My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1868: Seven nine

1868 this

A touch of ordinary, very ordinary back, but many people on the scene can not hide the excitement, but also many people who have seen him long ago, complex complex. leaf

The sail sat in the middle of the audience, but it was calm, and he was not in the mood to pay attention to him. in

The seat around him, no one dared to approach it, and vacated a dozen. on

Even the core executives of the General Assembly, such as the Secretary-General, dared to sit in the first row of the terminal. For them, they really saw the sword **** himself, and they were so close, and felt quite pressured. only

Du Chu Yunyao, sitting next to Ye Fan. Female

A person opens a laptop, the green onion refers to the keyboard, and the screen is a variety of maps and signals, data.

"Everyone seems to be interested in you, bigger than this last day's natural disaster..." Chu Yunyao's mouth swayed.

Ye Fan is not in the mood to make a joke. "What new discovery did your drone have?"

"My drone has two Siberian regions in the northern hemisphere, and I lost contact. From the message that the black box instantly returned, it seems that a lot of charged particles caused damage..."

The sail frowned: "More past, fly north from different areas, try to get closer to the North Pole.

However, there are no abnormalities in the places where human beings live around the world. The Arctic and the South Pole are likely to have problems... After all, the last spaceship was also found near the Antarctic Circle."

I know that it’s time to move from other locations, and it takes some time...” Chu Yunyao is operating quickly.

At the time, the meeting crowd on one side showed a bit of movement, and a group of people walked into the venue. leaf

I don’t know if I can see the sails. Who is coming, I look around and smile and wave. One

In a black and sleek lady's suit, Su Shixue, who has a hairy hair, walked in with a gray mixed sweater and Ling Yuwei in slim jeans.

Together with the two women, there are also many clan members such as Winning, Ji Tianliu, Ji Hantian, Huang Yueshan and Xiao Huang.

Ye Fan pointed to the empty seat on his left hand, "Wife, come and sit." Su

The light snow gaze was quite dissatisfied, and Chu Yunyao, who had already occupied a good position, snorted, but did not say anything, went in and sat down. Female

People also know that the current situation is not a jealous time.

"Ye Fan, I didn't expect to meet again so soon," Huang Yueshan said with a smile. "

Yeah...unfortunately, it’s not something to be happy about.” Ye Fan looked at the representative figures of the clan’s real powers. It seems that they are quite good at themselves.

Things are not small, or win the brothers will not re-enter the mountain," Huang Yueshan said. Win

My eyes looked at Ye Fan intricately. "Sword God personally spoke, I always pay attention to this old bone."

"Haha, when you win the brothers are also convinced," Ji Tianliu smiled. win

I snorted and looked at the side and looked for a seat and sat down directly. S

When the generals of the tribe arrived, they finally filled the seat around Ye Fan.

The top officials of the country did not have any dissatisfaction with sorting such seats. After all, the last clan conference has already made the world feel the power of the clan.

As for the ancient fairyland, which is theoretically stronger, it did not invite representatives to participate.

There is nothing wrong with it. Ye Fan thinks it is useless to call it. They were deserters more than tens of thousands of years ago, and now they don’t have to count on it. Such as

The ancient fairyland is undergoing construction in full swing. If they let them know that the heavenly people are "destroying the world", I am afraid that they will panic into a pot of porridge. "

Wife, is there any new information? Asked Ye Fan.

Su Xiaoxue nodded and opened the tablet with him. He said: "Although the main information is still the natural disasters that have occurred everywhere, there are more and more humans and animals that are harmed by cosmic radiation.

Yes, after the intelligence leaders of Ghost Valley sorted out, they found that the area affected by the disaster had a total of seven points in the world. ”

Su Xiaoxue said, a picture of a planet on the screen of the finger, said: "My husband, you see, three points near the equator. Another

In addition, the mid-latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres occupy two points respectively, adding up to a total of seven areas, and the frequency of disasters is relatively high. ”

Ye Fan looked at it and thought, "Is this a coincidence?"

I don't think so, because these seven points, if divided, their distance is actually relatively fixed, just like someone has specifically selected these seven areas..." Su Shixue analyzed.

"Then, have you sent people to these locations to investigate?" asked Ye Fan.

"There have been sent people, but these seven positions are still relatively large, and it takes some time to find clues, and it is not too fast to rely on our ghost valleys." Su light snow road.

Ling Yuwei saw this scene next to him, thoughtfully, "Xiaoxue, you show me the computer..."

Su Xiaoxue handed the computer over. "What's wrong, what did you find?"

"Not sure, I have to calculate it," Ling Yuwei said, picking up the paper and pen on the table and starting to draw pictures. This

At that time, the Secretary General of the United Assembly smiled and walked to Ye Fan. "The Lord of the Sword God... everyone is here, can we start?"

Well, let's get started," Ye Fan nodded. Secret

The head of the book smiled and nodded and turned to the podium.

Ke Ye directly shouted at him: "Where are you going up?"

The Secretary-General turned his head and squatted. "The Sword God, according to the convention, I have to give a speech at the opening of the conference, and then you will make a speech... Oh, of course, the first time you participate, we must first be enthusiastic. welcome……"

"No, when the race is against the clock, don't come to these virtual ones." Ye Fan is on the side of Chu Yunyao: "Yunyao, go up and talk to them about the current global situation.

Countries and organizations around the world let them send people to support the sky and investigate whether there are any abnormalities in the seven regions."

Although Chu Yunyao was somewhat reluctant, he stood up and took his laptop and went to the podium.

The secretary-general looked sly, smirked and bent down to retreat. Now

Representatives from various countries, but they all know Chu Yunyao. After seeing the woman on stage, the meeting was quiet.

Chu Yunyao connected the computer to the display screen in the venue, showing the disaster videos and pictures of the world.

As the woman explains the information that is now available, telling everyone on the scene that the earth may be weakening the magnetic field, which will lead to disasters, the atmosphere of the scene is getting heavier...

Some representatives were still excited about the appearance of the sword god. They heard that the atmosphere may disappear. Humans may be destroyed within a day, and everyone on the scene is shocked!

" may think that I am alarmist, because in theory, even if I encounter a comet attack, the disaster will not be so terrible.

But I am sorry to tell you that according to my detection, the free charged particles of our planet are now significantly reduced. more

What is frustrating is that we haven't found out now, what is the reason, which has caused such a situation. This

If we go down, our magnetic field may be too weak at any time to catch enough of the atmosphere, and then... I don’t want to talk about academic vocabulary. In short, it’s all over! "Chu Yunyao spread the stalls.

At the scene, there was a dead silence.

Just as the representatives of all countries were looking very dignified, Ling Yuwei suddenly stood up and took a hand-painted change. It was a messy piece of paper. The Ming Dynasty was full of sorrow: "Not seven! It is nine! It is Kowloon. Spiritual! The guy has a spiritual array in the world!!"

Nearly a thousand people at the scene, can not help but look at the past, one by one full of doubts, do not know what women are saying.

Ye Fan and Su Qingxue, Chu Yunyao and so on, are looking at the past, and suddenly wake up to what!

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