My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1887: Small

The body of the Doomsday King can't bear such high-intensity energy. At the moment of immersion, the flesh becomes a myriad of particles and dissipates directly!

However, the **** of the last days is combined with the energy body!

The etheric is the life of the energy body. For the king of law, it becomes a great energy ball of light, but it is more used to it! leaf

Fan did not think that the Doomsday King can still do this, directly abandon the human body, and directly manipulate this energy in the way of the gods! ? this

At the end of the day, the King of Law has been perfectly integrated with the entire Gate of the Spirit, the Tower of the Town, and the Gate of the Stars! "

bad! "leaf

The sail found that the energy body shell that he had just broken open was quickly repaired at the speed visible to the naked eye! ? "

Thanks a lot...Sword God, your sword will also become the 'nutrition' that the door of the starry sky opens.

I should have thought of it. In fact, at the beginning, I don’t need to stop you...

It is the low body of this human being, I have long wanted it, and I entered the door of this starry sky directly in the form of soul. How can you take me?

As long as the door of the starry sky is opened, my soul can return to my hometown. Everything else is irrelevant..."

The voice of the king came out of the body of energy, with a touch of ridicule, and even more infinite and excited. leaf

The sails are stunned. At this time, the energy body has been directly controlled by the king of law, just as the door of the starry sky has its own thoughts.

The water that he released was good, and was absorbed by the king in the inside. When he was running, he did not have enough lethality!

On the contrary, if the energy of the good water is strong, will it be used by the other party? law

At this time, the king can use the energy body to protect his soul, and can use the absorbed magic to accelerate the completion of the door of the starry sky!

She did not have the possibility to escape, because the flesh is gone, and once the soul leaves the energy body, it will appear vulnerable. can

Yes, she does not need to escape at all! Also do not need to come out! whole

The energy of a planet is constantly gathering, she is stronger than ever!

If she is in such a form, she will not be able to successfully open the door to the stars, and all hopes are just bubbles!

Therefore, she has no way to retreat, but she is fearless!

The golden lake in the sky, there are already a lot left...

Sail feels his body, some muscles, actually shivering slightly? on

On the way to him, he deliberately saved his energy, but after all, he has consumed too much.

Just after the Galaxy fell for nine days, it will be the best of the water, and it will also be pushed to the extreme...

I thought it would be able to disturb the opening of the door of the starry sky. Who wants the last day of the king to fall in and block his full blow?

In the wind, the white world in front of me suddenly seems quiet... Ye

The sails are standing in the air and feeling their bodies. It seems that there is a feeling of being hollowed out. This kind of taste has not been seen for a long time.

The pain in the body, the dizziness of the head, all this is nothing compared to the feeling of powerlessness in the heart of the heart..."


Ye Fan breathed a long sigh of relief, pale, and the golden flame in his eyes was extinguished. he

Pinch the fists, the full-scale outbreak of good water, let his two disintegration, there are signs of not supporting quickly.

However, now is not the time for him to rest, let the king open the door of the starry sky, then it may end!

"Give up, even if you have the best state now, you can't beat me now..." The sound of the sneer of the last day, the sneer of the king, came out of the energy body.

Ye Fan’s mouth is rising, “Give up? These two words have never been related to me...”

As soon as the sound fell, Ye Fan directly took out a medicinal herb, and put it in his mouth! although

However, even the best of the spirits and grasses, it takes time to slowly digest, greedy and chew is not bad, and the plug can not recover in a short time, and may even hurt itself because of excessive medicinal properties.

However, Ye Fan has no time to manage this, he can only try to restore some status. "

Sword God... Your strongest sword meaning can't pose a threat to me. Why is this? "Falun does not agree."

Ye Fan simply ignored the cynicism. He took out the black giant sword directly and clasped his hands. Both

However, if the water is unable to defeat this energy body, then simply use the most primitive, "stupidest" method, use this black giant sword that does not know what material, but never let him down, see if it can break the defense directly!

Ye Fan directly unfolds the dragon scale sword wing behind him, and he is full of strength. A fierce charge, through the advancement of the sword wing, his figure draws a sharp afterimage like a dragon! One

A quick drop, Ye Fan is like a golden red blade, wanting to crush the energy body below the spire! "

what! ! "One

Roaring, Ye Fan’s hands violently swayed the giant sword! !


The turbulent energy ring is like a layer of continuous anger, directly throwing Ye Fan all over the body and flying hundreds of meters! leaf

The sail felt a sweet throat and a blood spurted out!

The hands feel like they are completely unaware, the tiger's mouth is broken and bloody, and the giant sword flies out!

Ye Fan fell to the snow, gliding over a dozen meters, and coughed up a few blood, white snow, a trace of bright red.

"Cough... Keke..." Ye Fan gasped for a big breath, feeling that the internal organs were going to blow up, and kept rolling. all

Under the body, as if they were all detonated by explosives, no place does not hurt!

The laughter of the last day of the King’s banter came, “Innocent...Sword God? Why are you so naive? Your swordsmanship can’t threaten me. Can such an attack be stronger than the liquid sword?”

Ye Fan swayed, stood up, unconsciously, in the process of being shocked, the double disintegration has returned to a heavy...he

The pain is more intense and the recovery is slower. One

The feeling of overdraft is becoming more and more obvious...

The sail trembled and stood up. There was a touch of blood in front of him. Looking at the stream of the fairy tower in the distance, the top of the blazing energy ball, biting his teeth...

As soon as he reached out, the black giant sword returned to the hands of Ye Fan. He took a step and continued to rush toward the town tower!

This time, he intends to change his target and attack the town tower. Even if he can open a stone, it is also a hope! "

why? Just now, when I was shocked, I didn’t kill you. It’s already a miracle of life. What are you thinking about? ”

The Doomsday King did not understand it. It is clearly a situation that must be defeated. Why Ye Fan still has to do so indiscriminately. leaf

The sail did not answer at all. He took off and almost made all the strength that had just recovered, and gathered a dazzling sword light! "

Xiao Xiaochen star! ! "star

Mang fell on the town's fairy tower, bursting out of a glazed flame! sword

, or was shocked!

Town Xianta, intact! black

The great sword pierced the thick snow, and the leaf sail exhausted the accumulated power. The sword wings dissipated, and fell to the side of the sword, sitting in the cold snow.

"Call...哧哧..." Ye

The sail seems to be suffocating, and it feels very difficult to breathe.

Unprecedented, Ye Fan feels that the town of Xianxian is so magnificent, this Antarctic continent is so far from the margin... Hao

Under the hustle and bustle of the sky, under the colorful Antarctic sky, in the desolate world, Ye Fan’s exhausted figure is extremely small...

He once again took out a few medicinal herbs, sticking blood and snow on his hands, and he couldn't care too much. He put a brain in his mouth.

Later, Ye Fan slowly stood up again...

"Why? Why!? Can't you face the reality?? Admit that losing to me is so difficult!?"

When the last day Fawang saw Ye Fan to get up again, he could not help but ignite an angry fire! Ji

Xuanyuan or Ye Wuya is also good. For tens of thousands of years, Shenlong’s people have let her suffer the pain of failure.

But now, Ye Fan, who has clearly lost her, is not willing to fall down? This is simply a shame to her!

"Well... since you want to die like this, then let me die before I leave!"

A spiritual shock wave, which radiated from the energy ball, directly swept Ye Fan! "

what! ! - "Ye Fan holding his head, just stood up, fell in the snow and rolled! Painful!

The black crystal pendant has been used for too long. At this time, the defense against mental power has been greatly attenuated, and Ye Fan himself consumes too much. This mental impact directly makes Ye Fan feel that life is not as good as death!

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