My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2073: Supreme


The ordinary monsters are born with fear of Longwei, and the five-person Longwei is even more powerful.


The giant bird screamed sharply, full of violent anger, and faced Longwei was not scared!

Continue a dive, sharp as a steel knife's claws, toward Ji Changyu is a pounce!

Ji Changzheng’s panic color, hurriedly sneaked away, and the ground was swept up by the claws with a lot of dust and earth!

The giant bird's wings are cut off a lot of plants like a blade, and the heavy woods are falling down!

The ancient mountain forest is a mess, unable to bear the anger of this giant bird!

"What the **** is this!! How can it be so powerful!?" The calm winds and sorrows also turned white.

Ren Zhuo holds the black iron bow and shoots a golden arrow with a whirlpool like a giant bird!


The arrow crashed directly and did not penetrate the wings of the giant bird!

Ren Zhuolu reveals a sense of powerless frustration. "This should be an adult senior monster, iron feather golden carving!

This kind of monster is fierce! Once adulthood is not open, it is difficult to deal with! ”

He once heard on the grassland that there is a barbarian tribe that was directly destroyed by an iron feather golden sculpture. This shows that the bird is powerful.

"This iron feather golden eagle has opened up the ingenuity, and it is refined!

Didn't you find out that it has been blocking us and not giving us the opportunity to leave? ? ”

Ji Changyu only hates that he is not good at fighting, knowing that this will definitely not stop, and immediately ordered: "You are all closed!"

When everyone heard it, they knew that Ji Changzheng had to use special means to hurry and dodge while holding his breath.

After Ji Changyan flashed a gale, he applied the dragon wing to fly quickly into the air, and took out three black walnut-sized **** from the storage bag.


Under the urging of the real element, the three **** exploded and spread out to the three black fog!

In the eyes of the iron feathers, there is a touch of disdain, and the direct wings are swaying. The huge body is vacant, and a rotation in the air directly scatters the black fog!

"Stupid human monk! This means also wants to count the deity!?"

The iron feather golden eagle was directly transmitted and entered the scene of the five people!

Five people instantly look even more ugly! really! This iron feather golden eagle has already had a very high repair!

However, since I can understand people, Ji Changzhen also hurriedly asked: "We just passed by here, why do you want to fight?"

Tie Yu Jindiao responded coldly: "Just passing by!? The human monk of the scorpion... You are so easy to deceive with this deity!?"

Not waiting for more than five people to ask, the iron feathers of the golden eagle body exudes a dazzling white gold brilliance!

At that time, every feather of the golden eagle is like a layer of sharper blades, and it is extremely cold in the sun!

I saw a high emptiness of the iron feather golden eagle, the bow is a dive!

This time, the dive, the speed has been more than doubled faster than before, and the sound of the air is extremely harsh!


The golden eagle is like a huge meteorite hitting the ground, the violent hurricane is four volumes, all the wind is like a steel blade, impacting the five-person real yuan shield!

"Ah!-" The flower-filled plastic spirit repair can not stop the impact of this power, directly fly out, the wind is scratched in the air, the clothes are reddish!

The recent Ji Changzhang and other three cultivators are also extremely uncomfortable. They think that flying and running without this golden eagle is fast, and they want to fight back and not wear the defense of this golden eagle.

What is even more terrifying is that the iron feathers of the iron feathers hit the earth, and they have nothing to do with them. They are shaking their wings and standing on the ground, directly fanning the sharp wings of the people around them!

"Hey! Hey!..."

The hurricane continued to wreak havoc, and the surrounding trees that had fallen were continuously cut into sections.

Ji Changqi and others were stunned and tried to escape the control.

But their bodies are too small in front of the golden eagle, with wings of more than 100 meters of wingspan, a little block, can break off the escape route of several people.

Their attack is ineffective against the Golden Eagle, and the Golden Eagle only needs to take them, which may be fatal!

"It will die in this way! Flowers are small! Ren Zhuo! You should find a chance to run!! We drag it!!" Ji Changyi ordered.

"Yes!" Ren Zhuo Li Ma should be down, his strength is completely unable to pose a threat to the Golden Eagle, and it is also a waste.

The flower fell, but he endured the pain and cried: "But the horse has not returned yet..."

"When is it! The kid is looking for him to die!" Ji Changyu said with anger.

But I can't help but look like a scream: "Aunt! They are low, they are not far away! Or let's run first!!"

"Shut up! Coward!!" Ji Changyan screamed. "No one is dragging it, can you run away?!"

The iron feather golden eagle is a fierce light. "You don't want to run one! You dare to move the deity... you have to die!!"

Just as the Iron Eagle Golden Eagle intends to continue the onslaught, from a distance in the air, suddenly there is a golden comet-like light group, and it is hitting it!

The power of the monks emanating from this light group is even more ridiculous for Ji Changyu and so on!

"This... this is!? How is it possible??"

The flowers are small and the eyes are big, "is the sword!"

In the eyes of Tie Yu Jin, there is a deep fear in his eyes. He hurriedly flapped his wings and jumped away from the side!

The black giant sword that can be brought to the forefront, with the golden mans sword, is lightning fast!


The black giant sword directly penetrated the outer edge of a giant wing of the golden eagle, and blasted a **** hole!

Although the wings are huge, although the scope of attack is large, it is a problem to want to dodge quickly. After all, it has not been able to escape!

"Hey!-" "Tie Yu Jindiao screamed and screamed, and it hurts."

After it was an adult, it was never hit through defense!

The attack of this mysterious man makes it no longer dare to stay longer. When he turns his head and flutters directly, he takes off. Even if the wings are still bleeding, it can't take it anymore!

Looking at the iron feathers of the gold sculpture, the emperor left, Ji Changyu and other five people did not relax at all...

They looked nervously at the black giant sword that was inserted into the ground. The master of this giant sword is far more horrible than the golden sculpture!

They looked into the air in the distance, only shadowing, and seeing a white man, but also a little fuzzy.

The white man, naturally, Ye Fan, he changed his clothes, it was easy to see, and the situation was not good. He quickly threw a Xiaoxiaochen star remotely.

In order to ensure the penetration of this iron feather golden eagle, he also deliberately disintegrated, the effect is finally good.

He did not intend to kill the big bird deliberately. He could save the person... In fact, he only cares about the life and death of a person.

A wave of hands, the black giant sword far felt the call, quickly flew back.

Ye Fan took back the sword and did not intend to say anything to the five people in the past. He pretended to be just a passing person and turned away.

Seeing that the "White Swordsman" left so directly, Ji Changyu and the five people were in a row of mistakes.

"This...what is this person sacred? So far, it can break through the defense of the iron feather golden eagle!?" Feng Qiming said with amazement.

The flowers are quite fascinating: "My sword was shaking all the time...the man seems to be the emperor-level sword!"

"What!? Emperor-level swordsmanship!? How is it possible, since Xuanyuan's ancestors, have not heard of who understands the emperor-level swordsmanship!"

The flowers are small, she feels that she should not feel wrong, but she does not dare to say more...

Ji Chang blinked, she fell a bit to believe that the flower is small, think of the emperor-level sword master who the middle and high-level people talked about, these things, the juniors do not understand.

She has only been immersed in the medicinal herbs for most of her life. She does not know much about the sword. She does not dare to make a final decision. She can only go back and ask for an opportunity.

"It must be a passer-by, and it is very difficult to help us. Let's leave quickly. If the iron feathers are coming back, it will be a big problem!"

"But Ye Hao Ma..." The flowers were hesitant.

"Ye Ye Ma Ye Hu Ma! He is who you are!? You care about him so much, do we have five people who are not important to him alone??"

The flower fell scared and shrunk, tears, and dared not speak again.

"It is dangerous to go to the kid now... it is not appropriate to stay for a long time."

Ji Changyan sighed and flew in the air, using the real yuan to pull out three gullies toward the ground, forming a direction arrow.

Then, on the next giant wood, a line of words was engraved: encounter the monster, take the first step, if you see the word, follow quickly.

After leaving this message, Ji Chang said: "Well, let's go first, slow down the day and see if he can keep up.

If he can't keep up, he can't blame us. After all, going to Xiangong, this is risky..."

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