My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2307: Chief disciple


"Your apprentice? Who?" The audience was surprised.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "Flower is small, that girl is my chief disciple."

Yao Xingzhi smiled. "No wonder, this child was in Xiangong, and refused the sword god. It turned out that...she is a teacher under your door?"

Haha... This girl, around a circle, is still a teacher, I am afraid that she is confused. ”

"No wonder that the progress of the small drop is so fast, it turns out that there is a sword **** in the back pointing," Ji Chang bow laughed.

The wind is clear, what is thought of, a trace of worry in the eyes, a cold cold stunned Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was naturally aware of it, and he knew that Feng Qing was thinking about it.

Knowing that the young people are in the backyard, Ye Fan has gone, and the wind is clear and followed.

"Wind elders, do you have to follow me like this?" Ye Fan smiled.

The wind is clear and the tone is serious: "Small ... is just a child, I hope you let her go."

Ye Fan’s face is green, and she is too lazy to talk to this woman’s theory. Anyway, she will not believe it.

When I came to the backyard, I saw only a dozen young people, and I was playing a competition in the martial arts field. Of course, I didn’t have to practice it.

In the front hall, the ancestors discussed major events, they were not qualified to approach, and they did not know what happened.

Seeing the emergence of Ye Fan and Feng Qing, the young people are rushing to come and follow the wind.

As for Ye Fan, everyone is relatively casual.

Only a small face and a surprise, "Old... Ye... Ye Hao Ma! Are you okay? Great! I am still worried about whether you have been caught!"

Ye Fan smiled and looked at his disciple. This girl was wearing a red and white exercise suit. The red bow was tied with a pair of ponytails. The youth was pretty.

Although she is petite, but from her faint body lines, she clearly feels that she has been reborn by practicing mad magic dance.

Many of these young people present seem to be powerful, but the true physical quality is completely incompatible with the flowers.

Ye Fan petted his hand and touched the girl's head. "Don't worry, I am very good."

The flower was small and shy and happy to look at Ye Fan. "Nothing is fine, then the fall is rest assured."

A handsome young man in Tsing Yi, a little bit of hostility, said: "You are the Ye Hao Ma, please do not make such a move to Xiaoling, you are a woman!"

Ye Fan glanced at the eyes. This young man has a long life and a sword, and his strength is in this group of people.

When I was young, I was a little unhappy. I was angry and said: "Yao Yao! What are you talking about!? Ye Hao Ma is me...I am..."

"Haha, the flowers are small, you said, Ye Fan is who you are? You shouldn't really have an unspeakable relationship with him?"

"Isn't that he is a wanted man now? How dare you come back?"

Yao Wei was quite disdainful to look at Ye Fan. "Although you took the dragon to the first, but the real big stage is the Holy Emperor!

Don't think that you are the first person in the generation of Shenlong.

Don't be a little famous, deceive a simple fall! ”

Ye Fan is crying and laughing, the young man is tempered, said: "Young man, don't misunderstand, I am a small master, not the kind of relationship you think."

"Master?" Yao Wei and several young people are very suspicious.

The flower is small, it is to listen to Ye Fan are open, and immediately said loudly: "Ye Yi Ma is my master! You guys, do not smash my teacher!!"

Although the truth was said, everyone laughed.

"No, it's a small drop, how do you worship such a master?"

"Yeah, what can he teach you? Does he know Kendo? I heard that the dragon is bigger than the other, he will only use brute force."

The flowers are so hurried, and they are so angry that they are very angry. "Ye Ma is very powerful! You don't understand!"

"What's so good? Let him come and Yao Yao a few tricks, Jiandao cut and discuss?"

"Haha... Yao Yao is born alive, and he is not a sword?"

Yao Yan looked proud and looked at Ye Fan provocatively.

The wind is clear and frowning, yelling: "All shut up! One by one, so young!"

Although she said that she also despised Ye Fan a bit, but this is only a private life. In terms of cultivation, the wind is clear and convincing. How can these little guys be smashed?

In case she angered the sword god, she could not control the scene.

When everyone heard it, they suddenly smiled and bowed their heads to the wind to admit their mistakes.

"How do your elders educate you?

Always respect the strong, always humble, the iron law of our dragon!

Have you forgotten everything? ! "The wind is clear and reprimanded."

A group of young people bowed their promises, but Yao Wei was somewhat unconvinced.

"Wind elders, we respect the strong, but this Ye Fan, but a wanted man!

Also brought us all kinds of troubles! Make an indecent move to the small..."


Feng Qing is about to make it clear that he has educated the confused insects, but he was stopped by Ye Fan.

"Hey, the wind grows older, don't say it, those ancestors are still waiting!"

Ye Fan smiled indifferently. How can he keep up with these little dolls?

"Teacher, the ancestors are waiting for us? What's the matter?" Hua Xiaolu was very respectful.

"Hey, let's go together, watch the show," Ye Fan blinked.

Feng Qing said: "Ren Tiankuo's ancestors will discuss with the Sword God to decide the major decision of the Holy Emperor's test.

You must cherish the opportunity, this is the peak matchup within our Shenlong family, and even the whole flood, are the top contest! ”

"What!? Ren Tiankuo ancestors and swordsman!?"

"Scorpio is the one who was able to comprehend the emperor's level of boxing, Ren Tiankuo's ancestors more than a thousand years ago?"

"The lord of the sword **** also came to the imperial city? Finally, I have the opportunity to see the emperor-level sword!!" Yao said excitedly.

When the flower is small, it looks at Ye Fan. "Teacher, are you going too?"

Ye Fan, "I certainly want to go."

"Teacher, then... can I go see it?" Flowers asked with a small expectation.

"Nature is going, I am not here to call you," Ye Fan said.

The flower fell a little joy, and then the little face said very seriously: "That... small drop guarantee, no matter how powerful the sword god, I will not regret the original worship of you as a teacher, I swear!"

Hearing the loyalty of his disciples, Ye Fan couldn’t help but he nodded very much. “Well, I am very pleased to be a teacher...”

Other young people beside them are unrecognizable.

I only feel that the flowers are mad, how can I put the swordsman in the family into a knot, and I want to be a fellow guy.

The wind and the clear eyes are all wrong, she thought that the flower fell at least to know the identity of Ye Fan, the result was not informed?

What is the point of Ye Fan’s fall? !

A group of people can't wait, just leave and rush to Woolonggang.

Along the way, Ye Fan asked about the situation of the flowers and gave her some things.

But in addition to the wind and clear, others do not want to listen to Ye Fan's "ghost pull", naturally not in mind.

The wind is clear and unconscious, and it is attracted by the words of Ye Fan, and it is somewhat fascinating.

Gradually, she looked at Ye Fan’s eyes and added a lot of complicated thoughts...

I have to say that although some aspects are ugly, this man can't be caught up in the process of cultivation.

She also understands why the flower is so reluctant, and he is a teacher.

The group of people were trying their best to speed up, but they did not know it and they arrived at Wosonggang.

At this time, on the hills, a bare rock was flat on the top, and there were dozens of Shenlong's high-rises.

A group of young people, such as Yao Wei, felt the pressure of the great sanctuary here, and they all trembled and their faces were dignified.

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