My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1810: belief


When Ye Feng’s breath completely disappeared, Su Qingxue quickly lifted the state of Xuan Ming’s hail, and the body quickly returned to normal temperature and returned to its original appearance. only

Leave this hail-like lounge and corridor, as if it had been eroded by polar ice. outer

Those infected people seem to be slow because of Ye Feng’s death, but they soon became extraordinarily crazy. on

Like the frenzied army that lost control, without command, directly following their instincts, began to ravage the destruction.

Su Qingxue turned back and waved to Ling Yuwei and Mu Mumu outside. "Go! Move to the backcourt media lounge in the south!" Ling

Yu Wei squatted, then took Mu Mumu and moved with the woman.

The three people ran to the media lounge. The media people here were basically gone. Some of them went to the scene to shoot, and they wanted to wait for a big news after they went out, while others fled directly.

"Wei Wei, continue the thing just now, Ye Feng is now dead, these infected people and flying insects are not controlled, the speed of diffusion should be slow, we must seize the time to stop", Su light snow road.

Ling Yuwei nodded and continued to analyze the array that had not been completed. Mu

Mu Mu wondered: "Sister, why should we run here specially?"

"The power I used just now, I am afraid to attract the attention of those who are in the ancient fairy world." Su Shixue said: "I am not strong enough to deal with those who are spiritual and long-lived, so they must cover up their whereabouts as soon as possible. ".

Mu Mumu stunned, my heart admire this old sister is really calm, "But sister, you are already very powerful, I do not know that you wake up the blood to this point ... I will not have your talent." Su

Light snow sighed, if it wasn't really just a way, she would still hide.

"Mu Mu, and Wei Wei, can you help me keep a secret? Just don't let other people know about it, unless someone else notices it," Su Xuexue said.

Mu Mumu wondered, "Why, my sister, you worry that your brother-in-law will blame you for killing Ye Feng? Don't be kidding, that person will die, and the brother-in-law will kill him!"

"Not... Ye Feng is killing me, but I am waking up the power of Xuan Ming's blood. I don't want too many people to know for a while," Su said. Mu

Mu Mu is a little confused, thinking about this kind of good thing, what is good to cover up. but

Ling Yuwei smiled thoughtfully and smiled. "Xiaoxue, I really served you. From the time of the student days, your black character has not changed at all. Is it necessary?"

Light snow glared at her. "Are you sure you can't agree?"

"From the perspective of the enemy, I don't want to promise, but you saved me, I have to promise..." Ling Yuwei rolled her eyes. Mu

Mu Mu is a little confused. "Two sisters, what are you talking about? I can't understand a college student."

Ling Yuwei painted a picture and smiled and said: "Mu Mu... I told you, oh, woman, can't be too stupid, too weak, that can only be a man's cumbersome, even if it looks good, it will get tired of you sooner or later. .

But it can't be too smart, too powerful, because it will make men lose their desire to protect, and feel that there is no sense of being around the woman..."

Here, Mu Mumu stunned, and looked at Su Xiaoxue with some sighs: "Sister... you really have a black belly..."

Su Xiaoxue smashed the fangs to Ling Yuwei, why did she say so clearly, but it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as I promised not to talk to Ye Fan. she was

Let Ye Fan know that she has the ability to do the best, but it is also a small woman who needs protection...

Only in this way, men will always be unable to extricate themselves. To this end... even with a little trick, Su Xiaoxue will not hesitate.

After all, everything is because she loves Ye Fan and is better than everything.

"Ling Yuwei, you are really a big mouth, and you can get it right!" Su light snowed.

"I didn't delay the business." Ling Yuwei picked up the drawings and stood up and said: "In fact, this method, I already know how to arrange it. Only

It is necessary to intercept the room fire pigs and the wall water in the northern seven places, and you can block these infected people with the basic principle of the yin and yang.

But the problem now is, first, we have to go outside and use the clan statues to carry out the array...

Come, need enough aura, or other energy to start and maintain a big array..."

Su Qingxue frowns, "Are the aura not to talk about it, outside this situation, we went out to move the statue... I am afraid it is a bit unrealistic." three

At this moment, the woman looked out through a small window, and the large meeting place had already flown into the river. S

Some ancient warriors of the tribe wanted to retreat directly in order to preserve their combat effectiveness. can

Those who are in the air, the North Xuan Pai and the Feng Linhai monks, did not give the opportunity at all, and there were monks in succession, and they fought together with the clan warriors.

Although there are many monks in the ancient fairy spirits, the strength is generally higher, but because the two long-lived ancestors disdain, the clan's ancestors and masters have not completely fallen for the time being.

Under the leadership of the ancient gods, the four clan ancestors such as Winning, Ji Tianliu and Huang Yueshan, as well as Wei Zhongfan, Lei Dong and other middle clan ancestors, they are fighting against each other and fighting for high morale! S

Although the warriors are weak, their fighting skills and their belief in the inheritance of the clan glory make them even more fearless in the battle!

Because the clan believes that there is no stronger human being in the world to help them, so if you want to survive, you can only fight for it!

I saw a white gold thunder, a few flashes in the air, like a lightning flash out of the sky, it is a win, and a North Xuan sent elders together! number

A hundred years of good brother Bai Hao was suddenly attacked, seriously injured in the ground, so that the winner is particularly angry.

Winning the singularity of the white light, the power of the white emperor is completely released, the body with the speed and strength of the violent, like a tiger down the mountain!

"Go to death!" Win

After the continuous electric flash movement, suddenly surrounded by the North Xuanpai elders in the spirit of the land, a white gold tiger claws down, shot in the head of the elder! that

The elders of the spiritual realm were deeper than the winners, and they screamed, and the true element of the body was blocked.

"Haha! White Tiger clan, but what?"

The elders sneered and turned around, and they were about to launch Leifa against the win, but they found that the winning volley was a tumbling, and with one foot with the power of a white emperor, he kicked! One

After the foot interrupted the elder's Leifa attack, he won the left-handed five-finger volley and saw a five-stringed white light! "

Hua Weiqin! ”

His right hand quickly played white light on it, and the sound waves composed by the power of Bai Di, like a thunder, usually attacked the elder **** and the internal organs!

Such a close distance, although the elders are refined, but the unique effect of the sound waves, shocked his god, making him a slap in the face, not enough to prevent, directly shocked by the bleeding haze!

"Oh! Too slow!"

Winning is a kick, and the body of the elder who has no body protector is directly kicked through!

The northern Xuan faction was a little unprepared, and they did not expect that the winner would win! ? Do not

Less clan masters see this scene, it is a morale!

"The white tiger clan listens! These guys have nothing to do, and the combat skills are poor! We are not without a chance!! Baidi blood, can not be broken by you and my generation!! Kill!!"

Winning a thunderous scream, the other elites of the dozens of white tiger clan, who are present, are also arrogant! air

Zhongfeng Linhai and the two ancestors of the North Xuan faction are all ugly, although they can’t understand what they are saying, but they are definitely not listening! "

The old ancestor, Luo Xia was ordered to go out of battle, and the North Xuan faction headed down the real thing, and stunned the front.

Xuanhai ancestors snorted, "You are the head, do not want to lose sight." drop

Xia Zhenren smiled confidently, "Follow!"

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