My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1808: If you can survive


The nearest Xiaorou, at this time is the color of excitement, no fear. With

The golden lake is constantly spreading, and the golden flame in Xiao’s eyes is getting more and more flamboyant!

Ye Fan stepped on the golden swords of the lake, so much lazy with Xiaorou nonsense, directly thought of a move, it rolled up a huge wave of waves, whistling toward Xiaorou! single

Purely the space vibration caused by this sword, it has already made the close distance Xiaorou somewhat difficult to move, just like there will be some power in the block to block and squeeze, tearing! surface

Facing the oncoming golden swords and waves, Xiaorou just wanted to dodge, but found himself wrongly estimated the speed of this wave! ? This

The golden waves are incomparably huge, but the volume is huge, but it does not appear to be cumbersome. Instead, it is like a river dragon, and the blink of an eye has directly covered Xiao Xiao’s small body! "

Damn! "Xiaorou screamed, and quickly gathered a large number of Fengyan body.

But the phoenixes around Xiaorou couldn’t stop the liquid sword of this monk, and they were instantly annihilated!

"Boom!..." Far

The strong players at the place only felt the shaking of the mountain for a while, and they watched Xiaorou being swallowed up!

"This... What a terrible power!" The sword is actually strong enough to liquefy!?"

The key to such a huge force is in his hands, and it is easy to manipulate! ? ""

This is the power of the control of the heart of the sword... He was only in his twenties, but he broke the emperor's sword into a heart sword? ! ”

Many powerful people feel that their ideas are constantly being washed away, although they also know that the avenue is three thousand, only one can be taken.

But being able to be like Ye Fan in this way, on the way to Kendo, it’s unheard of!

A young man who is doing internal repairs, Yuanshen, is so "not influx", even relying on the body and the kendo, breaking through the sky? This is definitely not something that can be done by talent alone! "

It’s over... Even though the phoenix girl can rely on the flames of nirvana, this absolute power is crushed, she has no way! "child

The house and other groups of monks and monks, at this time feel that the battle has been divided. leaf

At this time, the sail was not interested in Guan Xiao’s life. He only wanted to rush to the scene of the clan assembly as soon as possible.

Just as he planned to directly vibrate the twelve wings and fly at the fastest speed, he suddenly felt a force that made him somewhat jealous, and suddenly appeared in the position of Xiaorou just now! ?

Ye Fan frowned, this time he really did not expect..."

It’s not over yet...” Kim

The color of the sword is scattered, and the voice of Xiaorou appears again!

Only heard the phoenix that broke through the clouds, a fiery red phoenix bird, dragging colorful feather feathers, fluttering wings! phoenix

A pair of golden phoenixes of the bird, proudly glanced at the leaf sail, and immediately swayed up to the nine heavens!

The place where the phoenix bird was born, a fiery red lotus flower, rapidly expanded from a few meters to hundreds of meters, the volley bloomed!

"Red Lotus is burning blood...not killing Honglian Phoenix Golden Body!!" Red

In the lotus center, Xiaorou's figure emerged. Her green silk grew a lot. The hair became extraordinarily fiery red from the original redness, as if it had become a burning flame, dancing with the wind!

Behind him, a pair of huge colorful phoenix wings, ten meters wide, burned colorful Phoenix, and the temperature and pressure were stronger than just now! difficult

Imagine that such a petite body can explode the power of earth-shattering again and again! One

The group of tycoons have already seen it stunned. I thought Xiaorou had already lost, but this time I found out that Xiaorou had a backhand! ? "

And... another strongman who broke through the limits of the sky? ! ""

The red lotus technique of the Phoenix blood can still burn blood again! ? "One

Time, everyone feels sighed, and does not say how the savvy, the talent of the clan blood, is too advantageous, this short-term jump of several levels of combat power, what is the ordinary monk can do? leaf

Fan frowned, he did find that at this time Xiaorou's pressure has been comparable to his goodness, and it is hard to say.

This woman is really the strongest opponent he encountered in actual combat. Such as

If it is not for me to have more important things, fight with her to fight for everything, but also die without regret.

Xiaorou smiled proudly: "All said that the dragons of the Shenlong clan are invincible, but they may not be, but some clans can't bring the blood to the extreme...

For example, the blood of our Phoenix family is not only one time. As long as it can wake up the spirit, it will be able to burn blood...

If you can survive, you can tell Xiner and Yuner in the future, and second blood burning. This is not a legend in the family..."

The sails are expressionless, there is no more nonsense, and when I raise my hand, the golden lake is rushing to Xiaorou!

Like a golden dragon, opening a huge mouth full of sharp dragon teeth, launched a storm on the colorful phoenix on the red lotus! phoenix

The bird is completely fearless, and Xiaorou condenses a purple sword with one hand and stabs it toward the golden dragon! "

Honglian Fengming sword! ”

Thousands of lotus petals flutter, and then quickly condensed, flying together to gather together!

A huge phoenix bird emerged, with Xiaorou rushing into the golden lake!

The glimmer of light, as if the world is a platinum color!

Followed by, the shock wave and the sound spread out, and the mountains in all directions and dozens of miles were shaken and shattered! One

The group of people who win the sky are far away, they can only transport the real yuan, and they have not been shocked by this shock wave! hair

In the area where the explosion occurred, the space was broken and agitated, as if a piece of glass was broken and merged. Light

The flames dissipated, and the phoenix in the sky remained, but the lake was much reduced.

Xiaorou stood in the center of the explosion, and frowned at the east side.

"You run again!?"

I saw that Ye Fan has already oscillated twelve sword wings and directly chose to retreat first!

In fact, he didn't want to win the game with Xiaorou. Since he couldn't kill Xiaorou, he used the cover of good water and directly chose to fly away. It is important to save people!

With the rapid flight of Ye Fan, the golden lake is like a high-speed moving golden cloud, plunging toward the east!

"Hey!" Xiaorou drums his mouth and directly vibrates Feng Yu, turning it into a streamer, followed by catching up!

Only a group of monks who took the sky, and suddenly watched the two leave quickly...


At the scene of the ethnic convention, there were blood everywhere, and the chaotic battles intensified.

There are more and more mad people infected, and the clan's ancestors and ancient Wu masters, facing the monks of the North Xuan faction and Feng Linhai, are also heavy casualties.

This is still the two long-lived ancestors disdain, sly and arrogantly watching the people after the Zongmen, in the use of repair to suppress the clan. S

Although the warriors have more combat skills and experience, they are too helpless to repair the gap and the death and injury are constantly expanding. One

In the lounge, Su Xiaoxue quickly communicated with Ling Yuwei. They went out to fight, and there was no difference between sending them to death. They could only try to control the infection first.

"I know that... Wei Wei, can you see the twenty-eight stars in the sky?" Su Liangxue with a fine sweat on his forehead, she felt very heartbeat.

Ling Yuwei looked at the pictures and runes drawn by the woman, and said: "It is impossible to complete the whole big array. I am trying to extract a part. Only

If you want to cover this desert, it is still possible that these walking dead and flying insects will not move very fast..."

At this moment, there was a gloomy voice outside the door: "Xunzi, Weiwei, you are hiding here? Let me find it for a while..."

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