My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1927: curator

Ye Danqing squatted and immediately sighed: "I know that you don't like to come here, I don't want to go to class, but the graduation assessment of the text test can't be advanced. People haven't finished the problem yet. How do you test? ”

"I asked Wushu", Ye Fandao.

Ye Danqing turned his eyes straight, "Wu Kao? Is this related to you?"

"You don't care about this, just tell me what kind of situation, you can not go to class. Or

I don't go to class, just waiting for the exam, can I? "Ye Fan is not willing to take the time to attend classes."

Ye Danqing was helpless and said: "The textbook is a must-have class. Because there are evaluations in the usual classes, and there are not enough classes, it is not allowed to take the graduation test.

The only way to skip class is to pass the martial arts test of each semester, that is, to go to Xuanyuan illusion and pass a trial. ”

“Oh? Can you go to Xuanyuan Vision Test in advance?”

"Yeah, every student card has three chances every month, you can go to the test.

This is to let the students of Wukao understand their own deficiencies, practice in a direction, and prepare for the exam.

However, the test passed, but it is not necessary to check at the end of the period. because

For the graduation examination, the official graduation score will be counted. At that time, the academician of the Emperor’s Academy will come and choose the Chinese students.

Dan Qing quite dismissed: "The guys, who said that they want to pick up the cultural relics and recruit the talents into the Shenghuang Academy, but in fact they only look at the results of the Wushu test, the scores of the texts are good, and few can be picked." leaf

The sail touched the chin and suddenly thought of a question: "As you say this... then if I don't go to class, I don't pass the martial arts test. Will it be affected in the college?"

Although he can go to a test, it seems to be a bit of a gaze. After all, if he builds a foundation repair, it will be too eye-catching.

As long as he can see the medical books in the college without being disturbed, he actually does not want to control anything.

"Hey, you kid, do you think it is so easy to skip classes?"

Dan Qing took Ye Fan and walked to the entrance of the college. He entered the pedestrian's place and was blocked by a railing. "

You put your student card and brush it over there," Ye Danqing pointed to a square spar card device over there.

The sail followed, and after brushing it, I found that the spar lit up red light? Next to

There were several college students, and when they saw this scene, they looked at Ye Fan with a poor look.

"What does this mean?" Ye Fan wondered. "

However, if you do not pass the martial arts test, you will need to take classes, the number of classes is not enough, and if the assessment is not enough, you will be deducted. Minute

The number is enough green light, the lack of score is yellow light, once it reaches the red light, it is already dangerous!

If you don't attend classes and increase the number of exams, you may be restricted from entering the college, and the college committee will find it and criticize it! "leaf

Dan Qing regretfully hooked Ye Fan's shoulder. "Brother, although you are married, royal franchise, but the college scoring system is not likely to cooperate with you... you are now unable to enter the college!"

If you are punished, you don’t want to graduate next year. If you can’t graduate, you’re going to scream, and you’re thundering, and you’re going to be a shame, then it’s a big deal! ”

Ye Fan, the school equipment here is quite advanced. "It means that if the score is not enough... the college library can't enter?"

Don't talk about the library, the restaurants in the college don't let you in! "Ye Danqing grinned."

Ye Fan nodded. So, only by going through a test can you safely and freely enter and exit the library. "

I know, you take me to the library now," Ye Fandao.

"Tibetan? Why are you doing? Don't go to the poetry class? You didn't understand what I said? You are not enough to get into the school!!" Ye Danqing was speechless.

Ye Fan smiled. "I plan to study medicine seriously. I am going to see a medical book..."

"Study medicine?" Ye Danqing squatted, and then suddenly said: "I know, you want to see the princess? The day is yin, the doctor is not awkward, can you see it well?

Besides, although you guys, each lesson is not very good, but medicine is too difficult! It is easy to pass the exams in poetry, calligraphy and painting. ""

How do you have so many problems? I don't want to take me there, I went to find it myself. Ye Fan shook his head and simply walked in and walked in.

Ye Danqing did not have any problems. He could only run over and led Ye Fan to the library. To

After the library, Ye Danqing sighed: "Brother, then you should study medicine well, how to use the student card to check the medical curriculum, I just taught you."

After a recent medical class is an hour, I will go to the poetry class first... you must not skip class."

The sails waved, "Go, I promise not to be restricted to the college." "

You know that things are serious, oh yeah... I have to go quickly, my cards are bright yellow! "Ye Danqing said, hurriedly ran away. Ye

Sailing in front of a huge library like a football field, nodded with satisfaction, it really is a huge collection of books. only

However, there seems to be no one in the library, and it is really a college of heavy martial arts. No one likes to read books. Tibetan

At the entrance of the library, Ye Fan brushed the card and saw the red light again. Fortunately, he still let him in. One

Inside, looking into the past, there are rows of huge bookshelves, five or six stories high and hundreds of meters in length.

Between these bookshelves, there is a piece of suspended spar. You only need to inject some real elements to adjust the height and get the books on the top. leaf

Sail looked at the library's use of the door, and after reading about it, he went straight to the medical book area.

Sure enough, medical science alone, tens of thousands of books, jade, animal skin, paper, bamboo slips of various types of books, a variety of.

After Ye Fan found several books about meridian defects and congenital diseases, he found an empty table and opened the floodstone reading lamp. He looked at it intently. whole

A collection of books, hundreds of tables, but only sparsely sitting less than ten people, simply deserted with haunted houses.

But Ye Fan thinks this is very good, at least very quiet and will not be disturbed. Do not

Unconsciously, Ye Fan read three books, and he really learned a lot of new things in his mind. The medicine of this world, because of the highly developed cultivation civilization, is indeed very profound.

There are too many drugs, prescriptions, and magical treatments that he didn't know... but

It is precisely this many new tricks that have made Ye Fan increase some confidence. He does not believe that with so many predecessors' wisdom, there is no way to deal with Tianyin. that

Some doctors can't read all the medical books here, and the practitioners are rarely sick. These doctors have no chance to play, how high can they be? positive

When I saw the fourth book, Ye Fan found that there was a pair of eyes, from the second floor of the library, watching him? he

I was very attentive and didn’t pay much attention to it. When I looked up, I just looked at the owner of the pair of eyes and smashed it...

It is a woman, and it is a very beautiful beauty. It seems to be a few years old. From her vicissitudes of autumn water, she can see the traces of the years. but

Yes, her appearance is about 30 years old, a black turtleneck sweater, black leather pants, her body is extremely hot.

A dark red hair was tied behind her head, and she boldly showed her forehead. It was obviously also a delicate value for her, very confident.

I have to say that this is a very tasteful woman, just like a man's vicissitudes of mystery, it will attract women... A woman who looks at a story can also attract men.

Although Ye Fan can't spy on the strength of this woman, his first feeling is that this woman... not simple!

This is the one who feels the strongest in all the people he met after he came to the wild world! leaf

Although the sail is not clear why this woman will stare at him, but because of the principle of not causing trouble, he just smiled and continued to bury his head and read. Female

The man was stunned in his eyes, but she did not stop, holding a cup of hot tea, turned around leisurely, and walked back to a room on the second floor.

At the door of the room, there is a sign hanging: the curator is again

After an hour, Ye Fan finished reading the book, got up and went to the book, and planned to see what the Wushu test was.

He also did not want Ye Danqing to know that he would go to the test to avoid things from hiding.

When going out of the library, Ye Fanshun glanced at the place where the woman just stood, and found that the woman was in the back of the "curator" office, could not help but squat...

This woman... Is it the curator of the library?

Such a deserted library, the administrator did not see one, how can such a strong person sit in town? Is it hard to be a treasure in this library?

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