My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2062: How did he know?


Although the battle in the knot period was not taken care of, but Ye Fan was on the scene, immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Ye Fan is up? Sure enough, I am awakened to the blood of the dragon, and I have the confidence!"

"It can only be a group of Libby in the Dandan period. After three rounds, it is estimated that you have to go away..."

"That is much better than before, at least I can play!"

"It’s a pity that he is too low, or he can come with Wutong with a blood dragon. Maybe he can export gas to Ye Hang..."

The arguments came one after another, and Ye Fan discovered that he was still very concerned about the family. If he was abolished, he would be famous.

"Ye Fan, are you randomly selected, or do you pick an opponent yourself?" the referee elder asked.

Ye Fan naturally will not be random, and he will reach out to the phoenix tree under the stage. "Just let him."

The audience suddenly made a lot of exclamations, and a group of Ye family stood up one by one.

"Scorpio! Ye Fan really looking for Wu Tong revenge!?"

"Is he crazy?? The challenge of the knot is to attack the sword of the sword!"

"There is no such difference in strength with the blood of the dragon!"

A group of ethnic groups all shook their heads and sighed, feeling that Ye Fan was too reckless, and it was a matter of arrogance.

Ye Huangtu and Ye Chaoxuan are all sinking like water, but as a male at home, they have no reason to discourage Ye Fan’s **** choices.

"Sail! Don't be impulsive!!" Ji Su was busy shouting.

Su Xiaoxue tightened his hands nervously, and Ye Qingqing and Ye Danqing on the side were all stunned.

"What the big brother is thinking about!? How can this be played?"

Ye Hang lay there, his eyes were red, "Big brother wants to help me revenge? Big brother don't do stupid things..."

However, everyone soon discovered that fear was superfluous.

The referee elder frowned: "The Indus has completed the first round, at least in the second round to choose him.

Even if you can choose from across levels, you can only pick no one. ”

"What? Is there such a rule?" Ye Fan was depressed, and he did not pay attention.

But think carefully, this rule is normal, otherwise some weak people are easy to be picked, and strong ones will not have the opportunity to play.

"Yes, or why is it necessary to take turns? Of course, it is fair to treat," the referee said.

Indus is a smile on the face, "I don't know if I can't compare it, I chose it deliberately?"

Everyone understands this. Many people smile and feel that they are on the sails. The feelings are using the rules and pretending to be like this!

"I said how he has the courage to choose the phoenix...this is the case..."

"This kid is really thief, he was almost cheated by him!..."

The referee elders pointed to the remaining dozens of knots on the screen. "These are the same as you, the participants of the knot period, let's see."

Ye Fan was not interested in finding the knot period, so he swept around in a circle. When his eyes swept over a petite figure, he immediately fixed it...

"I choose her..."

Hundreds of pairs of eyes, almost for the first time, looked at the small figure that has been neglected.

It was a little girl wearing a bright yellow woman's military uniform, and her head was one meter and a half. She looked pretty and her hair was tied into a pair of ponytails.

Among all the children who participated, there were quite a few women, but this little girl was so inconspicuous that no one noticed her existence in the crowd.

Just because of the generality, the head is short, still very embarrassing, no gas field at all, has been shrinking in a corner, did not talk to anyone.

Even, it seems that no one knows her...

"I?" The little ponytail girl heard it and almost thought she was wrong.

The referee elders squatted. He didn't know the little girl. He had to say, "Child, come up."

When the little girl heard it, her face was red and she was going to jump on the ring.

But because I was too anxious, when I jumped up, I reached the edge of the ring...


I saw the little girl "bark" and wrestled face down...

For a time, the surrounding around was silent.

After a while, the little girl waited for her nose and stood up, and the whole audience burst into laughter!

"Haha! Is this sister coming funny??"

"Ye Fan is too shameless! What opponents are chosen!!"

"The waste is really waste. I just deliberately chose the incomparable phoenix tree. This is the opponent he really wants to challenge..."

On the stand of Ye Jia, a group of Ye family people felt quite faceless and could not help but sigh.

"Big brother is really... can't pick a normal opponent? Which one is this kid?" Ye Qingqing held his head.

"Oh... this is the leaf sail I know." Ye Danqing thief smiled.

This time, even the ongoing competitions on the other three venues have been somewhat stagnant, because the atmosphere is quite absurd, and I can’t help but laugh.

The referee elder sighed and let the people around him calm down before asking: "Children, I have never seen you, which one are you, what is it?"

"Responding to the elders... I... I am a flower house, my name is a small flower!" The two ponytails were very nervous and swallowed, and their faces were red.

"Oh? People at the flower house?"

The Huajia is a branch of the Ji family. The people are not prosperous, so there are not many people who know each other. They belong to the family that has never been known.

The referee and the public looked at the big screen, and when they looked for information, they all showed the unexpected color!

"You are a plastic soul?" The referee was amazed.

"Yes...Yes..." The flower fell hard and nodded.

Although the screen is not realistic, everyone's cultivation, but no matter what, the flower is at least plastic, not a knot.

This means that Ye Fan has chosen an opponent across the ranks.

This time, there are fewer people who laugh at it.

"Is this little sister plastic spirit? I didn't see it... I used the dragon dragon?"

"I remembered, isn't it a little daughter who lives in the current family? It seems to be eighteen years old!"

"So, it’s not a little sister, it’s just a small one! It’s a plasticity. Why didn’t you see her before?”

"Who knows, shy... Maybe it’s eighteen years old, no more chances if you don’t have it..."

The referee elders said: "If that's the case, if there is no problem, let's start!"


The flowers were shaking and they nodded hard.

When she looked at Ye Fan, the girl smiled and said: "Ye Ma, please enlighten me."

Ye Fan also smiled softly at her. "What weapon do you use?"

"I... I am a plastic spirit, you are a knot, I still don't need a blade..." Hua Xiaohe hesitated.

"Is it?" Ye Fan licked his mouth.

The flower fell to the head, but suddenly found the leaf sail figure in front of him suddenly flashed!

She glanced in front of her eyes and saw Ye Fan appear in front of her arm!

At the same time, Ye Fan’s finger has already been placed in front of the flower nose!

The speed of this moment broke out, and the spectators who were originally around the world were fascinated!

At the referee's seat, a group of elders, such as Yao Xingzhi, also showed their brilliance!

"What happened!? This... is this too fast?!"

"Is this the rise of the dragon's blood to the body?!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the crowd, and a group of people from Ye Family also showed incredible colors!

"Little sister, are you sure you don't need a blade?" Ye Fan took back his finger and smiled and asked the flower to fall.

The flowers were small and pale, and others just looked at the appearance. Only the person who faced her with Ye Fan, I felt that the moment I had just brought the pressure from Ye Fan!

"I... I lost?" The flower fell and thought that he had lost. It was all too sudden. She cried and cried, and knew that she would not be careless.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "Listen to them saying that you are eighteen years old. This should be the last time you participated in Dabby.

Take out all your strength, otherwise you will be boring, and this will end, I will not win, what do you say? ”

The flowers were small and grateful, and they wiped the tears in their eyes. They looked back and looked at the inconspicuous flower family in the stands, revealing a firmness.

"Ye Ma Ma...I... I have to be serious! You are careful!"

"Good..." Ye Fan smiled and hurried back a few steps and waited quietly.

suddenly! I saw that the flowers and the small scorpion suddenly lit up the golden flame, and the body was completely windless, and a strong pressure than any previous entrant was suddenly released!

"How is it possible?? Plastic spirit nine!!"

All the tribes in the stands, even if they were hundreds of thousands of elders, stood up in surprise and opened their mouths!

I have never seen a plastic spirit, but no one can think of it. Is such an inconspicuous flower girl a little girl hiding so deep? !

A lot of gaze looked at the few people in the flower house, at this time, the home of the flower family, the face of the father who had fallen, finally revealed a smile of gratification.

Only, this is just the beginning...

When the flower falls down and reaches for a sharp sword, a long sword is rolled up from under the stage and flies into her hands...

The audience has been able to hear a lot of air-sucking sounds!

"Sword meaning!? She also realized the meaning of the sword!!"

"This sword is more than the sword of the indus... It seems to be more oppressive!"

The voices of some young contestants have begun to tremble.

Starting with a long sword, a sword is like a myriad of flying flowers, and the golden light is constantly blooming around the blade!

At this time, the flowers are small, although the size is small, the double horsetail is quite tender.

However, the posture of the long sword, under the golden flame and flying flowers, the gas field has already pressed all the young talents in the audience!

"Plastic spirit is nine heavy, heavenly sword meaning!? When did the flower family come out with such a girl!"

Yao Xingzhi and several elders have risen up, and their faces are full of ecstasy. This is already a rare genius in clan history! !

Everyone is eagerly looking at the genius of the genius who was born out of the flower...

However, the wind is clear and clear, but for the first time, a pair of doubtful alums, looking at the figure that was covered by the light...

He... how do you know?

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