My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1815: Watching the sky


When the two were at high altitude, only the sound of the thunder was heard below.

But as the two continue to decline, everyone can see the energy shock wave of a strand, like a circle of golden red aura, spreads magnificently, the sound is even more so that their eardrums hurt, must be frustrated !


"Sure enough, Ye Fan!?"

Is Xiaorou's ancestors? ! "yellow

Yueshan saw the red lotus, and she was screaming and shouting: "Red Lotus is burning blood!? It turned out to be true!?" Xiao

Xiner is muttering to himself. "Is this the power of Xiaorou's ancestors?"

In the eyes of the child, I couldn’t help but ignit a glimmer of light. She saw hope...

"Monsters... one old and one small, all monsters..." Winning a few sullen smiles and shaking his head. Ji

Cold days, the fists were pinched, and the eyes that were longing for and hot, stared at the battle in the air.

Through the stimulation of the clan people, this time the psychological endurance has increased a lot. can

Looking at the battle between Ye Fan and Xiaorou, they all have a sense of mortality to see the immortal fight of the gods...

Compared with their battles, this clan conference, even the battles just now, is just like a play! ! red

Refining and Xuanhai are dumbfounded. They have lived for more than a hundred thousand years. They have never seen such a showdown, strength and skill, and they are not what they can imagine! "

not good! They are down! Fast luck to resist! ! "people

There was a shout from the crowd, and everyone instinctively took defensive measures, but could not help but look at the peak of the air!

After seeing two pressures falling down to the golden lake, Ye Fan impatiently pointed the sword, and the golden lake below suddenly rolled up the raging waves! "

Mania! ! ”

The golden liquid sword is like a huge tsunami. It is instantly pulled up hundreds of meters and pressed down towards Xiaorou's entire body.

"Oh! Too close!" Xiao

Soft found himself into the field of Ye Fan, not dare to support the big, the red lotus flame is flaming, and a purple lotus petal shield shields her whole person!

"Red Lotus!" Kim

The color swords and waves will drown the whole of Xiaorou, and the moment of collision with the red lotus shield, the splashing of the splashes and shock waves will spread out!


The golden-purple aperture bursts out like a celestial explosion in the universe!

A sound like the destruction of the world, the impact of the violent influence on the air and the ground!

I saw that the entire venue was destroyed by this force, the windows were all shattered, a lot of walls were smashed down, and even some of the incompetent warriors were directly pushed into the air by this force!

The ground is still the same, the group of ancient immortals in the air, the power of the senses naturally make them more chilly! One

Some of the monks who were repaired as low were directly spurted into the air and even fainted! "

withdraw! retreat! ——"

Xuanhai ancestors quickly ordered, the gods fight, "mortal" naturally quickly retreat.

They deeply remembered how the ancestors of Tianbao were slaughtered. If the swordsmanship was just thrown at them, they would all be finished!

However, just as a group of ancient monks and monks turned around and wanted to evacuate, a low and cold voice that penetrated their souls stopped them.

"Who allowed you to go?"

Thousands of monks such as Chi Lian and Xuan Hai, when they were sweating, they were like a dead gray, and they turned back stiffly...

Restoring the calm golden waters of the lake, the face of the indifferent leaf sails, the dragon scale sword wings scattered behind, the double-necked golden flames beating, one hand inserted in the trouser pocket, one hand has a golden liquid sword intended to flow around. he

On the way that I just rushed over, I was entangled in Xiaorou, so I had to pour the water into the venue, shocked and controlled the situation. I was playing a few hundred strokes with Xiaorou.

At this point, I fell down and saw that my beloved had nothing to do with it. I finally comforted it a bit. can

Seeing this scene of unreasonable cruel slaughter, the anger in Ye Fan’s heart is not simply expressed in words...

What he worried about, it still happened... ancient

Everyone in the fairy spirit world saw the liquid swords that Ye Fan might have hit them at any time. All the monks would never dare to act rashly!

"Before... the ancestors... I waited to leave, but I didn't want to bother the two yaxing of the law." Chi Lian was more ugly than crying, very polite. red

Refining can't wait to be so squatting, seeing this strength, he can't look back, don't kill him. more

What makes them feel scared is another master, who seems to be a woman of the Phoenix clan, which is not the same as they knew before! early

I know that the Phoenix clan still has such a master, and they are not afraid to come out and offend!

Xuanhai's ancestors made more achievements. He bent his mind and bent 90 degrees directly. He said: "The North Xuan faction, isn't the former generation to see the ceremony?!"

The doorman of the Gangbei Xuan faction suddenly woke up and was busy with the ancestors bending over and shouting, shouting: "I have seen seniors!!"

This scene directly stunned all the clan people below, not to mention the complexity of the heart! This

The ancient monks of the ancient fairy spirits, all kinds of bullying, play, and arrogance.

It can be seen that Ye Fan, this group of guys is actually a dog slave, full of flattering and flattering! ? Light

It’s to look at their disgusting face, even if you don’t understand it, you know what you are talking about!

The clan in the venue, everyone laughed, the absolute power, is the right to speak, this is the truth since ancient times. only

Yes, as a clan child, when they become a vulnerable group, they can’t help but feel sad...

And they found that Ye Fan would actually talk to these people in that weird language? ! "

What is going on here... do they know? Huang Yueshan wondered.

It seems that I have known Ye Fan for a long time, and I have long known the strength of Ye Fan... Now it seems that our understanding of Ye Fan is far from enough..." Ji Tianliu frowned. Liu

Qing Hou glanced at them and said helplessly, "You guys know the retreat, don't go out and know a fart." S

All the people frown, but there is no way to refute, Liu Qinghou said, the words are not rough.

"It’s that we sit in the sky and watch the sky. After all, it’s not the end of the leaf.... Wu Shen is gone, but there is a younger sword god...

Hehe... We are all bound by the leaves..." Winning is like being a few decades old and sighing."

Ye has no place to look at him, although there is a vision, but why do you really understand this kid? Liu Qinghou shook his head.

At this moment, in the golden waters of the sky, a fiery red figure flew up. Xiao

I breathed a few breaths and looked at my heart. "It’s dangerous and dangerous, I was almost hurt by you!"

Xiaorou ancestors! "Huang Yueshan and other people of the Phoenix clan, just squeezed sweat, see Xiaorou nothing, they are relieved.

Xiaorou heard the voice and bowed his head and waved at them with a smile. "Yue Shan, are you also? Hehe..."

"Old ancestors! This thief killed thousands of people, Wanlou ancestors! Please Xiaorou ancestors for us to be the master!!" Xiao Huang shouted at this time. Xiao

Soft eyes, she looked at the blood flowing into the river like the scene of Shura Hell, drumming the drums, very casually said: "This way... well, then the ancestors will help you once before going." Say

Xiaorou raised his hand and condensed a group of red lotus and phoenix. As for the people of the ancient fairyland, she asked more.

Honglian has just flew out of her hands, and this group of ancient fairy spirit monks has already scared face! This

The power of the stock phoenix is ​​not something they can resist, although I don’t know what the red lotus will be, but they can only run first! "

Run! ! "positive

When a group of monks want to turn their heads to escape, Ye Fan raises his hand with a liquid sword and wraps the red lotus that is ready to move!

The monks of the ancient fairy spirits smashed, did not expect Ye Fan to save them? Xiao

Soft eyebrows, "What are you doing? Isn't it to kill them?"

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