My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1934: Ten Tenno

While Ye Fan was re-stopping, a familiar figure ran over and took his shoulder. "

Ye Fan! Are you also watching the fun? "Ye Danqing has a sweet smile. "I just found you, and sure enough, you too!" ”

"So many people are coming, I will come to see it," Ye Fan said casually.

"Isn't it! Today's people at the college are estimated to have ran here! Many teachers and students went straight to class halfway, and heard the news ran over!"

I am afraid that it will not take long for the officials of the dynasty to come over. If this ‘震古烁今’ is true, then the college and the dynasty must have a thorough investigation of who this person is! Think about it all..." Ye Danqing looked like a gossip and an excited expression.

Ye Fan is twitching at the corner of his mouth. "The dynasty still needs to be thoroughly investigated. As for such a big move?"

"Of course! You don't want to think about it. When the Emperor Xuanyuan went to test the master of Tianzun and above, he also got the grade of ‘Amazing Heroes’.

Once the earthquake has been stunned, can you only get the king to get it?

Heavenly king! Do you know what the concept is! ? Now

In the whole levy, excluding some of the inactive, secluded masters, everyone knows that ‘Three Holy Five Emperors and Ten Kings’! and also

That is to say, among the billions of the Dazheng dynasty, all the clan, the chosen family, the Zongmen, and the folks add up...

A master of fame above the king level, only one out of hundreds of millions!

Now the world of the wilderness is generally peaceful, and the twelve saints are almost no longer in charge of the world.

Therefore, Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly King almost represent absolute status and power! Do not

Say something else, our Dean of the Xuanyuan College, Xiao Huai Su, is one of the top ten kings!

The dean of Xuanyuan College is equal to the dean of the children of the world clan, and the graduated clan children are all her students! you

Think about it, is this the seat that most people are qualified to sit on? Even Tian Zun is not qualified to sit on this one! ”

Listening to Ye Danqing’s spit and excitement, Ye Fan’s brow is getting tighter...

Like... I am a bit too hard, although this trial has benefited a lot, but there are also problems.

He glanced at the front dean and the group of people, they have already reached the list of God of War. Place

Some students and teachers are afraid to rush to get close, keep a certain distance, and be very awe.

A beautiful woman with a high profile, beautiful and dignified, temperament and graceful beauty, wearing a red gold phoenix totem dress, standing in front of a group of people.

She is the dean of Xuanyuan College, one of the top ten kings of Dazheng, Xiao Huai Su.

Before Ye Fan came to the college, he had found the information of this woman. The Phoenix girl of the Phoenix clan has been the dean of the college for more than 20 years.

As a woman, called the world clan convinced, sitting on such a high position, her strength, naturally no doubt. "

Ye Fan! Ye Fan! Are you listening? If Xuanyuan College suddenly came out with a king, even the Emperor... Then you said that the dynasty is shaking! ?

After all, every clan of the clan is a threat to the Dazheng dynasty. This suddenly has a king. If you want to be a student, then there is no peerless genius! ? fear

I am afraid that even if I am too emperor, I have to sit still. After all, now that the chosen person has two saints, our clan has only one saint... If we have two saints in the future, then the situation can be..." Ye Danqing said with a face Leaf

The more you sail, the more you feel, the worse it is... bad! How did you forget this thing!

This imperial court was established by the chosen man. A clan of his own family, if it is too squinting, is it not a nail in the eyes of the dynasty! ? day

The selection of the royal family will easily allow a young man with potential sacred people to grow up smoothly?

I am afraid that even if you don’t kill directly on the surface, the means of harming it will definitely be indispensable! Do not

Row! This is not a joke! leaf

After thinking about it, I was more concerned about how the high-level hospitals such as Xiao Huai Su were dealing with it, so they walked toward the front. "

Hey! Ye Fan! Why are you going? ”

"I am going to see", Ye Fandao.

After being too far apart, there are too many people, and Ye Fan’s ear force can’t hear what those people say. "

Don't go too close, those guys in front are not easy to provoke, don't hurt." Ye Danqing was worried, sighed, and had to smack his head and squeeze forward.

However, after not squeezing for a long time, Ye Danqing found that he could not keep up with Ye Fan's footsteps! Attached

Many of these students are more advanced than him, and their physique is more robust. How can they be easily opened? leaf

When Dan Qing saw Ye Fan, he quickly squeezed to the front. If he entered the uninhabited territory, he couldn’t help but be dumbfounded and muttered: "This kid...what is the strength, can you squeeze?"

At the same time, under the list of God of War, Xiao Huaisu quietly watched the line of white gold flame font for a long time, Feng Xiaozhong flashed a lot of thoughts, seems to be considering what. "

Dean, Xuanyuan illusion can only be entered only by brushing the student's student card. The little guys in the college have no longevity. How can they get a higher grade than the arrogant?

I think, most of the Xuanyuan illusion has made a small mistake. After all, it has been tens of thousands of years. It may be time to check the time and check it on a large scale..."

On the other hand, a middle-aged man wearing a blue-grey collared coat and a short-haired, seemingly serious man seems to disbelieve the anonymous results of this shocking and modern.

"Zhuang Yi, you as the deputy dean, is also a master of Tianzun, and is also a child of the Shenlong clan.

The illusion is the masterpiece of your ancestor Xuanyuan Emperor. Do you think that... is your ancestor's probability of error, or is there a high probability of your mistake? Xiao Huai Su turned back, and Qiao Xiaoqian asked.

Zhuang Yi's face is stiff. "I... naturally can't compare with Xuanyuan's ancestors, but the dean... Do you think that there may be more masters in the students? This is too outrageous." "

I don't know this... But to be fair, as long as the card is swiped, anyone can go in. Is it possible to have a master, borrow a student's card, and go in and try it out? Xiao Huai Su smiled easily with a smile.

Yi Yi listened and nodded suddenly: "The dean said very much! But this is not allowed by our express regulations!

If everyone is so casual, is it not a test! ? This is a serious violation! ! ""

Yes, if it is really a test, it is a situation that has never been seen before..." Xiao Huai Su sighed, "I must investigate some."

Yi Yi listened, immediately turned around, looked at the solemn sweep of a circle, transported a trace of repair, the sound spread throughout the square: "Xuanyuan College since ancient times, the plain text stipulates, the fantasy test, not to find someone to replace!

Who is it, find a master instead of assessment! ? Don't stand up now, wait for us to find out, absolutely severely punish! ! ”

The students all face each other, everyone is quiet, quite nervous, but no one speaks.

"Do you think this is a joke!? You think that we can't find an anonymous identity, so we can really cross the sea!"

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. This is just the result that has just appeared. But everyone who has appeared here in an hour is suspected! learn

There are people everywhere in the courtyard. I really started an investigation and found out something, but I want to know the consequences! ! Zhuang Yi squinted.

Ye Fan stood in the crowd, and he couldn't help but play some drums. Although he was mistaken for someone to fight, it was good for him, but... if he has been investigating, it is not absolutely safe. positive

At this moment, Xiao Huai-su, who had been indulging for a while, turned and said: "In a time, there were students who were testing here, and now they are coming out... You can rest assured that the Dean will not doubt you, just take it out."

As soon as the voice fell, some students continued to stand up and they were a little nervous. can

Yes, there is no way. After all, most of the students are tested here, and they are all imported from the main entrance. They are all seen.

Among them, there are a few people in the air and Ling Ming mirror. At this time, the two top students of the three Xuanyuan Sanying are very complicated in expression, a little bit arrogant and seemingly depressed.

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