Although Ye Fan is very alert in his heart, his face is a helpless look. "How do you ask me this question...

I don't have the courage to be small. Seeing that Shu Shu and the assassin are fighting, are they hidden? As for this question? ”

Ye Huangtu is also strange, "Qing, why do you ask this kid whereabouts?"

"Yes, wind curator, what do you ask me?" Ye Fan also played silly.

"Why are you on the spot?" Feng Qing asked.

"Because I recently practiced swords with Ye Xiushu," Ye Fan said.

"So smart, when you go, there are assassins," and the wind cleared.

Ye Fan smiled bitterly. "The wind curator, what you said... I don't want to, how about Shu Shu?"

The wind cleared his eyes and then said: "Ye Xiu died."

"What!?" Ye Huangtu suddenly stunned at the side, showing anger, "Who is that?! Why kill Ye Xiu!?"

Ye Fan also pretended to be surprised.

"If you want to ask, ask the elders." Feng Qingyi did not want to say anything more than Ye Huangtu. He turned and left.

Ye Huangtu was in a hurry and wanted to stop, but hesitated, or gave up.

"Bad boy, go back to the yard! I am gone!"

Ye Huangtu is really anxious, and he doesn’t think much about why Feng Qingyi specifically looks for Ye Fan, and he is eager to rush to the Senate. It is obviously going to ask Yao Xingzhi to ask a statement.

Finally, it was quiet, and Ye Fan sighed. In any case, this night was a safe pass.

He returned to the yard, sat cross-legged on the stone table, and did not want to enter the room.

There are still a few hours before the dawn, and he intends to enter the sword **** ring to enlighten the sword.

Just after the disintegration of the three elements and the disintegration of the sword, it was indeed a holy place, but Ye Fan knew that it was only the primary stage of the holy world.

It is okay to deal with these holy places, just after the completion of the Sacred Heart, but to deal with the refining of the Sacred Heart, even if you open the double sword to disintegrate, you can only barely protect yourself.

There are many strong men in the world, and there is a gap in the holy world. Different ways of cultivation will also make the strength of the holy people strong.

If he does not ascend his strength to the standard of the sacred world as soon as possible, he will always be timid.

Fortunately, his emperor-level sword is good at fighting.

As long as you can understand what you have been thinking about recently, you will be able to go further!

However, as soon as he sat down, he saw the door open slightly. Gu Qing carefully came out and asked: "Ye Ma, do you want to go in for a break?"

"No, you go to sleep, I will practice in the yard," Ye Fan said.

Gu Qing "oh", immediately asked: "I just heard, outside you talk... said that General Ye Xiu is dead, is it..."

"Don't ask, don't ask, the less you know, the safer you are," Ye Fanxiao laughed.

Gu Qing’s body trembled and licked his lower lip. “It’s Qing’s mouthful... that... that doesn’t bother the Hummer.”

In fact, Ye Fan said so, she basically guessed something.

You can think deeply about it, it is very scary!

If Ye Fan can kill Ye Xiu, then the strength is at least the king.

However, Ye Fan can safely retreat from the hands of the Shenlong Presbyterian Church, and is not recognized by the elders...

These strengths, at least the Emperor? !

How is it possible, this man is only 18 years old! ?

Gu Qingyi thinks that this Ma Ma’s deep hiddenness is both curious and scary. He feels that this man is mysterious...

One night, the news inside the Shenlong clan was flying, and the undercurrent was surging.

Ye Xiu was killed by the mysterious assassin, but the assassin was an emperor-level sword repair, but it was kept secret. Generally, the following people did not know.

Ye Fan, who started as a singer, has been practicing steadily until the early morning.

Although there are only two hours, he is already in the sword **** ring for a month.

Since listening to the night, after inspiration, the land continued, Ye Fan has been enlightened in the ring for almost a year.

Opening his eyes, Ye Fan noticed that there was movement inside the house, and he walked to open the door.

"Hua Ma", Gu Qing is holding a water basin, to prepare things for Su light snow dressing.

Ye Fan reached out and took the water basin directly. He said, "Let you go and do it yourself, I will wash the princess."

"Ah?" Gu Qing is stunned.

"Ah, what, didn't you understand?" Ye Fan waved his hand and motioned the woman not to bother them.

Although Gu Qing felt weird, she nodded and walked silently outside, but couldn’t help but look back...

In this world, the husband helped his wife wash, she really did not see it.

Ye Fan came to the bed and looked at Su Xiaoxue, who was sleepy, and put the basin on the bedside table.

"Sleeping well, my princess," Ye Fan asked with a smile.

"Hey..." Su Shixue made a delicate nasal sound, rubbed his eyes, and stretched his white arms toward the sails. "Fujun... hug..."

Perhaps it is because in the bedroom, just wake up, Su Xiaoxue did not have much restraint, see the man, I want the man to hold her up.

Ye Fan was so happy, sat down and leaned over to hold the woman's fragrant body and pick her up.

Su Xiaoxue is in the arms of men, sweetly smiling with a smile...

The air in the room seemed to be sweet.

At the door, Gu Qing looked at this scene, and there was a hint of envy in her eyes, but soon, she showed a trace of desolateness.

She couldn't bear to look at it and silently closed the door.

Ye Fan has a good wet towel, to help Su light snow wash, but the woman refuses.

"Which has to let the husband serve, if this is to let the mother know, it is blame to blame," Su light snow complained.

Ye Fan had to give up, but he still kissed the woman’s blown face.

Su Xiaoxue turned his head and smiled sweetly at him. "Frank, did you sleep in the house last night?"

"I practiced outside, didn't sleep," Ye Fan said.

"Oh..." Su Liangxue nodded, and when he got out of bed, he asked casually: "How is the sword of Fujun doing?"

Ye Fan shrugged. "That's it..."

"Nave, today, will go to General Ye Xiu to practice the sword. Can you let him look around?" Su Guangxue asked.

"When are you interested in my practice?" asked Ye Fan.

"That is... I want to be more with the husband, there is nothing to do here," Su Guangxue whispered.

Ye Fan’s heart was sighed for a while, then he sighed and said with regret: “Shu Shu met the assassin last night and died.”

Su Xiaoxue looked up and looked at the man. "What? General Ye Xiu died?!"

Ye Fan’s eyes were flashing, "Yes..."

"That... Who is the assassin? Can you catch it?" Su Guangxue asked.

Ye Fan’s heart is more suspicious. Why is the woman so nervous, but she didn’t ask much, just shook her head. “I don’t know who it is, I didn’t catch it.”

Su Shixue seemed to be confused when he thought about it for a while. Then he said with a strong heart: "French, it seems that the family is not safe, you must be careful and be careful."

Ye Fan smiled and nodded. "Do not worry, I am timid and will not make fun of my life."

"French is laughing again. In my eyes, my husband is only a low-key person, but not timid." Su Xiaoxue blinked a little bit playfully.

Ye Fan is trying to stop the woman from wearing a high hat and suddenly finds that the phone is on the phone.

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