My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2164: I don't know thanks


"Hey--" Xiaojin took a bite and bite directly into the belly of the black mysterious snake!

A large number of scales were torn and shattered, and black blood sprang from the wounds of the mysterious snake!

Black mysterious snake humming, it hurts its fierce hair, is also a mouth, biting on the back of Xiaojin!

The golden-blue scales were also pierced by sharp teeth, and the venom was madly injected into the little gold body!

Xiaojin roared, and the body was burning with dragons and dragons. The black toxins were quickly evaporated and the effect of toxins was greatly weakened!

A thick dragon claw claw chiseled in the belly of the black mysterious snake, a pull, flesh and blood scales broken and flew!

The Jiuyuan black mysterious snake has a painful release of the mouth, and the scarlet eyes are flashing out of the tyrannical color. The real yuan is surging, and a lot of dark gray thunderclouds appear in the sky!

Suddenly, the thunder and light burst into the sky!

"Zizizi! Nourish... Rumble!!"

The sudden lightning bolt will completely wrap the gold and bake it!

The thunder and lightning brought by the power of Xuanyin will stimulate Xiaojin to tremble the whole dragon body!

The bitter golden pain of releasing the dragon claws, the three black-streaked snakes behind the three meat wings and three beats!


Three heavy blows, the whole dragon body of Xiaojin hit and fall!

The black snake's wounds heal quickly at this moment, and the flesh and scales are fresh at the speed visible to the naked eye!

Xiaojin, who was counted by a sinister sin, was very angry. Although it had no intention of fighting this black snake, he did not think about losing to this monster!

I don't want to fight, I don't want to fight, but I can't beat it! The dignity of the dragon is a monster, it is inviolable!

Fortunately, its resilience is not inferior, the wound has stopped bleeding during the fall!

A churning, smoldering dragon inflammation, from the bottom up, facing the black mysterious snake is just a collision!

Taking advantage of the dragon's horn on his head, Xiaojin smashed the squat of the black mysterious snake!

The black mysterious snake was caught unprepared by this sudden acceleration, screaming and screaming, and it was so painful to fly out!

Xiaojin catches up and catches up. It is also a dragon swinging tail. He directly flies the black mysterious snake to the outside of the city!

Out of the sky above the North Ming City, playing it will open a lot, do not worry about falling, a large group of civilians directly crushed to death!

At this time, along with the appearance of Longwei, the outer monsters apparently slowed down their movements. Many demon snakes looked at the two monsters in the sky and were already stagnant!

Although the Jiuyuan black mysterious snake is not afraid of the dragon, it does not mean that other monsters are not afraid, they still can not overcome the natural fear of this race!

The pressure of the Zhenbei Army has plummeted, and on the other hand, it has begun to fight against the snakes, and on the other hand, it can’t help but pay attention to the battle in the sky!

Most of the strength of Xiaolong is also water. Except for Longyan, the restraint of Jiuyuan black mysterious snake is not obvious.

This makes Xiaojin and Jiuyuan black mysterious snakes difficult to distinguish, and sometimes they fight fiercely, and sometimes they call for the wind and rain, attracting the royal power, and playing hard!

"Hey! How are you doing??"

"Huangtu! How did you flow so much blood!?"

In the city, Ye Hang and Ji Suxin found the Ye Huang map that landed. At this time, he was red and pale, obviously consumed a lot.

Looking at the anxious son and the tearful wife, Ye Huangtu held the rifle in one hand and waved his hand. "I am fine..."

"I still have nothing to say!? You are standing still! The armor is broken, you didn't see it?" Ji Suxin cried.

Ye Huangtu is blocking his wife. He will lead a few of the North Army who will come over: "Fast! With the dragon, the dragon is dragged, and the whole army is dispatched to kill other demon snakes!"

"Yes! Hou Ye!" Zhenbei military generals shouted.

Now that the battlefields are all outside the city, they no longer have to worry about the safety of the city.

When the generals took the troops and rushed out, Ye Huangtu sat on the ground, took out a few healing medicines, took them down, and began to heal the wounds.

Ye Hang and Ji Su were on the sidelines and looked nervous. They knew that Ye Huangtu was absolutely not hurt, but he was strong.

A few figures appeared in front of the three people, and it was a group of people like Xuan Ming who were Zhou Ruinian and Zhang Zeyu.

"I am really sorrowful in the town of Beihou, the younger brother of Huangtu, lack of healing medicine?

My Xuan Ming has a lot of good medicines, I can send you some." Zhou Xinnian looked at the bloody, wolf-stricken Ye Huangtu, joking.

Ye Huangtu closed her eyes and did not hear anything.

Ji Suxin couldn't stand it, and yelled loudly: "Let's pretend here! You are the master of Xuan Ming's family, and inherit the title of Taihaogong!

Dignified in the north of the city, this kind of crisis will only say cool words here! You are simply shameful to you, the ancestors of Xuan Ming! ! ”

"Oh..." Zhou Yinian snorted. "I am a city owner, but I have no military power. What is responsible for defending the city is your town, Houfu, what do you have with me?"

How do you know that you can't bear enough, but come to blame me, Xuan Mingshi did not contribute?

Since you want to monopolize power, you must have the corresponding skills. If you don't have the ability... then don't be embarrassed here! ”

"You..." Ji Suxin is about to continue to be a big man, but he has been handcuffed by Ye Huangtu.

Ye Huangtu opened his eyes and said: "Northern City, has not been broken, too grand, you Xuan Ming, do not need to come out, shrink just fine."

"Ha ha!" Zhou Yannian disdain: "Ye Huangtu, if we did not send out the dragon to help out, you have no life! You really think that relying on you, can hold this city?"

"What?! Is the dragon sent by you?!" Ji Suxin said: "What are you talking about!? Where are you from the dragon!?

Even if the dragon has its affiliation, it must be sent by the ancestral ancestors of our **** dragon! ! ”

"Do you have a dragon, you know for yourself... If so, you still need to be labeled as this virtue?!"

Zhou Yannian satirized the sentence, and said with a big hand: "Go! Let's go out, don't let the demon snake kill our hard-working dragon!"

"Homeowner, look at it, I will say that you have sent a dragon, they will not appreciate, and may also grab our dragon!" Zhang Zeyu sighed at the side.

"Let them say, after all, some people never know how to be grateful..."

Looking at a group of people of Xuan Ming who flew out of the city wall, Ye Huangtu frowned.

"Hey, this... Is this dragon really theirs?" Ye Hang was skeptical. After all, he had never seen the Zhenbei Army, and even the dragons in the family.

How could it suddenly pop up? Just as the deer snake came, Xiaolong appeared?

"Definitely deceptive! Your kid is really convinced?!" Ji Suxin knocked on his son's head.

"But... Niang, if it is a wild dragon, it will not happen to pass by? So this is too clever?!" Ye Hang confused.

Being asked like this, Ji Suxin also hesitated.

Ye Huangtu said: "It doesn't matter who the dragons are, even if they are theirs. They are willing to send dragons out to defend the city and save my life, then thank them."

Ji Suxin and Ye Hang are unwilling and helpless, and they are too lazy to think about these troubles.

At the same time, dozens of miles away from the demon snake army, deep into the wild grassland, after a shady slope, a pile of rocks stood there, forming a rock formation.

Near the hillside at this time, there are a colorful deer snakes everywhere, crawling around like a snake valley!

One is wearing a gray robe, wearing a hood, wearing a white mask on the face, a strange figure in a black long-haired shawl, sitting on a rock.

In front of him, a bead with a faint glow and a black mist, is constantly releasing a burst of spiritual strength.

These demon snakes seem to be infatuated. Under the men’s instigation, one after another, orderly and northward toward the north.

A figure flies from a distance in the blink of an eye, and behind it is a huge wing formed by a pair of flying swords. It is Ye Fan!

The smiling face slowly raised his head, with a magnetic voice, playing with the taste: "The emperor-level sword meaning... Could it be that you are the sword **** who recently became a pioneer?"

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