times in a row!


The sail is now repaired, and it is far ahead of the past. Even if it is such a high-consumption sword, he can also release it. black

The Great Sword carries the heavy sword "explosive" and violently bombards the metal plate! "

boom! ! ”

As before, the sword intended to make a convex shape on the top, but failed to penetrate!

At this time, Ye Fan arrived like a sharp arrow, and a sword suddenly smashed the darkness and stabbed the protruding center point! "

breaking Dawn! ! "leaf

The sail felt his hand trembled and the arm almost didn't break! "

Hey! ”

A crisp metal break sound, Ye Fan's hand from the sword of the gods took out, the best tool flying sword, actually split into two! ?

However, at the same time, the "砰" sound came out, and the mouth was finally penetrated by Ye Fan!

Ye Fan reluctantly recalled the broken flying sword and other flying swords, rushing out against the influx of sea water! ...


On the ice of the sea, it is snowy.

The group and the **** are chasing and playing, very happy, but a few women are very worried. "

Did you feel it just now? It seems like there is vibration in the sea..." Nie Wuyue frowned.

Ru Jiao nodded and worried: "My husband won't have anything, mother, or will I go down and see?"

You can't go down. If Ye Fan is in trouble, it is useless to go. It is better to stay on top and protect the children." Nie Wuyue is busy advising.

Rujia looked at the group that was playing with carefree and nodded. positive

At this time, I saw only the snow suddenly shocked! ? Nie

No moon face changes, "a strong mental power! Magic!? The group is coming soon!!" Nie

No month hurriedly ran over, to hug some of the stunned granddaughters, but saw a sudden rise in the ice wall in front of them!

"哐哐哐!!——" Secret

Set the walls of the ice, separate the women directly!

"Grandma!" The group clung to the **** and yelled in a panic, finding that he had been locked in a small cage with ice walls on all sides!

A figure wearing a black robe and a hood appeared in the sky and overlooked everyone.

"Victoria, you traitor..."

To this voice, Nie Wuyue suddenly looked up, suddenly pale face, "End ... Doomsday King?!"

Nie Wuyue smashed, and she couldn't tell if this was a biochemical person or a real king, but no matter what kind of thing, she could not resist it!

Nian Rujiao has never seen this kind of magic, but after a horror, she is busy smashing the sword, and Liu Mei counts directly to throw a sword! "

Hey! ”

The turbidity of a cold door is like a deep blue practising, straight to the Fawang facade!

The King of Fa was just a dodge, and he avoided it. Then he raised his hand and saw hundreds of ice thorns in the air!

A cold ice thorn, bursting to the Nian Rujiao! Read

Ru Jiao waved out the sword and resisted. can

Before she finished the group of ice thorns, Fawang had already appeared behind her! "

Empty and repaired, but so arrogant, but also want to win this king? ”

Just listening to the sneer of Fawang, directly shot a fierce wind!

This tornado wind is like a knife, and the whole person will be wrapped in it, and it will be torn! "

what! ! ——" read

Rujiao screams painfully, feeling that she is constantly being separated by the wind, the wounds increase rapidly, and the blood flies!

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