My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2192: Special thinking


Ye Fan is not guilty, but in his view, the environment of the cave cell is much quieter than the outside, and will not be disturbed.

The key is that the cell has the effect of isolating the breath and energy fluctuations, at least stronger than the shell house.

In the unlikely event that he cultivates a dangerous situation, he will not hurt the monks. After all, the sword is too lethal.

Because of the emergence of the Sea Magic Army, the Yiren tribe has entered a stage of intense war preparation, and no one cares about Ye Fan going to the cave.

Ye Fan let Xiaojin stay outside the cave to prevent someone from bothering.

At this point, Ye Fan imprinted all the information related to his rhythm into his mind.

Later, he calmly entered the sword **** ring and began to use the time difference to analyze and enlighten.

After this period of cultivation, the two liquid golden dragons in his body, in fact, the intensity, has long been enough to plasticize.

The problem is that he does not know how to stabilize the liquid golden dan, making it a "hotbed" for the birth of the spirit.

The liquid golden dan, which has been flowing, can only control its speed and general direction at most, but it cannot be completely controlled and unified as ordinary Jindan.

Therefore, the manipulation method of liquid golden dan can only be taken a different way.

When Ye Fan saw that the singing voice of the monks could cause various changes in water, fire, wind, sand, etc. in nature, Ye Fan had a bold idea!

Liquid golden dan, in essence, is also the energy in nature, and there is no difference between water and fire.

Then, if you can know how different sound waves will affect different energies...

Does that mean that you can control all kinds of energy as long as you control the sound waves?

In other words, once you can use sound waves to affect the liquid golden dan, then you can control the liquid golden dan in the true sense? !

If this idea is feasible, then the degree of control over Jindan will far exceed that of other monks!

Because, liquid gold Dan, is infinite plasticity!

You can completely change the liquid golden dan, into various shapes, so that the energy works in a way that is completely in accordance with the most perfect plastic method!

If the process of plasticizing is done, make a new dress than the original fabric.

Then, the solid gold Dan is tearing the fabric by hand, and the liquid golden Dan, but it is possible to cut the fabric with scissors!

In this way, the "clothes" made, which is more close, more refined, obvious!

Therefore, these days, Ye Fan has been summing up.

There is no concept of "sound waves" for the people of the Yi people and even the wilderness world.

They think that singing is singing, and sound is sound.

However, Ye Fan knows through science that the essence of sound is the sound wave generated by the vibration of an object.

The frequency of the waves is the key to controlling these energy changes!

Because of the talents of the monks, the frequency of sound waves used in singing is usually not available to humans, so their singing will bring all kinds of wonderful effects.

Through the induction, Ye Fan constantly tried and gradually summarized the effects of some sound waves.

To put it bluntly, what sound waves control up and down, what sound waves are effective for liquids, what sound waves will suppress and burst, these are regular!

Ye Fan didn't have time to figure out all the rules. He didn't expect to use sound waves to control the fire and thunder. He just wanted to control the liquid!

As a result, Ye Fan's workload is much smaller. It does not require a lot of time, so the sound frequency of the control liquid is firmly remembered.

However, the liquid golden dan is in Dantian.

The human voice vocalizes, and the sound spreads out, not to Dantian.

Therefore, Ye Fan still needs to solve a problem - how to accurately transmit sound waves to Dantian.

This problem may be very unsolvable to the practitioners of the whole world.

However, Ye Fan found that his own cultivation methods gave him an unexpected harvest!

Humans actually have a language skill, they can do so to transmit sound waves to the body, that is, "ventral language"!

People speak normally and use the oral resonance to make a sound.

Abdominal language is to reconcile the breath in the abdominal cavity, hit the special part of the vocal cords, the vocal cords passively vibrate!

If you follow the basic method of ventral language, you still use vocal cords to pronounce, and you can't manipulate the liquid in Dantian.

Therefore, what Ye Fan wants is to learn the technique of ventral language, let the vibration pass to Dantian, and take Dantian as a vocal cord!

In this way, Dantian is no longer just a container, but a hands-on, you can directly control the liquid golden Dan!

If other powerful people in the world hear the idea of ​​Ye Fan, they must think that Ye Fan is crazy!

Because, Dantian is the most important part of the monk, it is also extremely fragile, a little careless, Dantian broken, it is completely finished!

However, Ye Fan is different!

Ye Fan's physical fitness is through the perennial mad magic dance, from the inside out, every cell is crazy and strengthened!

Including Dan Tian, ​​it is also extremely strong, even if Ye Fan uses sound waves to make a sound, it can not withstand such a toss!

It can be said that this skill of using Dantian to vocalize and use the audio to control the Golden Dan energy is that Ye Fan has tailored it for himself!


Ye Fan took a breath, and one day, he pulled out from the ring of the sword god.

He has already thought about all the details, and he can officially start practicing.

The first step is to let your liquid golden dan, first settle down, and only let it stabilize, in order to carry out other sports.

When he first woke up in the tribe of the monks, Ye Fan noticed that the songs of the monks seemed to make his gods soothing, as if the sea monsters would calm down.

This is the wonder of the sound wave, clearly that it is moving, but it can calm the liquid...

Soon, Ye Fan's powerful body function, in the face of such cultivation methods, showed an advantage.

For Ye Fan, his internal skeletons, organs and even meridians are intensively exercised and have strong control.

Using ventral language skills, after inhaling the gas, the resonance is transmitted in the body, which affects Dantian.

At Dantian, the vibration frequency, with the array of sound waves, the powerful Dantian, there is no pain because of the vibration, so that Ye Fan can concentrate on it.

Gradually, with the more precise sound waves of the "stationary command", the two liquid golden dan, it is getting slower and slower... until it stops flowing, it becomes two "stop water"!

Successful! ?

Ye Fan was overjoyed and quickly suppressed his excitement. He knew that this was only the beginning.

After the liquid is stable and still, how to make it smoothly breed the spirit is the highlight!

Ye Fan began to try to use the other sonic frequencies to direct the two liquids out of various changes.

The liquid Jindan is obedient, and the problem of plasticity is no longer a problem. What Ye Fan wants to do is to create various frequencies according to the plastic method.

Not only is it necessary to maintain stability, but it must also be stable and changeable. The vibration requirements of Dantian are exceptionally high.

Two liquids, like Dandan, are two dancers who are doing gymnastics. According to Ye Fan’s vibration frequency, he listens to music and makes various changes.

One day, two days, three days...

Ye Fan races against the clock, a little bit of mental dissatisfaction, take a little dragon grass to take.

Finally, three nights later, Ye Fan felt his two liquid golden dragons, and two exciting spirits emerged at the same time!

Two spirits! ?

A pale golden sword, a spiritual villain, and a white-eyed real-spirited villain, born from liquid golden dan!

The sword is spirited, and it is full of unparalleled swordsmanship!

The true Yuan spirit body comes from the practice of Tian Yi Sheng Shui, Sui Huang Bu Tian Gong, so it is gentle and moderate, and the yin and yang reconciliation makes people feel calm and calm.

These two spirits, as if they represent themselves, are just a soft one, and they have a complementary taste!

Although the spirit is still small, Ye Fan knows that he has the dragon crystal grass, plus the realm is enough, the speed of the spiritual body is very fast.

Just as he broke through to the knot, he quickly upgraded to the same level, and he was able to climb to the peak easily.

As long as you grow up the two spirits, the spiritual power of these two spirits will help him dispel the Kraken!

But when Ye Fan planned to absorb the aura and cultivate two spirits, he suddenly found a problem that he had not thought of before!

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