My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1992: Don't be impulsive

1992 positive

At this moment, the door came in a brocade suit, a fat belly, and smiled cheerfully: "Ye Ma, how come you have time to sit here?"

"See your Highness..." The treasurer hurried down.

Ye Fan looked back and saw some accidents. "Three princes? How are you here?"

The crane licked his mouth and pointed to the golden plaque of a "flying crane" hanging opposite. leaf

Sail suddenly, "Is this what you opened?"

I heard that the three emperors Su He like to do business. It seems that this is true. It is really the best business in the Imperial City.

"It’s sad, my brother-in-law didn’t even know what I was doing,” Su He licked his mouth and then sat down on the sofa.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "So, is it because I am here to buy medicine, can I have a discount?"

It depends on what medicine you bought," Su He said, picking up the list on the table and taking a look.

After sweeping it again, Su He was quite emotional: "It seems... you really want to cure the gloom of the light snow."

There are a lot of medicinal materials here, some of the doctors may not have heard of it, you have done a lot of research."

The sail is no nonsense, asks: "Can you get it for me?" Su

The crane scratched his bulging face and said, "If you really want to save money, I can find a way to get at least half of it."

Some medicines that only the aristocrats can enjoy, to be honest, do not necessarily spend money to buy."

For Ye Fan, it’s natural that it’s not a thing to say. There’s definitely a way to do it. “No matter how much money, how many herbs do you have, how much I want!”

Hehe..."Su He is quite uncomfortable: "Ye Yima, I don't want to look down on the town of Houfu in the north. First of all, you haven't yet succeeded the title, and there is no financial power.

Secondly, even if the town of Houbei is well-off, it is not as rich as the enemy. Do you really have such a big appetite? ”

"You will say directly, how much money," Ye Fan asked.

Su He took out the phone directly from the storage ring. After turning on the calculator, he began to press it quickly.

In less than a minute, Su He showed the numbers on the phone to Ye Fan.

"One hundred and seven hundred thousand?" Ye Fan blinked. "

Um... After all, I am treating my sister. I only charge you the money. I know the price is a bit outrageous, but the amount you want is after all..."

Deal! ! ”

After waiting for Su He to explain, Ye Fan has already set the sofa directly!

Su He smashed, a bit stuttering: "Ye... Ye Hao Ma, don't be impulsive, you see clearly, it is one hundred and seven hundred thousand!

The income of your entire Houfu house is only less than 170,000 yuan a year. This will cost you Hou’s ten years of income! "leaf

Sail smiled, this is really a big sum of money, probably equivalent to more than one billion summer coins on the earth.

However, compared with the body of Su Shixue, let alone one hundred and seventy-seven thousand, 17 million, Ye Fan also wants to find a way. "

Money, I will give you a way to get it, it may take some time, but it won't take long, in short, you can go to stock," Ye Fan said.

It seems unbelievable that the crane is taking a breath.

"How, believe me? I won't tease you three emperors." Ye Fanxiao smiled.

"Not a letter, but I did not expect that my sister is so important in your mind..." Su He shook his head with emotion. leaf

The sail stood up and said: "Just settled, I will go first, do I have to sign a contract?"

The crane also stood up and showed a trace of truth in his eyes. "No need... a family, you don't need those things." leaf

The sail looked at Su He with some surprises. This fat man is a bit human.

Although it is a prince, a businessman, but it has not been smothered by fame and fortune, no wonder Su Xiaoxue has a good relationship with him. "

My brother-in-law, there is something... you may not know much about it," Su He reminded: "When the light snow was still small, there was actually a doctor who had mentioned the wild cold-killing prescription, which might have a miraculous effect. but

Yes, the medicinal herbs of the prescription are really too difficult to find, and because of the strong medicinal properties, the doctors of the Dazheng are not familiar with it, and it is not easy to control. If the doctor is not sure, they will not dare to try more.

Although medical practice is not my specialty, I must tell you in advance that if you don't have a medicinal material, you can certainly become... you may spend millions and it is empty."

The sail is naturally clear, so he has to borrow Chu Yunyao's technology, but he still said thank you, then turned and left the business. Connect

A few days later, Ye Fan continued to study the treatment plan while studying more targeted medical books.

Going out early and returning every day, in the middle of the night, going out to practice.

The only time to relax, that is to say, with Su Liangxue talking and taking a walk.

Others, Ye Fan is not willing to waste a little time.

Ye Fan lives and learns like a machine. It also makes people around him admire him and feel distressed. Su

Light snow and leaves are sunny and naturally advised that he should not be so tired, even Gu Qing is a little convinced, this Ma Ma, how can it be harder than her?

However, for Ye Fan, this is nothing at all. He has not eaten anything, not to mention his physical quality, and it is not easy to get tired. To

On the rest day with Bellevue, Ye Fan came to the Odin Imperial Hospital early in the morning. shell

Ervid had already been there long ago, and saw Ye Fan coming, and he was busy taking him to a conference room.

Three well-dressed men, with their children, are already looking forward to it. "

Ye Hao Ma, come here... I will introduce you, this is the Yang Daren of the Ministry of Industry and his young son... This is the Qingxiang Hou of the Baili family and his daughter..."

After the introduction, Ye Fan asked: "On these three patients?"

Belvedere suddenly said, "Oh... of course, not only these three, but because you are afraid of Ye Hao Ma you are too troublesome, so I dare not let too many patients find it." leaf

Sail: "With those who seek medical treatment, I can't cure it, but I can help them all."

In addition, if your hospital wants to learn some of my medical skills, I can teach you, of course, only for rest days. "shell

Ervid is overjoyed. "This is really great! Ye Hao Ma, how did you suddenly change your mind? I thought you didn't want to spend too much time..."

"Of course, there are conditions." Ye Fan said with a smile: "My time is very precious, so... I want to cure my illness, I want to teach, the price is not cheap." shell

Ervid and several aristocratic ministers have squatted down, but they all understand quite well. If Ye Fan doesn't accept anything, they are still uncomfortable. "

Hu Ma is a **** doctor. If he can cure my daughter, he must be thankful. How many consultations does Hummer need? "Qing Xiang Hou asked.

Ye Fan directly raised one hand, "the lowest 100,000, if it is particularly hard, add money." meeting

There was a quiet silence in the chamber, and this group of people was full of wealth and was shackled.

"Ye Ma Ma... Are you serious? I am a special envoy of Odin, only 50,000 a year," Belleved smiled.

Ye Fan patted him on the shoulder, "100,000, save a person's life, expensive?"

The aristocratic ministers looked at each other and nodded silently to each other... indeed, if it can be completely cured, the money will also cost.

After seeing a few nobles, they agreed to it. Ye Fan’s face was satisfied and nodded, and my heart regretted it...

I knew early, should I say a 200,000? This way, there is no need to do a few operations, Su Shixue's drug fee will be there.

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