My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1822: Have light

Ai Er found that the man was suddenly quiet, and looked at Ye Fan's gaze in confusion. After seeing some strange things, he stayed. "

Ye Fan, what is that? It seems that it is not something that was originally there? ”

Ye Fan was silent at this moment and stepped forward.

There, there are nine dragon-shaped dragon pillars, each of which is about one meter thick and ten meters high. It is painted black. on

Although the dragon pattern is not fancy, it is also lifelike, but it looks like a dragon. also

There are a lot of strange runes, all over the pillars, and I don't understand what it means. nine

The root plate dragon column is deeply buried under the Hongyao stone vein, and it is not known how much it is deep. In short, the sense of leaf sail is not perceptible.

But what makes Ye Fan and Ai Er more surprised is that the nine dragons are still linked to the nine chains! This

Nine chains have been forcibly cut by some kind of tool at this time, but it is obvious that the previous nine chains are carrying some kind of creature... or someone! leaf

The sail frowned, took out the black giant sword, released the unparalleled sword, and cut it directly toward a pillar! "

clang! ! ——"

This shocked Ai Er, and the Princess’s Highness couldn’t help but look at the man. “What do you suddenly cut it?”

The sails closed the sword and pointed to the part that was cut. He said: "Look at you." Ai

After careful observation, I couldn’t help but squat down. The pillar didn’t leave any traces! ? "

How could it be... your sword, can't hurt this metal? ! ”

Ye Fan looks complicated and authentic: "If I am not mistaken, this is the alloy of Ethereum, the person who can cast such pillars and chains, either Ether or... is the kind of person whose strength is beyond imagination."

Ai Er thought about it and said: "Would you like me to try it, can you break it down?"

The sail reached out and said, "You can try it."

Ai Er did not believe that the alloy was so powerful, so he launched the ability to disintegrate and tried to turn it into metal particles.

But after a dozen seconds, Ai Er stopped in surprise.

"This metal...the particle structure is so strong? Will it attract each other and restore the array?"

I feel that unless I strengthen my strength, it will be difficult to disintegrate it.

Ye Fan nodded, this is the memory of the metal, said: "I am more curious now, who is the person who used to be here, what is the use of these nine pillars...

Obviously, these chains are just being cut open, and the mouth is new.

That is to say... someone came in to open this passage, not for the apocalyptic rocks that had been depleted, but to rescue the prisoner..."

Ai Er thought about it and suddenly said: "Since the apocalyptic stone here is exhausted, why did you feel that the aura here is more abundant than the outside world? Shouldn't it be about?"

Ye Fan suddenly woke up, and there was a smudge of color in his eyes. He couldn’t help but look at the dragon column again..."

You reminded me that I don’t feel much aura outside the dragon pulse...”

The child analyzed: "Is it true that the reason why the dragon vein originally had a strong aura, not because of the floodstone, is it because of these nine pillars, and this prisoner?"

"Most likely..." Ye Fan said. "

What kind of prisoner can it be, can it be fake, really make people feel that this dragon's torrents are not passive? "Ai Er is thinking about fear.

The more I want to sail, the more I feel scared, and I think of a few key words in my mind: Ether, Prophet, Prisoner, Valkyrie...

However, Ye Fan thought of a person, and could not help but look at Ai Er’s eyes.

There are almost answers in the hearts of the two, but they feel too horrible and weird, so that they are not willing to raise them...

Followed by, the two fell into a long silence...

... million

Above the blue sky.

A bird is flying leisurely.

At this moment, the bird felt that the danger was close, but it was a bit stunned because it did not see anything...

"Peng!" blood

The fog exploded and the birds were smashed directly by something flying through the sky.

At this time, no radar of any country found that an invisible aircraft was sailing through the air.

Inside the aircraft, the old prophet sat on the crystal ball, her eyes, with a trace of tears, looking at a figure in front.

The figure was shrouded in a black gold-colored robes, standing in the middle of the cockpit, looking through the window and looking at the distant clouds and sunlight.


A long sensation, full of endless complex and unspeakable emotions. "

Long time gone... light..."

The prophet came down from the crystal ball and trembled to the ground. "In the years when you are not there, the old body has not seen a trace of light, you are... light."

The black robe figure turned and the face seemed to be hidden in a chaotic void.

"In the past few years, I have worked hard... Sure enough, I didn't read the wrong person, I want to reward, just say no." first

I was so busy that I shook my head again and again. "The old body is full of energy and can bring you out. I am satisfied, I don't dare to expect any awards."

"Oh..." The black robe turned and said: "What do you want to see, I am very clear... rest assured, I have been imprisoned for hundreds of years, but I have no vain...

I really want to thank Ye Wuya, if it is not, I really can't figure out that method... I must thank him very much..."

In the end, what is revealed in this voice is the anger that is suppressed by hysteria! first

Knowing your face and fascinating: "The old man knows, you will never give up... The old man has been looking forward to the arrival of this day..."

The black robe stretched out a white hand and pointed to the sun above the clear sky.

"God said... there must be light, now... no need..."

The ringing, the sky in front of the spacecraft... is black.


At the scene of the clan assembly, the chaos has ended, and the empty seats at the scene have been cleaned up in an orderly manner. in

In a **** area, a group of people in isolation suits are busy collecting samples and testing.

"Chu Yunyao, how long will it take out the virus to remove the virus? Wei Wei said that the big array relies on the existing flooded stone, which lasts for up to three days." Su Xiaoxue stood next to him and asked if she did not need isolation suit. And things like gas masks. all

The deputy armed Chu Yunyao directly set up the microscope at the scene, while watching and shouting: "Don't bother me... watching it." "

Do you think I want to bother you? Do you know how much trouble you have to go in and out? It’s a big deal for you to come in!

And if you can't study the antidote after three days, you have to prepare for it! Su Shixue is speechless, and now the desert is full of threats. There is no antidote to rely on manpower to eliminate the source of infection. It is a dream.

Yunyao is too lazy to take care of women, and does not return directly.

Su Xiaoxue didn’t think that he was ignored. He was about to talk to Chu Yunyao, but he heard a broadcast news from afar...New

It was originally heard that some foreign media were temporarily unable to leave, and they were bored there. They had been playing the big news of the clan conference attack, but this time they suddenly inserted a special message...

"... The latest news, this sudden black event, not a solar eclipse, experts have not yet had an accurate explanation. It is reported that at the time in the country, more than 30 million people noticed that the sky has changed in a short time. black……"

Su Xiaoxue smashed his eyebrows and looked at Chu Yunyao with interest. "Hey, big scientist, explain the squatting, isn't it a eclipse?"

Yunyao seems to have been stunned for a while, but then she continues to look down at the sample. "What about me... don't bother me..."

"I don't know, I don't know, what equipment is installed..." Su light snowed her, but her heart was a little uneasi. She looked to the West and muttered: "Husband, I don't know how..."

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