My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1883: Ye Mengjia


"You are going to help Ye Fan? How can you help? Who can help him in this world?! You

Knowing where there is a ray of light, how powerful is the magical element contained in it! ? Nie

No moon is busy shaking his head. "I am a mother, I can't wait to fly now, but let's go, just add trouble to Ye Fan!"

"No... not..." Su Xiaoxue shook his head and looked at the crystal: "I... I can't explain too much now...

Tianshu, Tianshu let me foresee the things of today, the situation just now, I have seen in my dreams, if we do nothing, my husband will finally... will..."

I’m afraid that Su Xuexue doesn’t understand, everyone knows what she means...

There was a lot of mistakes in the audience. They didn’t know much about the Heavenly Book of the Xuanming Clan. But Su Xuexue obviously wouldn’t say it in the air. "

In short, I have to do everything I can, even if I change a little bit, a little bit, go to Antarctica to help him, maybe my husband will survive! Su Shixue said persistently.

I am coming too! ”

A voice came from the outside, only to see Rujiao rushed in.

Nian Rujia looked at the picture on the screen, his face was white, and he panicked: "I'm sorry, I... I don't know that there are so many things happening suddenly in the ancient fairy world, I want to help the husband!"

" are you..." Nie Wuyue’s heart is also chaotic.

Nian Rujiao endured tears and said: "Gillian has died a long time, this life is saved by the husband, if the husband is not there, Gillian does not want to live!"

"Then I will go too. If it is not for the king to ask me to be here, I want to go to the battlefield with him. I have followed him since childhood, and I am born and died together. This time, it is no exception." Sally leaves her eyes burning. "

Gillian sister, Sally Ye, don’t you do this, we don’t want to open our mouths and shut up...

Can't you think in the right direction? We all think together," when the blue rain is tearful. Thank you.

Lin Yuan sighed and said: "Everyone is calm. Everyone here has the courage to die with the boss. No one is afraid of death, but we can't blindly help even the boss!"

Asmonis nodded and turned his head to Su Xuexue: "Oh, we believe you, you are the most clear about the direction of the war, let's say, what to do? Knife and sea, as long as you say a word!"

Su Xiaoxue took a deep breath and looked at the crowd with a red eye and nodded...



Under the hundreds of meters of glaciers, it seems like shaking the mountains and shaking them!

In the continuous explosion, Ye Fan’s body of swordsman, dragging a long golden shadow, swept through the glacier! "

Go to hell! ! ”

Ye Fan smashed the head of a huge flame giant with one hand! instant

One jump, and smashed the two frost giants who came to block!

He actually didn't know how many roads he had already rushed to, but on this road, the giants who constantly encircled him, the thunder of lightning, the Hella and the giant wolf chased by the **** dogs, almost never stopped!

But Ye Fan did not slow down, but because he was more and more proficient in knowing the weaknesses of these elemental monsters, the speed of killing was faster!

"Snoring...snoring..." Ye

The sail feels that he is starting to breathe. With his current physique, in the state of disintegration, he can get asthma, indicating that consumption is terrible.

He had to admit that the Doomsday King’s strategy for him was very correct.

At first glance, these elemental monsters can't hurt him, but in reality he forced him to maintain the shape of the sword **** to prevent serious injuries halfway.

On the hard power, his sword is not afraid of the magic of the king. vertical

However, spiritual strength is his weakness, but the French king is not without weakness. Life and death are a blink of an eye for both.

The most likely to affect the outcome of the final battle, it seems that it is continuous combat capability! he

After all, it was a person, and the Doomsday King mobilized the resources of the planet to fight him. from

If you can't reach the king of Fa, you will be over-consumed halfway, and you will lose your weight!

However, Ye Fan has no other way, he has no help, and he has no time to think about too much.

What he can do is to use his own fighting instinct and skill to make this breakout path, reduce consumption and speed as much as possible! only

If you want to keep some of your strength, you will have a chance to win the game with the sword near the town tower!

Ye Fan gritted his teeth and jumped out of the glacier and continued to hurry forward.

There was a violent movement in the foot, like an underground volcanic eruption, and a high-intensity earthquake!

Along with the collapse of a glacier, a giant snake with a black striated flame burning from the bottom of the scorpion smashed out from underneath!

Sea snakes dream plus! ?

This legend kills Raytheon, the most dangerous venomous snake, opens the **** mouth, and fangs spray toxic elements, hitting lightning towards Ye Fan! because

For this time too suddenly, Ye Fan did not have time to swing the sword, a hand knife smashed out, the sword of the sword god's body, directly to the singer's snake head! but

The snake body did not stop the activity, and the giant snake directly wrapped around one leg of the body of the sword god, and continually hovered around! ? Be

The falling snake head is once again condensed out, and the snake body that looks like the head is not the same as the vine, and it is bound to the body of the sword god! leaf

The sail feels a strong pressure, and he wants to crush his body of the sword! ? he

The speed was slowed down, and forced to helpless, Ye Fan had to stand in the same place, after the drums and swords, ignited the flaming red flame! it is good

Like a giant, a giant python wrapped around it, burned directly! leaf

The sails suddenly slammed into the arms, and the dreams were twisted and struggling, pulled into several segments, and dissipated in the ice and snow!

"" Ye Fan swallowed his throat and continued to run forward.

He felt awkward and did not know if the attack was repeated several times. Can he really reach the town tower?

Just then, he found some special voices from the sky?


With the sound of breaking the air, Ye Fan looked up and saw that there were a large number of cruise missiles, and they flew from the far side toward the South Pole! ?

When several missiles passed the thundercloud, they were directly detonated, but most of the missiles flew smoothly! press

It is said that all kinds of electromagnetic interference are now dangerous. Because the missile is launched, it is also dangerous. Because it cannot be controlled in the middle, it can only fly according to the set target.

Even so, it is not useless. As long as a part of it enters the town of Xianta, it will cause energy fluctuations. One

If you don't send enough, you will have ten hairs and hundreds of hair!

The most worrying thing about the Doomsday King is the energy stability near the town tower, which is directly related to whether the portal can be opened!

Ye Fan's spirit is alive, although it is only a conventional weapon, it can't really hurt the King of Law, but there is no doubt that this is someone who supports him remotely!

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