My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2131: Big night


The flowers are small and sullen, "Wow... How do you know Ye Hao Ma, the sword **** predecessors want to accept me as a disciple?

He pointed me to something that made me use the sword more purely, but I didn't fully understand it yet."

"Yes, then you have to ponder, congratulations, you have a great swordsman!" Ye Fan laughed.

The flowers are small and busy shaking their heads. "Nothing! You don't misunderstand Ye Hao Ma, although the sword **** predecessors want to accept me as a disciple, but I said that I want to worship you as a teacher, so ... so I refused."

Ye Fan was flattered. "This... this is so interesting, does this not delay your cultivation?"

Hua Xiaoluo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I think Ye Hao Ma is also very powerful, and the sword **** predecessors are too high to climb, I am a little scared...

Or Ye Hao Ma is more cordial, if you can be my teacher just fine. ”

Ye Fan hugged his hands in front of him and smiled. "Hey, because you want to worship me as a teacher, this is not enough."

Really want to be my disciple, I am also very strict, not good practice, I will also get angry."

The flowers are small and wide-eyed, and there is a surprise on the round face. "Ye... Ye Hao Ma! You mean, are you willing to accept me as a disciple?!"

Ye Fan nodded. "Since you are so sincere, you refuse the sword god, then I will accept you as my entry disciple."

The flowers are small and the eyes are shining, and they quickly slammed down and gave Ye Fan a head. "The master is on, the flowers are small and see the master!"

Ye Fan looked at the girl who was full of innocence and joy, and there was a hint of love in her heart. It seems that she is really "old".

"Get up..." Ye Fan raised the girl with both hands and said: "To be a teacher, you will return to the Imperial City today. Before you leave, teach you a set of kungfu. You should cultivate yourself."

When the flower fell, Ye Fan was going to leave today. He was very unwilling, but he knew that he could not stop, so he nodded.

"Master, what swords do you want to teach me?"

Ye Fan shook his head. "Your short board is not in swordsmanship, but in your body, you can't play your swords for the time being.

For the teacher to teach you this set of work, you will be particularly hard at first, but you must insist on it every day, I will check it next time."

The flowers were thoughtful and seriously nodded.

Ye Fan naturally teaches his crazy dance to the flower. This set of actions can be done once or twice for a girl who has already been mentally versatile, but it will be hard for the third time.

After learning, the flowers are too tired to stand up and struggle.

At first, I felt that this action was too weird, and it didn't seem to be very powerful. But after I learned it, I realized that this is definitely not a simple effort.

Ye Fan then took out a crimson willow sword from the ring of the sword god. This sword is not only a top-quality sword, but also quite suitable for women, beautiful and exquisite.

Although Ye Fan does not lack a good sword, he also knows the truth of his sin. It is not good for her to take too many good swords.

"This is a gift for you to worship me as a teacher. I don't know what this sword is. After you accept it, you can take a name yourself." Ye Fan passed the flying sword.

The flower took the flying sword with excitement and shimmered in the big eyes, but shook his head again: "Master... This is a high-grade flying sword, too expensive!"

"You are my great disciple, this gift is not collected, is it not that the teacher is very faceless?" Ye Fan frowned.

When the flowers fell, I was so happy and grateful to take it. I smiled and bent down. "Thank you for the master! The disciples will practice well and practice the sword! Hehe..."

Ye Fan looked at the cute appearance of the little apprentice and couldn't help but touch her little head. "Well, hoe, for the teacher to leave, I will accept you as a disciple, don't say it."

"Ah? Why?" Some flowers are a little pity, but I also want to tell my family that I have a good master.

"You naturally know that it will be good to listen to the teacher."

At present, Ye Fan only hopes that the small and small can be safe and cultivated, and the relationship with him will only bring danger.

After all, the flower is not his own love, let her leave the house, it is not realistic to go around with him, it is not necessary.

Ye Fan also told her girl the mobile phone number. "If you don't understand what you practice, you can contact the teacher at any time. Sometimes there may be no signal, so let's talk about it."

When I was a small fan, I nodded happily. She was also distressed by the appointment of the teacher. It would be better if I could contact the mobile phone.

"Small! Haha! Your child, can be counted back!..."

At this time, the owner of the flower family came over and was obviously eager to be a woman.

The flower was shocked and was about to come over with Ye Fan. How to hide it, but when I turned back, I found that I had already disappeared from Ye Fan! ?

The flower was so horrified that he was a cold sweat, and his own master, the body is too horrible! !

Is it... this is the set of very tired work, the physical qualities brought! ?

Hua Xiaolu finally realized that when he was on the stage, he would be suppressed by Ye Fan with pure physical strength!

"Hey daughter! Small drop!? What's wrong, what do you want to stay?" The owner of the flower house was very worried.

The flower fell back to the gods and smiled at his father. "Nothing, hey, my daughter is thinking about practicing the sword..."

In midair, Ye Fan saw the warm picture of the reunion of the father and the daughter, and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

How can he bear it, because by the teacher himself, let the flowers fall into the house?

After finishing the chief disciple of Shen Jianzong, it is time to return to the Imperial City.

The plan that Chu Yunyao said last time, after having the three blessed land of Dongtianfudi as the base, can finally be launched!

All the way to the Imperial City flight, Ye Fan called Chu Yunyao's phone, want to let the woman prepare in advance.

However, Ye Fan played several times, but he could not contact Chu Yunyao.

Ye Fan couldn’t help but sink his heart, his face was ugly, and he had an ominous premonition...

He also has no way to let others help him to explore the situation of Chu Yunyao, so he has to fly at full speed regardless of the three seven twenty-one!

When I rushed back to the Imperial City, it was already late at night, but Ye Fan did not care too much. Even the town of Houfu in the north did not return, and went directly to the National Teacher's Office.

Outside the National Teacher's Office, the guards were all changed, and they became a group of strange black guards.

Ye Fan’s eye was cold and flashed, and he flew directly into the backyard.


A group of black guards, hurrying around, holding a variety of soldiers, surrounded by leaves and sails.

"All retreat..."

A familiar man figure came out from Chu Yunyao's laboratory. The man was wearing a black uniform and his face was cold.

Ye Fan’s mouth was light and faintly asked: “But the big man, in the middle of the night, what do you do with the shadow guard to the National Teacher’s Office?”

The man in front of him is the chief commander of the shadow guard, Tu Yue!

Tu Yue’s gaze looked at Ye Fan intricately. “Ye’s horse... This is not the case, but should you ask Tu to ask you?”

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