My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2194: a strange scene


Under a command, the Kraken, wearing a variety of leather armor and armor, a pair of scarlet eyes, fiercely screaming out of the red mans!

Like a myriad of fierce snakes, the embarrassing embarrassment, from the Kraken army, is creepy!

The Krakens began to release hundreds of devastating sound waves, and the spirit of the scorpion was like a devastating tsunami, and the screaming warriors roared away!

The Deaf Warriors also had early warnings. At this time, they also made waves of roaring waves, and the sandstorms on the beach were rising!

The sound waves let the sea and the sand, like two wild beasts, claws and claws, collided fiercely on the coast!


The impact of the sound wave, with a raging shock wave, spread in all directions!

Some of the close-knit monk shell houses collapsed directly, and countless pieces flew like shrapnel!


Tiger cubs and other groups of monks and generals, with the warriors, facing the Kraken!

The talents and fighting styles of the Kraken and the Tatar are very similar, and both of them know the roots.

In the case of sonic battles, it is difficult to have a high or low score in the case of so many people.

Moreover, the resistance of the two races to sound waves and mental power is extremely high. The seemingly fierce sound wave battle is more of a pre-war encouragement!

Some remote offensive methods have had little effect on both sides.

Both sides know that only by using close distances, using repairs and fighting skills will make a decision!

One by one, the Kraken, one by one, after finding out their own goals, they collided together and met each other!


Knife and axe, Jin Ge cross!

On the beach, there was a sudden splash of blood. Some warriors who were repaired badly were directly killed by a blow and fell in a pool of blood!

As the battle began, the Kraken and the monks began to move around, the battle line was continuously stretched, and the scope of the attack was growing.

More and more sea magic troops appear in the sea!

If you look at it from the sky, you can see that there are grotesque demon warriors, some with long legs, some with good teeth, and some with giant lizards in the sea!

Some of the Kraken warriors are as big as houses, while others are smart as monkeys, and a swarm of bees rushes ashore hundreds!

In contrast, even the entire tribe, the whole tribe is a soldier, and the number is extremely thin...

The black scales and the elders stood still in the same place, leaving no blood around them, and there was no movement between them.

"The Great Elders... Although our Sea Devils have not been dispatched by the whole army this time, the troops that come are not the ones that you can block.

Even if you are able to support this group of elites for a while, do you really have the heart, in the back tribe, those women and children are also involved? "Black scales sneer.

"We are awkward, although we are war-weary, we are never afraid of war, regardless of men, women and children!"

The elders looked like a stunned color, and suddenly they put a red coral wand on their hands and shot a blue light like a bullet!

In the tribe, a hidden location, a group of deaf women and teenagers who are already preparing to fight, immediately start to act after seeing the signal!

More than a dozen giant smashers built with flooded rocks and special wood, two squatters on each side.

Instead of a sharp arrow on the launch pad, the groove is filled with water and rock.

These deaf women and teenagers, although mostly not high, have the same talents.

They quickly used the ice method to freeze the rocks and water, and the giant car was launched remotely toward the enemy's invasion in the beach!

More than a dozen huge rock pucks, crossed a long parabola, and fell into the sea magic army camp!

The sea magic army that was not repaired was suddenly a cannon fodder, and the death and injury were heavy!

The sea magic army, which was originally intended to rush into the Yiren tribe and carry out the massacre, immediately suffered a loss. Some of the Krakens began to fight and they did not dare to move forward.

"You think that with this warcraft that has been outdated for thousands of years, you can stop the black magical army of the black scales!"

"It will be defeated by you not to be a weapon, but our savage!" The elders said awkwardly.

The black scales are heavy, "Bone gas? A group of guys who have been driven away by Sodom by the clan, but also talk about the bones?"

"We didn't run away, we just don't like the Kraken, you like to be used...

We just chose to protect the more precious things," the elders.

"Haha! A nonsense! Well... then I will kill your great elders who guard the family, and then look at your people, is it so sturdy!"

The black scales did not fall, and a sacred sacred power suddenly covered the beach, and some monks were shunned!

"Great elders!" Several monk generals shouted with great concern.

The elders can not be afraid, the scepter in their hands, also released a holy world pressure!

The black scales flickered, "Oh... a little bit interesting, let the generals play for a while..."

I saw the black scale snake moving, holding a golden spear, and it was a spur to the elder!

Although the elders are old, they can not react slowly. The staff is a little, and there is a huge water polo in front of the black scales!

The resistance of this water polo is great, although the spears are easy to penetrate, but the black scales have been dragged for a while!

The elders quickly cast spells, and the water polo condenses into ice, freezing the black scales!


The black scales sneered in the ice, and the force of chaos was released, and the ice hockey burst directly!

"You can't open your hands and feet here, or go to your tribe to play." Black scales and laughter, the snake body twists, and quickly flies into the tribe!

When the elders saw it, they didn’t know what they were, and they quickly flew to keep up!

At the same time, next to a car, a white-haired, long-haired shawl, a tall, high-faced baby-faced man, shouted at a few deaf women.

"Come on! This is too weak! Can't stop the sea magic army! You run fast! Those sea magic soldiers kill people without blinking!" It is Gillen who persuaded.

A few deaf women couldn’t understand his words, just look after themselves and continue to prepare for the ice.

Gillen scratched his hair madly. "Big sisters! If you don't leave, let's go! Where is the dumpling? It's still a small animal!!

Isn’t Tangyuan not your patron? How is it not in the temple? What if it is injured by the group of sea magic troops? ? ”

The monks saw that he was always in the way, and he was annoyed. He stunned him and let him go.

At this moment, the figure of the black scale flew from a distance, in the air, the black scale directly waved a golden spear, and saw a thunder and lightning, like a chain of electricity, raging in the tribe!


A large number of shell houses were blown up, and three brakes were directly destroyed by a single blow!

In the screams, the women and women who were on the side of the car were turned into coke!

"Oh! This is a big deal!! Let you escape and not listen to me!!"

Gillen exclaimed, his face was tense, and he ran to the back hill!

The elders chased from behind, and their anger was unstoppable. "Black scales! Have the ability to fight with the old man! What are the skills of bullying those children!?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The black scales fell into the empty square, and laughed wildly. "The elders, you lived thousands of years old, don't you know, there are no children in front of the war, only the enemy and me!?"

The golden spear on the black scales, the thunder and lightning, and the eyes are cold and cold: "I will ask you once, where is the thing..."

The elders stood at a dozen meters away and smashed the railroad: "Don't ever want to know!"

At the same time, the voice has fallen, the elders have cast spells, and the power of countless ice and cold chaos gathers in front of her. In an ice crystal storm, a giant ice sword, bursting into the black scales!

Black scales smirk, do not retreat, see the murderous, the spear in the hand draws a sly electric light, like the brontosaurus go out to sea!

"I have been made into the Eucharist, and I am afraid of the old woman of this Sacred Heart!?"

Only heard the cracking sound of ice crystal broken, black scales, regardless of a lot of broken ice, left scratches on him, a spear running through the ice sword, directly to the big elders!

The elders' body speed can't keep up with the rapid black scales. It's too late to avoid the key points!

Just as the old man's face was pale, the electric light stone fire, a black and white little figure, rushed from behind!

"Guardian God?!" The elders found the rice **** in front of them and exclaimed.


In midair, the dumplings in front of the old man, facing the thunderbolt spear attacked on the front, screamed!

Seeing that the spear will first run through the body of the dumpling, a strange scene happened!

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