My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1854: Cross-border cooperation


He cleared his throat and picked up the phone. "Hey, my wife, what happened?"

The voice from Su Xiaoxue was quite cold. "From the ancient fairyland, the news was that the North Xuan faction was stolen from the 30 million stone floods. The thieves are unknown, and the ruins are not known."

Ye Fan suddenly took a look at the spirit, "Three million stones? That is not the same as the hills? So many floods, are they not placed in a strong ban? Say no, no?"

"It is indeed incredible. Now the North Xuan faction has shaken, and the ancient fairy spirits have spread. Everyone does not know who is capable, and does all this..." Su Xuexue. leaf

The sail brow was locked and shouted: "How to steal is a secondary... key, stealing so many red rocks, what to do..."

"What are you going to do? Go to the scene to see?" Su Xiaoxue asked.

Ye Fan thought for a moment. "Although it is estimated that it is useless, I still have to confirm it on the spot and look for clues." "

Well, I remember that Chu Yunyao had a flood detection device. I don’t know if she has a way to find a flood in the world. Su Shixue thought.

Ye Fan sighed. "There is no such thing as a thief. But the world is so big. The detection device she made is also finding a needle in a haystack."

Then let her find ways to expand the scope of the search, she is not always smart."

Sailing smiled, "I will wait to talk to her and see if there is any way." "

Ok, then I will continue to work at the end of the year." Su Xiaoxue said that he would hang up the phone.

Ye Fan is somewhat confused. "Wife, you... is there anything else?"

Just after asking, Ye Fan felt that he was stupid, which pot does not open which pot?

Su Xiaoxue was quiet for a while, scorning: "You like to be a flower protector, can I stop you?"

Uh..." Ye Fanxiao smiled and said: "You can't ask everyone to achieve your business level. It's almost done."

Feng Yueying on the side was embarrassed to bow her head. She didn't mind being "undervalued", but she felt a little sorry for the cultivation of Su Shixue. "

You are the head of the family, what do you say is what you are," Su Guangxue said, hanging directly.

Ye Fan pouted, he said: "I am the head of the family, you still hang me on the phone..."

Feng Yueying is worried: "Sue is not always angry?"

"Not angry, it is jealous," Ye Fan said seriously. Feng

The monthly surplus was stunned, and the man’s chest was shot. The style was white and he smiled and shook his head.

Ye Fan reached out and hugged the woman, looking up at the moonlight, but there was no mood to play in the hotel. that

There are so many wild rocks, and they are missing. In his heart, there are some deep concerns...


Windy, snowy. north

Extremely, above the uninhabited ice. One

The door of the blue space opens, and the doomsday king of the gold-lined black robe is like a king, descending on this area where the ice wind is raging.

In the next second, I saw a woman's white illusion, appearing in front of the king of law, and it was already the "death" of Sisley! "

Time is still..."

Sisley's illusion opened his eyes, and the field of magical time spread, and the cold wind in the square circle stopped. first

Knowing to follow it from behind, sitting on the suspended crystal ball. Look

In this scene, the prophet slightly snarled: "Fa Wang, you will accept Sisley, want to borrow her time magic?"

"Because for a few special reasons, a few magics, I can't master it directly, but time magic, in my plan, must be owned.

Since she can't use it for me, she has to withdraw her entire soul energy body..."

The Doomsday King said here, a bit of fun: "Prophet, you don't need to worry, you are loyal, I won't be like that to you..."

Knowing that the trembling bowed his head, "you really need the algorithm king, and the old body is willing to give everything for you...

However, do you really want to do this? So many floods should not be used to make portals? ""

many? "French smiled softly: "Where is it?" If the dragon's pulse is still there, it is more than enough to make the portal. But this is not enough.

Even if all the rest of the rock on the planet is taken, it is not enough to cast and start the conveyor...

However, fortunately, there is no way to help me, and I have come up with such a solution. Thanks to his ‘helpful help’! ”

After the king sneered a sneer, he reached out and opened the door in front of the space. A hill-like flood of rock appeared in the air.

However, in such a vast and vast world, this point of view is very small. law

The king finger cut a large piece of red stone. also

After drawing a red-red magic rune in the air, I saw a flame of light, suddenly flashing, like a flame dragon, swallowing the wild stone!

Because the strong winds in all directions have been stopped, the flames in this Arctic are also very stable and easy to control. law

The hand of a white pheasant was pinched in the air, and the ruined stone in the flame package gradually melted and became a specific shape. gradually

Gradually, when the flames dissipated, the flood stone has turned into a long stone pillar, hundreds of meters long, and the length is amazing!

When the king of the law fell, he saw this huge and incomparable pillar of the ruins, like a pin of the sea, piercing into the ice, until it disappeared! ...


Hai, Jiuding luxury residential area.

In the morning, Ye Fan sent the little fat girl to the kindergarten and returned home, but went straight to the house of Chu Yunyao.

Before entering the door, Ye Fan was aware that there was a familiar figure inside, and he smelled a strange smell.

A variety of complex herb smells, and the smell of various chemical drugs, so that Ye Fan, this poisonous body, is a little afraid to enter this house!

He swallowed, or pressed the password on the door and pushed the door. just

As soon as you enter, you will have a strange and strange smell. It is a mess in front of you. There are some strange bottles and jars, and even a lot of plants and creatures! One

Chu Yunyao, who is white and white, and another petite woman wearing a white coat, wear a special gas mask and are busy in the house.

“Little rain?” Ye Fan saw the blue rain that was being studied in a petri dish. Some wondered: “Why are you here?”

Blue rain looked up, a pair of watery eyes, although with some blood, but very excited, "Ye Fan brother! You are coming soon! I have studied good things with Yunyao sister!"

Ye Fan was inexplicable, how did Chu Yunyao engage in black technology with Blue Rain? One is science, the other is anti-drug, and it is really a cross-border cooperation between advanced technology and ancient mystery.

He walked over to the girl, looked at the petri dish pointed by the blue rain, and found a red scorpion, frowning: "A scorpion, is there anything special?"

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