My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2092: Weird eyes


Slightly frowning for a while, the medicine is a bitter smile on the first face: "It is a rare emperor-level sword swordsman."

Exports are amazing words. However, the name of the sword **** is indeed beyond the ordinary people can afford.

It’s just that you should have just come to Dongtianfu and don’t quite understand the rules here.

Even if my medicine first gives up Danxia Valley, you have to open a school here, so you have to pass the consent of Xiangong.

Even if you are an emperor-level swordsman, you can't do it yourself. It's going to break the rules of the whole heaven and earth.

This is not the case, if you can get the consent of the fairy palace, my medicine is the first, let the Danxia Valley, dissolve the Dan Qiongpai! ”

Hundreds of disciples on the scene, when they heard the words of the head, they could not help but be alone.

"Master! You really want to let Danxia Valley?!" A few disciples who were trained as high-powered, took the lead in anxious.

"They are just a little bit like people, not necessarily afraid of him..."

Waiting for a few disciples to say more, the medicine is the first to wave, said: "All shut up! Zi Xuan ancestors are self-imposed, only to produce bitter fruit.

I am waiting to enter under the door of my Dan Qiong, and naturally I can't let you die in vain.

Nowadays, because there are no teachers and teachers, there are already many people who have died. If they continue this way, they will only take more lives. ”

A group of disciples listened and silently lowered their heads. Although they were dissatisfied, they also knew that it was not the opponent of Ye Fan.

In the world where the strong is respected, the fist is the truth, and there is not much explanation to explain.

Just like today, Ye Fan wants to take away Danxia Valley. It is as simple as choosing medicine to fight or withdraw.

Anything that turns around is not meaningful, and it is normal to take advantage of it.

The medicine first took off the sapphire gourd at the waist, and the gourd flashed a glimmer of light and turned into a small boat.

After the medicine was first hung on the gourd, it said: "Hello, the **** of swords, I was invited to go to the fairy palace to preach for several clan representatives.

If you like, I can go with you, and I will go to the fairy palace.

Once Xian Gong recognized the creation of the Shenjian sect, then I will disband the Dan Qiong faction on the spot and hand over this magical blessing. How? ”

Ye Fan looked at the medicine and looked at it with a vow. The heart was not convinced that the old guy was so good.

Since this person robbed the purple fire door, it means that it is definitely not a pure heart.

Take the initiative to take him to the Fairy Palace, and most of them have any tricks.

However, Ye Fan does not have the ability, and the rule of one person against the whole hole, but at least he can't do it now.

If the current forced drugicide is the first, if he is thinking about running away, he may not be able to kill him.

As a foreigner, I haven’t greeted the fairy palace yet. I’m robbing the martial arts resources here, and I really don’t give it to the fairy palace.

In the fairy palace, he is going to go for a trip, whether it is for the establishment of the Shenjian Zong, or for the treatment of Su Xiaoxue...

Instead of using the identity represented by Shenlong, it is not as good as it is now, with the appearance of the cold star, as a sword **** to go.

Use strength to win recognition, and it is easier to get the information you want.

It’s inevitable that you won’t get into the tiger’s hole and do a big job.

"Okay, then go to the fairy palace. When I come back, I will accept this piece of blessed land."

You can let your disciples start to change the mountain gate into a 'God of the Swordsman'." Ye Fan looks like a cloud.

The medicine twitched for the first face, and blinked and smiled: "Don't worry... don't worry, then we will leave?"

Not much to say, Ye Fan took the women, followed the medicine all the way to the fairy palace.

He is not at ease to let women leave themselves, or to bring them safer.

The women finally reunited with Ye Fan, and they were not willing to separate.

The medicine first motivated the cyan gourd to fly, while still being very vigilant, keeping a distance.

He was obviously worried that he would attack the ship with a sword.

"You gourd, it looks good... What is the origin?" Ye Fan said nothing, and asked.

The medicine showed a trace of tension, and said with a smile: "The lord of the sword, this gourd is not a sacred thing, but a piece of Xianyu that I personally got in the ancient sea.

After the refining master master refining the spirit, the name ‘翠露玉葫’.

This gourd can gather aura on its own, brew some sap of jade, used for alchemy, not a powerful magic weapon.

You have countless sword-level flying swords, and you will not look at my little things..."

Ye Fan’s face with a comforting expression said: “What are you panicking? I am the most reasonable person.

Take your martial art, and then take your magic weapon again? Wouldn't it be too deceiving?

As the saying goes, I will stay in the front line and see each other in the future. I am the one who has the most heart. ”

The medicine is a big heart, and Ye Fan is shameless, but he still laughs loudly: "Ha ha ha ha... is it... I can see that the **** of swordsman is kind and merciful... haha..."

The four women in the back were a little embarrassed. Xiao Xiner couldn’t help but said: "I said that his face is thick..."

Although they are all in the 36-hole Tianfudi, they can go to the fairy palace, but it took more than a day.

In the middle, I flew several other blessed land, and Ye Fan also saw many marketers, villages, and towns of practitioners.

In the middle of the road, there were also some monks who knew the medicine first, and he respectfully greeted him with respect.

Ye Fan didn't have anything to say about medicine. Instead, he took advantage of this time and talked to women about a lot of things on earth and things he was doing.

When talking about how many days I have to go back to the big levy, then how to take care of the Shenjian Zong side, the women proposed to let Chu Yunyao come to the heavens.

If the space transfer device made by Chu Yunyao can be built in this world, the Dazheng and Shenjian Zong can go back and forth quickly, which is much more convenient.

Ye Fan does have this consideration. Not only that, the space ring that Chu Yunyao designed to live can also improve the safety of women.

I heard that Ye Fan actually hides a beautiful girl in the ring, or is the granddaughter of one of the 12 holy people. The four women are all wrong and their eyes are weird.

Ye Fan repeatedly explained that he didn’t have a problem with the night, but they were somewhat unbelievable...

Ye Fan didn't have any problems, so I had to let the women think about it.

Their conversations naturally use the words of the earth, and then use the protective cover to close the sound, so they are not afraid of being secreted by the medicine.

"The lord of the sword, the front is the fairy palace." After a long time, the medicine first said.

As the aura became more and more intense, a magnificent palace building appeared on the fairy hills in front of the clouds.

The entire palace is dominated by white and gold, and a variety of jade stones are inlaid among them, such as dreams.

I have to say that Ye Fan has seen many magnificent buildings in the Imperial City and Xuanyuan City, but even the Imperial Palace has not been shocked by this fairy palace.

It is built for the gathering of the great sanctuary, and the grade is indeed extraordinary.

Six people fell on the open space of a piece of white jade outside the Xiangong. They found that there were many practitioners under the hundreds of steps.

Ye Fan was a little stunned and found that even Ji Longyan, Hua Xiaolu and other people of the Shenlong clan stood here!

Ye Fan frowned, strange, and it is reasonable to say that they should have arrived, how are they still squatting outside? Is it not allowed to go in?

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