My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2110: Demon


Ye Fan found that there was a silence around him, and then he swept away the sight before he noticed that he was no longer in the church.

When the gaze fell on the three comatose women on the ground, the dark flame on Ye Fan’s body seemed to be violent with his heart and shock!

" can it..."

"Ye Fan... Ye Fan, are you okay?" Xiao Xin's words on the side were crying, and he asked with surprise.

"Singer? How? What happened?"

Ye Fan frowned, his voice was low, and he talked a little hard...

He felt a headache in his head. With his recovery, a crazy and cruel consciousness was making his mind blurred and awake difficult to maintain!

Xiao Xiner saw this state of Ye Fan, did not dare to rush forward, angered and grievously cried: "They said that you are dead! Never wake up again!

The guy named Hua Sheng, who wants to take us to do what is a slave! Gillian, they are harmed by him..."

When this was said, the flower sage standing in the strong people of the Holy Land, pale face.

"How could it be... In the midst of being drunk and dreaming, how can I survive?!" The flower sacred eyes with a few fears, looking to the cup to stop.

The other sages are also incomprehensible to see the wine sword fairy, just now Ye Mingming died, everything in front of them beyond their cognition!

The cup is not complicated, but compared to the tension of most other people, his eyes are full of excitement and curiosity...

Although Ye Fan felt that the consciousness was very vague, the woman’s words still clearly entered his mind.

I don't know why, obviously, my headache is cracking, and my mind is a bit uncontrollable, but at this time, he is sensitive to the extreme!

It is like all the air flowing around, the blood vessels of the strong sanctuary, the heartbeat of those waiting outside the fairy palace, and even the grass moving in a dozen miles...

If you don't fall, you can all enter your ears clearly!

His brain is running at an unspeakable speed, passing all the information in an instant!

At this time, his dark flames beating the eyes, the world he saw, the world he felt...

It is an unprecedented "new world"!

This is a brand new angle, a new sense!

The ancients said that "I don't know the true face of the mountain, but I am in this mountain."

At this time, Ye Fan seems to have stepped out of the "mountain" and saw the world in front of him!

"It turns out... the world in your eyes... it’s like this..."

Ye Fan seems to mutter, and the outsiders don't know who he is talking to.

Only Ye Fan himself knew that he was finally the first time, in a conscious situation, saw the world seen by the "Purgatory Sword Devil"!

People from different realms have different views on the world.

It is like the world in the eyes of a child, and the world in the eyes of an adult must be different.

Ye Fan's normal state, and the state of the purgatory swordsman, the world he sees, everything he feels is different!

This kind of overlooking the world, the world, the life of all people as a mustard, wild and undefeated, the fearless demon-like vision, Ye Fan has never had before!

In the eyes of the sword demon, this group of holy people in front of the eyes, but the energy of a group of strong, weak, and those mountains and plants, reptiles and animals are no different!

As long as the powerful energy can attract attention, let the sword magic have more interest in destroying it...

Some of the original complicated things have become very straightforward. Some things that I didn’t understand have become clear at a glance!

Ye Fan stunned for a while, then looked up again and his expression changed!

There was a smirk of smile on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to talk to himself. He said in a low and hoarse voice: "How are you... is it much more fun? Accept all this, this taste... will be addictive..."

Xiao Xiner next to her is a little embarrassed, she does not understand, how does Ye Fan talk to himself in general?


Ye Fan rubbed his head in one hand, trembling, gnashing his teeth: "Damn... you give me honest!!!"

Ye Fan suddenly realized that although he had a dream, a lot of feelings, a state of mind, and a sword have been greatly improved, but this is not enough to completely control the purgatory swordsman!

Although the purgatory sword is only a kind of sword that he comprehends, this kind of sword is not a general sword.

The sword demon, the deepest part of his heart, all the evil, negative emotions, including the ultimate dark and violent condensate including the demons!

In the past, Ye Fan had never understood why the Purgatory Swordsman would be as strong as other swords.

It was not until this time that he gradually realized that...

It is not that the Purgatory Swordsman will be especially strengthened, but only in the state of the Purgatory Sword and Demon, he will be able to use his power as the emperor's sword.

The usual Ye Fan is like a mountain with a sword, and he is pressing himself to death, for fear of being unable to control, blood flowing into the river.

The sword demon is to unload all the heavy hills, completely worrying, bloodthirsty killing!

Of course, it is not necessary to be the devil, in order to bring out the full power of the imperial sword.

It is nothing more than Ye Fan’s own state of mind and artistic conception, which has not been able to match his sword.

Only in the state of purgatory swordsman, he relied on "unconsciousness" to fully exert the emperor's sword meaning.

These thoughts are also thanks to the words of the previous night, and Suzaku’s words have inspired Ye Fan.

Although he had already realized the emperor-level swordsmanship, he has not been able to fully inspire his "heart of the emperor."

Every time he raises his sword, he thinks it is to protect his beloved, in order to live...

In fact, Ye Fan avoided the deep self, the desire of selfishness! Greater ambition!

Own, and the infernal sword magic, Xuanyuan Emperor, although the use of emperor-level sword meaning, the difference lies in a "contend" word!

Unparalleled swordsmanship, the way of the emperor!

In the sky and underground, there is only one emperor!

Do not argue, why do you call the emperor! ?

Ji Xuanyuan is obsessed with being an emperor, not only for the sake of the world, but also for the sake of the ages...

He knows that only when he really sits in the position of the emperor can he feel more truly, what is the "Emperor"!

This is also why, Xuanyuan Emperor said that the emperor did not take long, he went around and had no interest in the empire, because from the beginning, he just wanted to feel the position of the emperor...

Presumably, some other sacred strongmen are also keen on emperor, but they also want to feel the emperor's way.

No one is completely selfless, even if it is an emperor, it will have its own lusts...

Even if my own lusts don't dare to face up, I can't even count on a person who is upright. !

"Listen... you are just a sword in my hand... you can only listen to me... it used to be, and it will be the same in the future!"

Ye Fan can't take his head to split the pain, simply do not do two endless, direct triple disintegration!


Ye Fan screamed in pain and madness. After the triple disintegration, the dragon spirit in the body was strengthened and the mind became clearer!

Even though the Purgatory Sword Devil is the strongest side of his present, it can only be part of the personality and the sword. After all, a sword is a trick, not an independent soul and personality.

Without Ye Fan, there would be no swordsmen, and it would be plain, whether good or evil is a matter of thought, or by Ye Fan himself.

As long as Ye Fan does not choose to completely demonize, the sword magic can not "take power."

This is also the reason why Ye Fan can suppress it in the deepest part of his heart.

"This... what happened to this kid?" The bearded man looked guilty.

"He seems to have fallen into his own heart, talking to himself, half crazy and half epilepsy..." Phillips frowned.

Although Ye Fan has a lot of thoughts in his mind, in order to suppress the purgatory swordsman, I have already done a lot of hard work.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, it is only a dozen seconds.

When the flower sac was seen, his face was cold, and said: "This child is violent and violent, leaving a devil in the heavens and the land, and now it is wonderful to get rid of him!"

Seeing that Ye Fan was in a tremor, it seemed that the station was standing still, and Huasheng felt that this was his only chance.

Otherwise, based on the pressure he felt at the moment, he knew that he was awake, and he was mostly not an opponent!

"Gloomy Soul Eater!"

Huasheng is not stupid. From the battle between Ye Fan and Jiu Jian Xian, I know that Ye Fan’s **** is weak, and now he immediately shows his own big attack on the Yuanshen!

Some of the great sacred besides were frowning, some were hesitant, but no one rushed to stop it. After all, there was no reason to stop it.

Just take this opportunity to see what Ye Fan is in the end, whether it is a watch or a horror like a pressure...

I saw a wave of flowers and a fan, the atrium immediately condensed a chaos of power, the dark blue and purple huge flowers of the gloom, suddenly emerged!

The appearance of the dreamy Soul Eater blooms, revealing a monster-like **** mouth!

Only heard a whistling sound, the Soul Eater wrapped directly into the leaf sail!

"Ye Fan! Be careful!!-"

Xiao Xiner, who is on the side, can't even get close to it. Huasheng is attacking with all her strength. Is it that she can repair a king? !

Ye Fan was holding his head down and gasping for a breath, as if he had not noticed that Huasheng had killed him.

Just as the huge blood of the soul-splitting flower to the moment in front of Ye Fan!


One of Ye Fan’s left arms is arbitrarily swaying in the air, and the black flame sword wraps the arm and directly shreds the huge Soul Eater!

As if I heard a sorrow of the Soul Eater, the seemingly fierce sacred killings have failed!

Hua Sheng Zhang opened his mouth and shivered on his hand. "This... how could it be..."

The strong people of the Holy Land have changed their colors. Since the flower holy can be called holy, the natural strength is recognized.

Although they have guessed that they may not be able to use it, but they did not expect that such a killing would be so simple and crushed! ?


Ye Fan gasped heavily and looked up...

At this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that Ye Fan had a pair of scorpions that beat the dark flames, and there was a change!

Although one left eye is still beating the black flame, but one right eye has already recovered into a golden flame!

At the same time, the black flame on Ye Fan’s body gradually only left the left hand still burning, and other parts of the body have been occupied by the golden flame...


Ye Fan black flame burning left arm, a black giant sword pulled from the jade.

Black flame, quickly wrapped up the whole black sword!

Xiao Xiner stood up recently and felt the most true...

The woman feels that the two colors of the man’s body are beating at the same time, one is full of light and warmth, while the other is dark and fearful...

Like a shining god, but with a devil's arm, and a great king's sword...

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