My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2171: Is male and female


"Two...what did you think of?" asked Ye Fan.

The short-haired ancestors and the woman looked at each other and shook their heads inexplicably: "It is reasonable to say... impossible, but according to your description, there is only one clan who has this ability."

"Oh? Is that a clan's blood talent? Which one?" Ye Fan asked.

The woman is in the right direction: "Hey...that is, the people of the world..."


Ye Fan suddenly, he remembered that the horned beast seems to coincide with the legendary beast! ?

"Yes, the Yi family is a clan of our four great clan, which is incomparably taboo. As early as the ancient times, it has been united and annihilated by our various ethnic groups.

Because the blood talent of the Yi family is ‘gluttony’, they can swallow all things in the world, including your emperor-level swordsmanship, you, this person... everything can be swallowed!

By continually engulfing them, they will become stronger and stronger, and their minds will become more and more brutal, eventually becoming a complete beast.

In the ancient times, the clan defeated some powerful Yi people, and they could only adopt a cooperative fighting style, forcing the Yi people to swallow, exceeding the limit of tolerance!

If the people who go up are not strong enough, they will only continue to strengthen those Yi people, but it will become more and more difficult to defeat..."

The woman followed: "It is reasonable to say that the Yi people have long been annihilated, is there still Yu Yu left in the world?"

"If it is true, the Yi family will reappear in the world, I am afraid it will be a hurricane..."

Ye Fan was confused for a while, and for the time being, that person was a sui, but why did this person attack the Beiming City? Why ruin the medicine?

He could not help but raise the question again, but this time, the two ancestors were also confused.

"Young people, we are only here to support the elderly, unless the old priests of the wild temple are coming over, otherwise we will not care."

This time also because of your appearance, we only came out to see, before the last retreat, the Xuanming clan is still another.

You want to explore the situation from the wilderness from us. We really don't understand... I have to find the answer myself," the woman laughed.

Ye Fan was helpless and could not help but smile: "Most of the sacred ancestors have left the clan. It is really hard to stay here for so long..."

Shenlong’s ancestors laughed and said: “There is nothing. Most people like to explore, but people and people are different in character.

The character of our two brothers and sisters is not much pursued, and they are also guarded.

Unlike other people, I can't help but look for more opportunities and want to see the whole world, but after I almost leave, I can't come back again...

When you are older, most things are not of interest, but if you go to the ancient sea and are afraid of death, you might as well stay here.

If you have a little filial piety, you may wish to go to the cave and help me find it. Are there any brothers and sisters of Shenlong, who are willing to come here to pick up my class?

The patriarch told me that the guardian was looking for someone to give me a rotation for three hundred years. The result was almost two thousand years, and there was no waiting for the rotation!

I don't know if the group's later holy places would not leave, or the guys forgot about it! ”

Ye Fan looked stiff and lost his ancestor and laughed. How could this be a bit miserable!

Two thousand years? It is estimated that those people who were at the same time with him will have left the floods without dying...

Finally, Ye Fan asked again, the two did not know how to treat Tianyin.

As a result, the two have never heard of it, and Ye Fan has to give up...

It seems that when the initial drug is said to be good first, this disease is estimated to be unknown to a few people.

A blink of an eye, two ancestors who did not know their names, have disappeared.

Although Ye Fan didn't ask too much, it was a reward.

When flying back to the edge of Xiaojin, Xiaojin was already arrogant, and all the people of Xuan Ming’s were bitten into meatloaf.

"Hello of the sword god... Thank you for helping us hold the North Mingcheng!" A group of people in Ye Huangtu are waiting, thank you for going forward.

Ye Hang looked at Ye Fan’s eyes and was full of fiery worship.

Ye Fan said casually: "Don't thank me, I will teach the following people later, even if it is a barbarian, it is also a person...

The people belong to the people, the soldiers return to the military, not everyone wants to fight. ”

The color of Ye Huang’s face is very open-minded: “The picture is taught...”

"Sword God! We must go back to the army more strictly!" Ye Hang also shouted.

Looking at his cheap old man and cheap brother, so respectful listening to the teachings, Ye Fan feels weird.

He missed Su Shixue, and he waved his hand: "Go and clean up the battlefield, I am leaving!"

After all, Ye Fan reached out and took a small gold.

Xiaojin blinked into a small arm length, and his relatives stopped on the shoulders of Ye Fan.

Everyone in the town of Beibei saw a fascination and envy. After all, they are all Shenlong's people. Who wouldn't want to have a dragon around them?

Ye Fan's figure flashed and disappeared instantly from the crowd.

Of course, Ye Fan didn't go straight to the wild. He just wandered around and went to a small corner of Beiming City.

"Master, or I will kill a few of the people of Xuan Ming! This group of people is too damn!" Xiao Jin said.

Ye Fan reached out and touched his little head. "Okay, you just ate them. What about it? The culprit is dead."

This time, I don't think about it. If you don't want to be dispatched next time, I will never force you... I promise."

Ye Fan sighed and said sincerely: "This time you were wronged."

In the golden eyes of Xiao Jin, there is a glimmer of crystal, "Master! Hey..."

Ye Fan couldn’t smile. "What are you crying? Are your big men crying and crying?"

"Master... How do you know that I am a big man?" Xiaojin asked.

Ye Fan glanced, "Don't you be a mother dragon!?"

Xiaojin stunned his head. "In fact, I don't know... It seems that after the sputum, I can't tell the difference... although I haven't noticed this before."

Ye Fan caressed his forehead, and the goods were even unclear even if they were male and female! ?

However, this matter, Ye Fan did not want to go deeper into it. If it was a mother dragon, it would be awkward to get along.

After confirming that there were no ones, Ye Fan took out his mobile phone and called Su Xuexue.

Not long after, the phone was connected, and there was a happy voice from the woman. "French! Where are you? Is everything ok?"

Ye Fan heard the voice of a woman, and she was very practical. She asked her how her body was in the past two days.

"The whole body has turned better, but Qinger, Danqing and Shuibo are all worried about you."

Mother and father have been asking and inquiring, where are you, husband, tell them, let them feel at ease? Su Shixue softly said.

Ye Fan can tell the truth, but he said: "This is a pre-release to say ... Xiaoxue, although it may make you a little hard, but ... I really miss you, I am going back to the Imperial City, pick you up, we Is it good to find herbs together?"

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