My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1838: Time stop


When he mentioned Xiao Xiner, Du Yuner couldn't help but think about the night.

The girl’s face was flushed, with a bit of resentment and uneasiness saying: “Ye do you want to do?”

After the sails slammed down, he smiled and said: "Your children, don't be nervous, I will ask about it... don't do it."

Du Yuner sighed and sighed: "Sister said that I have to rest for a while, stay in the family, think about the problem of red lotus burning, and I will come to see me and my mother in some days."

"Ah? Then... what did she say about me?" Ye Fan was curious.

Du Yuner snorted a little embarrassedly: "She said... she said that you are a big bad guy and never want to see you again..."

Ye Fan was crying and laughing, thinking that this is not for you, but I can hear that Xiao Xiner just wants to face and does not really hate him.

As a result, Ye Fan is also relieved. As for when Xiao Xiner will meet, he is not worried at all. Anyway, as long as he and Du Yuner are much more intimate, it is estimated that Xiao Xiner can't help but find it. "

Husband... You laugh so badly, what are you thinking about? "Ning Zimo saw the smirk of the man, a speechless.

The sail smashed the woman and sipped a sip on her elastic face. "Ning Ninger, of course I miss you! This time the arrangement is very good, I am very satisfied. Go

There is still time from lunch, we are together with Yoon, go to the tea house to play a game..."Ning

When Zi Mo heard it, he knew that the man wanted to do something bad. He said: "In the daytime, are you coming again?"

Yuner was quite slow about these things. He also asked: "What game do you play? I also made a few aunts in the afternoon to buy the children's new year..."

Your dear Ye Fange, can you not think of the game that we play with our women? "Ning Zi Mo language with deep meaning. Du

When Yuner heard it, she just returned to her usual face and became hot. She quickly turned around. "I... I will go back first!"

Sail is indeed holding her hand, "Your, don't go! Months! I will accompany you to buy the new year in the afternoon! Let's play games with us..."

"Sister is right! Ye Fange, you are too bad... I hate it... let me go..."

In the weak and weak resistance of women, Ye Fan has brought two women to the car...

In the temple, the cuckoo sitting under the Bodhi tree, sitting with his hands on the beads, closing his eyes, shaking his head and sighing...


Australia, Adelaide Town. One

In a watch shop, a white woman wearing a sleeve and looking like a 30- to 40-year-old is patiently cleaning an antique pocket watch for maintenance.

The shop door was opened, an old lady with a reading glasses and a wrinkled face came in and smiled and said: "Sisley, you finally opened the door, and thought that you traveled far away."

Si Li looked up and saw the old man, laughing: "Cassian, what do you need to help?"

"Oh, my old watch, I don't move anymore, can you help me?" Cassia's old woman twitched and took out a decades old mechanical watch and handed it over. hope

After Si Li took over, said: "Well, I will open it for you to see." "

This is the gift that my wife sent me when I got married. I know this watch is worthless, but as long as it is turning, I feel that my wife has not left me... It’s really thanks to you, help me repair it so many times, it’s troublesome. ? "The old lady is very sorry and grateful. He

Si Li smiled and shook his head. "This is a trouble, it should be done."

"I really want to thank you, I helped you repair a few times before, I don't charge me any money, this time I must pay you money," Cassia's mother laughed. hope

Si Li shook his head. "No, old neighbors, you live alone, money is still there." "

I am a lot older, don’t spend money, and it’s useless,” Cassia said, taking out a few banknotes and putting them on the table. “Take it, I’m also calm.”

Si Li hesitated, and smiled and nodded. "Well, then I have fixed it and brought it to you." "

Uh...well, if you come over to eat at night, I will give you the macaroni you like," Cassia Granny laughs.

Sisley thanked and said: "Then I have a good mouth, the macaroni sauce you made is really delicious, I will go..."

"Well, then let's say it." The old lady was very happy and walked out slowly. hope

Si Li went forward, opened the door for her, and sent her to the store. just

Say goodbye to the old lady, when Sisley turned back to the store, she exclaimed! "

what! "hope

Si Li was shocked because she was surprised to see a figure in her shop! ? she was

I was completely unaware that someone had entered the store! ?

A black robe with a golden rune, under the hood, the blurred face is not really cut.

The camer took a piece of old-fashioned watch in one hand and silently looked at it and said: "Long time no see... Sisley."

Si Li thought that he was dreaming, but after he had enough mental strength, he found that it was true! "

End...the end of the day! ? "There was a horror in the eyes of Sisley: "You... you are the real body!" ? you are still alive! ? ”

At the end of the day, King Fa slowly turned and put down the clock, saying: "How come, seeing that I am still alive, are you happy? Or regret?"

After all, Si Li is also a hundred years old. After seeing the big winds and slowly recovering from calmness, he said: "From the standpoint of a magician, I am very happy. The magician I admire most lives in the world.

But... From a human point of view, I don’t know... whether you live is good or bad...”

Haha..." The last day of the king of the hustle and husky is like a trick of synthesizing sound, giving a sneer, "Human position? I haven't seen it for a few hundred years... How do you get back to life?

Have you forgotten, the Heavenly Magic Training Society, what is the belief? Who is it... taught you magic?

Is it ridiculous to take the power given by the gods but to consider the human position? ”

"Since you think so, I have nothing to say. Are you here, are there anything?" The Sisley spirit is highly concentrated. end

The day is faint: "There is nothing particularly important, just want to ask you a question." "

what? ""

Are you still willing to give everything for the cause of the gods? Asked the last day of the king.

Sisley stunned and shook his head. "I already know the truth. God is just an intruder. It doesn't care about human beings. It's just using us... How?

What is the end, is it still today, you still don't know what God is? Are you still working for it? "end

The Japanese King was silent for a while and said: "Your question, very stupid, your answer, I also have some regrets." words

At the moment when the sound fell, Sisley felt that it was not good for a while, and quickly launched all the spiritual power! "

Time is still! ! "can

Just as Sisley started the magic moment, she felt that her spiritual power was like a rushing tide, and she was madly pulled away from her body! ?

"Ah!?" Heathley exclaimed, his eyes wide open and his eyes wide open, his eyes wide open, his eyes twitching, he was so painful that he wanted to escape, but he lost his strength! ?

In the watch shop, the lights were dim and dark for a while. when

When the store was bright again, the black robe had disappeared, leaving only a female corpse on the ground...

An old watch on the corpse fell to the ground, and the needle of the clock never jumped...

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