My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1819: Not suitable


To be honest, I am not very sure, but just in case, it is better to go to Kunlun to check it.

Your ability has calculated what kind of accident, self-protection is no problem, so I want to ask you to go and see," Ye Fandao. Ai

When I heard it, I nodded. "Okay, then I will go and see it now. If there is a situation, I will communicate with you."

As soon as the voice fell, the girl instantly became particles and disappeared from the eyes of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan scratched his head, communication? It seems that the communication equipment on the scene has been destroyed.

He just needs to contact Chu Yunyao to see if the Heavenly Man has a woman to do it, and how to do it in the house, so he immediately finds Su Xiaoxue and asks her how this communication overhaul is going. Su

Light snow has long noticed that the Leifa has caused heavy damage to communication equipment, but fortunately, there are a large number of media on the scene, and there are more spare communication equipment.

She came to Su Yuan and asked him to find some media workers who could not carry stone carvings and were lucky to survive. This

Some journalists just finished repairing a set of equipment and reconnected satellite signals.

When Ye Fan walked into a repaired satellite car, a group of living journalists and photographers next to him were very excited. They took out the mobile phones, voice recorders and cameras that they could use, and wanted to shoot them.

They know that today's swordsman's news screen of Shenwei, if spread out, is definitely a detonation of the world's traffic earthquakes, enough to make people around the world crazy. he

Some of them have already taken the video of Ye Fan’s swordsmanship and a shot to kill the enemy. Just because the picture is too dazzling, I can’t see Ye Fan himself. This

At the close, I can shoot the deity of the sword god, they naturally do not want to miss the opportunity. leaf

The sail frowned and looked at the media people, but found that they were not willing to put things away. Do not

Needless to say, these people have the courage of war correspondents, risking his anger, and will not miss the material.

Ye Fan smiled helplessly, and followed Su Yuandao: "You deal with it."

Su Yuan had just experienced the pain of losing his brother Su Xin, but this time he has already cheered up and nodded respectfully. Wait

When Ye Fan entered the car, Su Yuan closed the door and said to a reporter: "Don't shoot, don't record it. Even if you record it, these news and videos will not spread."

"Why? The Lord of the Sword God did not stop us!" a foreign reporter questioned. "

We have freedom of the press! And we only want to tell the world the glorious image of Lord Sword God! "There was another reporter shouting.

Su Yuan’s faceless expression: “The Lord of the Sword God did not stop you, because this does not require him to do it himself.

Anyone needs privacy, and you should respect the personal rights of your God of Swords.

We will not violently **** the equipment in your hands, but if some of you try to spread it, then I am sorry, you will bid farewell to the journalist career..."

A group of reporters will be suspicious, but there are people such as Su Yuan and they can only spread. this

At the time, Ye Fan in the car was connected to Chu Yunyao.

"Little Yaoyao, are you okay?" asked Ye Fan.

"What can I do..." Chu Yunyao yawned, "Is things solved?"

Sail, "Are you sleeping?"

"Yeah," Chu Yunyao said lazily: "There are no rest days in these days. I will accompany you to the idiot to find the red stone, and I will leave me there." leaf

The sails snorted, thinking that you were pulling me, but I was too lazy to argue and asked: "Is the missile a signal you sent me?"

"Otherwise? I found through satellites that there are some red-golden energy fluctuations in the no-man's land. Except that you are fighting there, there is no other explanation.

I was originally looking for a void to inform you, but the void has not been there and cannot be transmitted directly. I have to use the method of launching a cruise missile, so that it is always faster than the plane...

When I finished the missile, I slept. Anyway, I could do it..." Chu Yunyao seems to be very sleepy and weak.

Ye Fan sighed and said: "You are fine, you are hard, you have a lot of death here, there is a virus that needs control, and nothing else, you can rest." he

Just want to cut off the communication, Chu Yunyao suddenly asked: "Infected with a virus? What?"

"Hey... said that Ye Feng was out of the way. He used that Huang Xiang to make a living culture vessel and raised some blood-colored flying insects.

Those infected with insects and those killed by infected people will become zombie-like monsters.

Although Ye Feng is dead and has no control, these corpses and flying insects are expanding, and they are trying to control the desert with a large array of techniques..."

Yunyao immediately came to the spirit, "Human body flying insects? Zombie virus?! Is the clan infected?!"

"Yes... what happened?" Ye Fan wondered. Chu

On the other side of Yunyao, there were two feet landing, running and wearing clothes. "So interesting things you don't say early!? This is definitely not a normal virus!

However, it is also the technology of etheric civilization, the kind that does not exist in the Earth's axis. Let me go and see now! ! ”

"You are not very tired to rest?"

"I don't want to sleep! Hang up!" Chu Yunyao directly pressed the communication.

Ye Fan can't smile, but Chu Yunyao is coming over. Anyway, he has to control it. He also has to find ways to eliminate these poisonous insects and infected people. Maybe women can find a way. Finish

Later, Ye Fan made a phone call to the family to confirm that there was nothing in the house, and he was relieved.

At this time, Ye Fan heard an exclamation from outside. he

Going outside the car, looking up, I found that from the different orientations of the venue, there was a blue aura of light, which was shot into the air and intersected with an intricate rune. With

After that, the blue light curtain spread out like a dome, constantly extending to cover the desert.

"Ye Fange!" Du Yuner ran all the way at this time, smiled and said: "You are here, Wei Wei is very good now, will arrange such a large array."

Ye Fan saw Yuner, who had not seen for a long time, and reached out with a look of affection and hugged the girl. This

Down, Du Yuner gave her face a red and moist face. After all, she was followed by Huang Yueshan and other elders of the Phoenix clan. "

Ye Fange... It’s not suitable here...” Du Yun’s mouth said so, but the hand couldn’t help but embrace the man’s waist and smiled with a smile.

"I am holding my woman, what is wrong," Ye Fan said, but also forced to kiss the girl's face. loose

When he started, Du Yuner looked at the man with affection, and he did not see it for a few months, but he did not feel alienated. Instead, he could not wait for the rest of the world to tell the thoughts in his heart and let the tide of love flow.

Ye Fan smelled the sweet smell of the girl, and she could not wait to pull her directly into the satellite car next to it, close the door and have a good time, but it was not the time. "

Yun, you come over to me, should there be something else? "Yan Fan looked at the group of Phoenix clan people behind."

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