My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2020: Incompatible


Ye Fan turned back and looked at Luo Hongfei with a cold-eyed look. "Ao cold entered the town of North Army, you know?"

"Know, what's the matter? Haha... It's a reserve camp soldier. Isn't it a public? Ye Hao Ma... You are too wide... oh!"

Luo Hongfei’s words have not been finished yet, but the throat is stuck and can’t be said!

Ye Fan shot lightning, directly grabbed Luo Hongfei's collar and caught his neck. He was forced out of the window!

Luo Hongfei’s head hit the top of the window, and he slammed!


Luo Hongfei screamed with a scream, and he was furious and arrogant. He was about to say something, but he was driven by Ye Fan to the top of the car!


Linked three times, Luo Hongfei's head was broken, blood DC!

Luo Hongfei has a white eye, he did not expect, Ye Fan dare really hands! ?

I didn't even think that Ye Fan didn't need to be repaired, power and speed would be so abnormal!

This scene took the neighboring Gu Qing to the ground, and the two brothers and sisters, and a group of civilians, also showed their gloom.

I didn't expect Ye Fan to be so decisive, don't say anything, just hit it! ?

A group of Luo’s people looked dumbfounded and realized that the young master was beaten and hurryed around!

"stop it now!"

The tall and thin man shouted and commanded: "Come on! He doesn't dare to repair it! Go and grab him!!"

A group of burly men listened and hurryed up to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan opened the door at this moment, and Luo Hongfei, who was so dizzy, pulled out of the car.

Luo Hongfei did not have time to react. Without the real body protection, he ate these few impacts in Ye Fan’s hand, and his head was already smashed.

Ye Fan saw a few Luo Jia hit hands, directly regarded Luo Hongfei as a human sandbag, and lost him in one hand!


The three thugs fell directly to the ground, Luo Hongfei was still injured, this shock was even more shocked to spit out a blood!

"The young master! Young master!" Jinyi men quickly went to help Luo Hongfei.

Luo Hongfei stood still, but his eyes were full of anger, biting his teeth and tangling: "Name of the leaves! You... you dare to hit me!?"

"For no reason, persecuted the soldiers of the Northern Army. As the first heir to the town of Houbei, how can I not beat you?" Ye Fan sneered.

"It’s this kid who provokes this young master! He **** it!!" Luo Hongfei snorted with his eyes open.

"Idiot..." Ye Fan shook his head.

"You... what are you talking about?? You marry me!?"

Ye Fanxiao smiled and said: "I dare to fight, how about you?"

Think about it yourself. It is also reasonable for me to say that the emperor is there!

If you have the courage, you will say everything you have done! Strongly robbing the women, intimidating the people, and persecuting the soldiers in the north of the city...

Do you think that your uncle, the uncle of the emperor, is sheltering you from this idiot, and dissatisfied with the soldiers of the Northern Army, lost the hearts of the people, and caused the anger of the officials of the civilian officials...

Or give up your useless idiot and preserve the image of your own generation of Mingjun?

Oh... yes, you shouldn’t think that you are asking for four talents, is it a generation of talents?

Look at your dog's eyes and take a good look... The kid in front of you has been born for a long time!

You think it is useful for this big levy, or is it useful for you this idiot! ?

What do you think... your emperor's uncle, which one would prefer? ! ”

Luo Hongfei’s face was white and he couldn’t say a word for a long time.

The scene was quiet, and Gu Qing looked straight at Ye Fan with a complex look.

" scare me? Are you scared of this young master!?" Luo Hongfei was not willing to bite his teeth.

Ye Fanxiao laughed and directly pulled out the dragon dragon jade. "I scare you? Do you want to go down one? You don't have a jade, I have... You know the four days of the spirit, do you have the courage to pick up?"

Luo Hongfei swallowed his throat and thought of the deep hiddenness of Ye Fan’s pro, and the recent fame of Ye Fan... His heart is getting more and more imaginary...

"I warn you, don't let me know from now on, you harass people here...

Otherwise, even if others don't dare to move you, I dare to kill you..."

Ye Fan is not scaring this guy. If it is not a sunny day, it is a bit troublesome to kill the goods in the Imperial City. He has already started.

However, if the guy is still doing this badly next time, he doesn't mind secretly killing him.

Ye Fan is not for the sake of the arrogant brothers and sisters, but just can't be used to it. This kind of flying is awkward and bullying the weak path.

Luo Hongfei looked red and white, and the lungs were blown up quickly, but he was afraid to speak.

At this time, his hatred of Ye Fan has far exceeded the point of arrogance...


Luo Hongfei faltered and returned to the car, leaving quickly with a group of men.

Ye Fan knows that this product is not expected to give up, but he does not care, this small role, can not afford to wave.

I really dare to quietly start, he still can't ask for it, can find a chance to go straight to do it...

"Oh! Today is thanks to Ye Hao Ma!"

"Yes! Xie Yezhen Ma Da En Dade!"

A group of civilians reacted at this time, knowing that they could settle down, and they all went forward and thanked Ye Fan.

"If you do it, don't lie," Ye Fan let everyone get up.

Then, from the storage ring, a pile of clothes and food, things for men, women and children, were taken out and placed in the yard.

"Oh... that proud cream, you come over, you are familiar with the people here, help me divide things." Ye Fan greeted.

Ao Frost heard, wiped the tears, quite unexpected and moved to the ground: "Ye Ma Ma... You give us something?"

"Which people in your yard are uncomfortable, I will help you to see it today, can cure it, help you treat it... don't collect money," Ye Fan said again.

When the civilians in the yard heard it, many people were moved to tears and surrounded them.

"Don't worry, come one by one! Noisy noisy? Noisy me again!!"

Was shouted by Ye Fan, this group of people calmed down, one by one began to line up to lead things, to see a doctor.

A cold man alone, standing not far away, looking at the people in the yard, around Ye Fan, a piece of grateful face, looks like a single shadow, out of place...

Gu Qing took out a handkerchief and came to the side of the proud cold. He said: "Ao cold brother, wipe it... Finish it and wash it."

Ao Han bowed his head and took the fragrant handcuffs. His eyes were shameful and moved. "Miss Gu... let you see how I look so embarrassed..."

"It’s all right, it’s gone, you are forced to do it... I’m so relieved, there’s Ye Hao’s shot, and Luo Hongfei won’t find it again,” Gu Qing said softly.

Who thinks, but the arrogant is frowning, his eyes blinked and the eyes surrounded by the leaves, cold and cold: "They are the heavenly electors, the clan's nobility, just want to buy people's hearts, which will really help us these civilian children ?"

"Ao cold brother... Don't say this, if Ye Haoma really wants to buy people's hearts, there is no need to talk to Luo Hongfei to the point just now," Gu Qing sighed. "To tell the truth, I really didn't expect that he would do it directly. ......"

"Hey, if it’s not from a civilian, it’s the kind of stuff like Luo Hongfei, and I will be humiliated by him?!

I don't lack the strength to defeat Luo Hongfei. What I lack is just a noble identity! The power of a jade fight duel!

Miss Gu, wait and see, wait for me to make a meritorious deed, become a person, I will let Luo Hongfei pay the price sooner or later! "Ao Han said with an ambitious look."

Gu Qing smiled and nodded. "I believe that the proud brother can achieve the goal..."

Ao Han smiled and showed the color of love: "Miss Gu, this time I owe you a big grace, and later... I will redouble my reward!"

"Awesome brother, don't say this, I didn't help anything, actually this time...

It was really thanks to the help of the couples of the leaves and horses, and the town of Houbei gave help.

Thank you, I would like to thank Ye Haoma," Gu Qing said, pointing to the side of Ye Fan.

Afraid is frowning, showing disdain, "Miss Gu, don't be blinded by these nobles, don't forget, you and my family are broken, what is harmful!

They just want to pull me together, so that I can be a horse for them, but also the people behind the president of Confucius...

I will go to the army to prove myself, I will rely on strength to win everything, and will never be a slave to these nobles! ”

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