My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1866: Can't wait for tomorrow


Seeing the map, it is so dense that it is countless red spots. "

Can these be said to be floods? "Yan Fan said.

Chu Yunyao took a sip of coffee and smiled slightly: "This ether is very smart. It knows what is the principle of my flood stone detection device. So it will be scattered in a certain proportion and spread around the world.

During your vacation, I have detected at least 3,000 coordinates in the world. thing

In fact, I found a few near coordinates and found that there were only some ruined particles. One

Looking for one by one, it is a needle in a haystack. When we really find the location of the specific use of the wastestone, I am afraid that its plan is completed. ”

Ye Fan frowned, although he knew that it was not so easy to crack the other's plan, but did not expect it to be so difficult. Chu

Yunyao glanced at the man. "Although the stolen Hongyan stone could not be found, it is a problem, but I think... it is another thing that deserves attention now."

"What?" asked Ye Fan. Chu

Yunyao has released a large number of news reports and pointed to the screen, "Look at yourself." leaf

The sail looked at it and found that it was a variety of news, from all over the world, but it was not good news...

For example, a large number of patients with acute skin diseases in northern Europe, acute cataract patients;

Non-paradise mammals suffer from radiation pollution; a large number of pigeons in Prague are lost, hitting passersby and utility poles...

Such similar news abounds, and it seems that these extraordinary disasters have occurred all over the world. "

How is this going? "Ye Fan feels that the situation is not right, and the world seems to be experiencing a strange change.

Chu Yunyao’s expression is also less serious. “If my guess is correct, it should be a problem with the earth’s magnetic field...”

"The magnetic field?" Ye Fan had some doubts. "What do you mean?"

"The universe we live in has a magnetic field itself, and the earth also has a magnetic field.

Although it has not been fully understood yet, where does the original magnetic field come from, just like the secret of the origin of the universe...but

What is certain is that the magnetic field is critical to the existence of our planet.

Because of the presence of a magnetic field, it is possible to block charged particles from the sun and various cosmic rays. you

It should be understood that the solar wind and cosmic rays are so damaging to the general life of the earth that they are absolutely devastating...

Pigeons, which rely on magnetic fields to identify the direction of the animals, lose their sense of direction, probably because of the magnetic field disorder. "leaf

The sail nodded, and he understood it. "How can a magnetic field go wrong?"

Yunyao indulged for a while, said: "For the time being, I am not sure, although there are some guesses, but... I have to confirm it. I have sent a lot of drones to carry out search work all over the world..."

Sail thought about it and asked: "Which news did these days start to appear?"

Just seven days ago, they appeared one after another, and all countries were already paying attention. Some people in the affected areas also reacted fiercely. They questioned the emergence of nuclear tests and nuclear leaks. but

We all know that it is definitely not caused by nuclear tests. At present, countries around the world have already planned to hold seminars to conduct emergency meetings in response to this situation...

I am going to participate tomorrow. As the general counsel of science and technology, it is really troublesome. I know that the meeting is going to be held..."

Yunyao shook her head helplessly. She was obviously not happy to discuss and explain with a group of people who did not understand science. leaf

The sail was flashing a slap in the eye, muttering: "Seven days ago... after he met me..."

"Who is going to meet you?" Chu Yunyao asked, and as soon as she finished asking, she suddenly realized what was going on, and the spirit was shaken: "Ether?!"

Ye Fan shook his head, "The Doomsday King..."

It's him? That is to say... the dragon pulse is off, is it really him? Chu Yunyao’s gaze is complicated: "No wonder, if this is the case, he may actually retaliate against the whole world, and he will not care about the destruction of this world."

At this moment, on the computer screen, another news broke out. "

The two planes of Baijiguo collided an hour ago, and more than 400 passengers and crew members lost their lives...

At present, the airline spokesperson said that the radio communication of the two aircrafts was faulty at the time, and the navigation system also had problems. The specific causes of the faults still need further investigation..."

To this shocking news, Ye Fan and Chu Yunyao could not help but squat.

"Oops, in this case, charged particles will make navigation not work properly," Chu Yunyao said.

"Damn... you must stop the global aircraft!" Ye Fandao.

Chu Yunyao listened and hesitated: "The global outage? Can't the world be crazy?"

“It’s better than the world’s dead people everywhere!” Ye Fan said to the woman: “You let the Secretary General of the International Joint Conference quickly inform the countries and airlines around the world...

Before you can figure out the problem of the magnetic field, the plane and all kinds of transportation vehicles that will be disturbed can no longer be used! ”

Chu Yunyao sighed, but also knew the situation, nodded, quickly picked up a mobile phone, dialed a number.

"Miss Chu, it is rare to receive your call, I am asking some questions to ask you..." There was a foreign voice coming from the phone.

Chu Yunyao said directly: "His Secretary-General, I know your question, but I am still investigating the problem. Now please inform the world first, the global civil aviation embargo! Otherwise, there will be more aviation accidents!"

"What...what? Miss Chu, will this affect too much? If the global aircraft is out of service, the loss is simply unpredictable... Countries may not be able to agree quickly..." The Secretary-General is very embarrassed. "

If you go on like this, you will die more people. You told the countries that I have sufficient evidence. At the conference tomorrow, they will let them understand the seriousness of the situation..." Chu Yunyao said.

The Secretary-General hesitated: "If this is the case, then you will not wait for tomorrow's meeting, you will explain the ban, and then release such a ban, otherwise, even if Miss Chu's proposal, I am afraid it is not so good..."

Suddenly, Ye Fan stepped forward and grabbed the phone in the woman's hand. "

In my name, I publish a global announcement, which country and airlines don’t listen, I will talk to them...” Ye Fan’s tone is cold and deep.

The Secretary-General of the side glanced, some hesitant and dissatisfied: "Who are you? Why dare to say this..."

"Who do you think I am?" Ye Fan asked. Electricity

On the other side, it’s quiet for a dozen seconds...

At the end, the voice of the Secretary-General swallowed his throat, his voice could not tell the restlessness, and with the shudder and excitement, humbly said: "I... I know! I will post a notice. I am very honored to talk to you, Lord of the Swords! I admire you, I am your..."

Ye Fan hangs up the phone directly, and listens too much.

Chu Yunyao reluctantly grinned. "I knew that I just let you play directly..."

Ye Fan did not relax at all. He said: "This international seminar can't wait for tomorrow. Every time you delay for a second, you may die countless people...

Immediately let the representatives of the world gather, and everything is put down first, telling them that nothing is more important than the survival of the planet..."

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