My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1969: Again


The levy can't help but gamble, but in this world where emphasis is on cultivation and the strong is respected, gambling is also of interest to some unscrupulous children who are not learning, or civilians who have no future.

Aristocratic children, the basic gambling is a very ugly thing, rather go to Caiyunfang, the poetry, the songs, the water, and will not come to such inferior places to play.

The mysterious man entered the gambler, and suddenly became disgusted with the smoky and loud environment inside.

Because there were too many people, he couldn’t see the traces of Ye Fan at once, so he had to look for the past with his knowledge...

In order to prevent some people from escaping, this gambling house has only one entrance and exit, so Ye Fan cannot go out from other doors.

The mysterious man is not in a hurry, simply staying at the door, pretending to be just a gambler watching.

However, Ye Fan did not see it, but saw a somewhat familiar black masked man who wanted to go out.

"Wait a minute," the mysterious man reached out and stopped the masked man, and asked sharply: "Have we seen it before?"

The masked man didn't pay any attention to him. He took a quick step and flashed the door!


The mysterious man hurriedly chased him, followed the masked man and jumped directly to the opposite of a three-story building!

The passers-by on the street saw someone chasing on the street, but it was not too surprised. This situation is too common in the Imperial City, and the law and order is governed by the garrison of the King.

Generally, they only dare to use Guwu to fight, and they dare not use the real yuan, so casualties rarely occur, and the destruction of houses and public property will be punishable.

The mysterious man chased it up, swept over a dozen houses, and refused to give up.

He saw it, this guy is the ancient Wu master who buried him last time, but this time, he will be more vigilant and will not let the other party succeed!

The masked man running in front is naturally a leaf sail.

Found that this guy is still chasing himself, Ye Fan is wondering for a while, where is this guy's confidence? Was it buried enough?

Does he think that if he has preparedness, he will not lose?

Ye Fan actually has several ways to get rid of him. If he can't force the sword, this guy can't catch up...

However, at the thought of the goods always to track, but also in the yard of his wife, Ye Fan is not happy.

Looking at the building in front, Ye Fan suddenly accelerated on a stone wall, directly in a fast backflip!

A coherent movement, falling behind the mysterious man, Ye Fan is a cannon!

The mysterious man reacted, but when he was going to avoid it, the speed could not keep up!

His arms were blocked in front of him, but the power of his fist still shook his chest and turned his back to the sea, feeling the ribs were broken!


The mysterious man was shot down from the roof. He endured the pain, just about to open the distance, but found that there was no figure in front.

Ye Fan flashed at the speed of ghosts, flashing behind him, one by one means, directly hitting the man's faint!


The man’s heart just shocked the speed of this body, and he was black again, and he was in a coma again.

Ye Fan shook his head and picked up the guy. After confirming that there were no people around him, he began to attack the sword and quickly flew out of the city.

茫茫 Forest, hoarding snow.

Ye Fan dug a pit and planted the goods again.

After completing all this, the light sailed to the faraway mountainous area. After finding a secluded cave, he took out the gravity training room.

Ye Fan is quite anxious in his heart. He wants to try it. Now his body is much better than when he was at the end of the war.

Just all the way, it was also hot, and Ye Fan went directly into the training room.

The new training room is surrounded by smooth crystals, and the bright, soft glow illuminates the interior.

An electronic female voice like Chu Yunyao rang, it rang...

"Gravity training room 2.0 is ready, is it starting?"

Ye Fan couldn't help but smile, and originally installed a voice control system?

This woman is a boring slogan. She said that she does not love him, but she has recorded her voice into the system. Doesn't this mean that she is accompanying him to practice?

"Yes!" Ye Fan laughed.

"Please choose the gravity factor, up to a thousand times."

"A hundred times!"

"A hundred times of gravity coefficient is confirmed, it will be turned on after ten seconds countdown, ten ... nine ..."

Ye Fan did not think about it, directly open the double disintegration!

He used to be on the earth, that is, the double disintegration opened a hundred times, training an hour of crazy dance, basically tired.

Once again, a hundred times of gravity appears!

Ye Fan squeezed his hand, kicked his kick, and after moving his neck, he began to dance crazy...

"It's a bit out of power..."

Ye Fan felt relaxed, so he said: "Continue to increase gravity!"

"Gravity increment mode starts, a coefficient mode..."

The training room began to increase gravity automatically, and each time it increased, it gradually increased the body load of Ye Fan!

Muscles, bones, internal organs, and even nerves... are all challenged!

Finally, when it reached a hundred and forty times, Ye Fan felt that he was starting to get tight!

Sure enough, the same double disintegration, I can resist nearly fifty times more gravity than in the past!

"Triple disintegration!"

Ye Fan bites his teeth, once again urging the disintegration method, every cell is like the chicken blood, just too heavy to bear the weight, and suddenly refreshed!


Ye Fan feels that the triple disintegration is still somewhat painful, but this pain is already tolerable.

He kept his head clear, and although his expression was awkward, he still clenched his teeth and started a crazy dance.

He knows that as long as the triple disintegration is maintained, and then the exercise is maintained in this way, the triple will sooner or later be the same as the double, and will be used freely and last longer.

The pain is painful, but more than one hundred and fifty times the gravity has no effect on Ye Fan!

"Continue to increase gravity! Hurry!" Ye Fan urged.

"Gravity increment coefficient double speed!" system out of the channel.

Gradually, gravity has come to two hundred, two hundred three, two hundred and six...

Always, when the gravity reaches three hundred times! Ye Fan finally felt that it was a little hard!

"Stop! Maintain three hundred times!"

Ye Fan’s voice was a little low, sweating and some blood, slipping like a raindrop.

After nearly an hour of crazy dance, Ye Fan felt that he couldn’t stand, and quickly stopped the training room!

The door opened, but Ye Fan did not have the strength to go out, lying directly in the training room, breathing heavily, his eyes were dull...

However, this kind of sour after the exhaustion, let Ye Fan stupidly laughed alone...

After a long time, Ye Fan slowly sat up, touched the cold sweat and blood, and asked: "Can you dry?"

"The drying system starts..."

"I am going... is it really?!"

After finishing the training room, Ye Fan found a mountain wash and washed before flying back to Houfu.

In the morning, Ye Fan once again heard the voice of the mysterious man in the courtyard of Su Xiaoxue...

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