One of them, who had to be reddish, wore a dark red leather vest and held a pot of wine on his hand.

"Hey! A headache! Fog nights, my old wish is really on the two of your old boys!"

Say that after you have finished building the Stars, you will get back the Gongzhu, and you still have to personally come and take it. !

You don't look at it anymore, except for the night house, the other eight platforms add up to more than 100 holy ancestors.

More than a thousand years ago, the Longquan Emperor was there, and the new emperor also realized the ‘the cold of the day’.

You said that it is too much to be able to find the Gongzhu bead from here and take it back. ”

Next to a blue brocade robes, eyebrows and eyebrows, skin color such as white jade, handsome man, is the demon god.

In the foggy night, the moon is fiery and jade, and the black hair is long, and the sound is delicate and whispered: "I don't have to worry about the master, this co-worker, the widow will naturally find it for you."

"Retrieving? How to find it back? Now even the person who cultivates the Gongzhu of the Gonggong can't find it!" Dahan was depressed.

In the foggy night, the mouth of the moon smiled. "At the beginning, the night king left the back of the ball in order to prevent Yi San from laughing.

In the way of surgery, a piece of mysterious pearl was made into the ‘child mother’s pearl of the related work god.

As long as it reaches a certain range, the mother beads are stimulated, and the Gongzhu can not be hidden..."

"Oh? This night, the star-gazing thoughts are meticulous, where is the mother-in-law?" asked the red-haired man.

In the foggy night, the hand of the moon swayed, and a dark mysterious bead appeared in his hand.

"The widows guarantee that it will not take long for them to take advantage of the people who work together."

At that time, the beads will be returned to the master, that person...the widow will be. ”

"Hey, I don't care, I wish you all the best to take back the beads and save my daughter's life. Others, whatever you want!"


Within the Imperial Academy.

As the candidates gradually warmed up and entered the state, the next exams were getting faster and faster.

In order to retain physical strength, almost no one will deliberately test for too long, and everyone will try to be quick and quick, so as not to be alive.

Some of the well-known students, such as Xiao Xiao, Ao Han, Ren Zhuo, and Qi Mo, have successfully entered the final rounds of each group.

What makes many people feel worried and depressed is the misty night son and the singer, and they all easily pick up a lot of leaders.

Once the two young people of the demon **** country are really squeezed, it is obviously a great shame for the clan and family of the Dazheng!

In the afternoon, the top 18 also officially appeared.

The 18 students who stayed, except for the "uninvited guests" of the two demon kingdoms, all came from the four major clan and the five major families. The only civilian is the arrogant.

"Oh... the four great clan, the five great family, really worthy of the name."

"But the destiny is proud of the cold, and may create history!"

"I see the two kings of the demon gods, it is really difficult to deal with, obviously not doing all the best!"

In the discussion, Qi Wang announced that he would start random draw again.

On the big screen, a battle map appeared directly, causing the excitement of tens of thousands of people present.

"The first game, arrogant to the fog night!"

"This is awesome, the finals are staged in advance?!"

The atmosphere of the audience has suddenly entered a fever.

People on the other side of the civilians began to cry wildly, cheering for the arrogance, and even some nobles shouted, let the arrogant cold kill the foggy night.

Amazing cold eyes reveal a hint of cold, look at the real child of the fog night.

The true night of the fog night is a clever smile, a hundred charming, throwing a wink at the proud cold.

Proud of the cold, screaming, not moving, directly and confidently jumped into the ring.

The real night of the fog night is the money on the stage, it is politely and profitable, "Gongzi, please enlighten me."

At the moment when the voice fell, a unique spiritual fluctuation of temptation has been released into the ring.

The arrogant cold has long been wary, and the direct operation has been completed by his own cultivation. The pressure of a **** is suddenly released!

"The demon girl! The little skill of the worm, can you deceive me?!" The arrogant eyes of Huaguang are released.

The audience suddenly burst into exclamation!

"Take the heavens pressure!? The proud cold has broken through to the gods!"

"The original arrogant cold has been hidden so deep!? Scorpio! So young, it will take the sky?!"

"Then the demon girl is completely out of play!!"

The following dozens of other 18 elites also showed various expressions such as surprise, caution, and frustration.

Time, the fog night, the real son also looked at the condensate, found that the situation is not good.

In an instant, the arrogant feet and feet, the body moves quickly, and the fog is the real child!

The arrogant and mysterious sacred body, far attacking melee, all are not in the words, at this time as soon as he approaches, he will attack the foggy night!

In the foggy night, the true child is losing, and she is not able to be arrogant.

Seeing that it will fall out of the ring, the foggy night is full of white light flashing!

"Shadow Dance!"

For the first time in the fog night, I used another talent from Qingqiu on the stage!

I saw her body turned into a white light and shadow, just like a white comet, dragging a long track, so fast that the naked eye can not capture!

In the meantime, the foggy night is around the other side of the ring!

Ao Han turned his head and stepped on the ground. He saw a lot of power in Tianshui, condensed into ice, and there was a cold knife thorn in the ring!

"I see where you run!"

The movement of the fog night is limited, but she is still very fast, like an elf on ice!

Arrogant cold laughs, along the only movable range, two punches hit two black poisonous fog storm! !

Two black dragons with toxins, released from the hands of the proud cold, raging the collapse!

"Tiandu!! Aarhus has awakened this kind of heavenly power!? I always thought he was Tianshui..."

"Strange, is this poisonous? How do you feel different from the power of poison..."

"Is not awakened, is it still poisonous in my body? The power of the election is tens of thousands, and it is normal that we have not seen it."

"Since the referees did not say anything, they should be poisonous, not illegal."

Some of the audience present were talking about it, and some ancestors were suspicious.

"This kid's poison... How is it like a corpse?"

"The day of the poisonous natural selection, this ancestor has seen some, it is a bit different", Ling Yan nine.

The protective cover of the platform on the spot quickly appeared to prevent the leakage of toxins.

Although a group of spectators feel strange, but as long as they are arrogant to fight against the foggy night, they do not care what means, and continue to applaud.

At the moment, the fog night is also forced to operate, holding his breath and not inhaling too much toxin.

Even if the Qingqiu blood has the ability to resist poisoning, it will still be unbearable if it is inhaled in a short time.

Achilles is a sneer, through the poisonous fog, and repeatedly released the ice thorns of all the attacks!

The fog night really couldn't support it. It was hit by an ice thorn, and it screamed, blood splashed and fell to the edge of the ring!

The arrogant cold rushed over and was about to knock down the woman with a fist, but it was a hurried!

"Big Brother!!"

In front of me, Ao Shuang’s face appeared, looking at him with sorrow and fear!

"Frost?" Hearing the same voice as his sister, the arrogant offensive was instantly stagnation, and he felt that the vest was cold and the screaming was not good!

Sure enough, the "Ao Frost" in front of me suddenly disappeared! ?

"Shadow dance, mad shadow combo!!"

The fog-like night of the arrogance of the arrogant frost, suddenly flashed a full set of more than a dozen figures, surrounded by the proud cold!

Each figure uses a different posture, and it is kicked in the past with a dozen feet in the cold!

At the time, only the best-eyed monks of the sacred sects, as well as some special clans with white scorpions like Bai Ze's, can see the continuous attack of the foggy night's horror speed!

The real element of the long-lived habitat has a qualitative gap with the heavens.

However, the fog night Zhenzi uses the explosive power of the shadow dance, and the peer-to-peer attack for ten consecutive times, forcibly breaking the arrogant body protector!

The arrogant and unpredictable, and just on the edge of the ring, was directly kicked out of the ring! !

Even though the arrogant and arrogant reach out and grab the edge of the ring, the body has already gone out of the edge!

The audience sighed for a while and was disappointed!

When the protective cover was dispersed, an ancestor cast a spell and eliminated the poisonous mist.

The arrogant and desolate souls are full of anger and geological asks for the panting night of the fog, "You...how can you become my sister!?"

"Giggle..." The night of the misty night, a long hair, "Little brother, come here for the exam, of course, you have to investigate the opponent beforehand... It’s really touching brother and sister."

Although the referees on the side are somewhat reluctant and pity, they can only judge one after another.

"How come this way!? Lose the sky to the longevity?! What is this arrogant cold??"

"What garbage is destiny, it’s stupid!"

"I know that this demon girl will be illusory, but can be deceived? This kid is difficult to become a big device!"

"Despicable!" The arrogant and full of dissatisfaction, seeing the civilians in the theater of war, a person who shook his head, the person who sighed at him, is even more gnashing.

The 18th, for him, is simply a shame! He won the sky and lost to the longevity! ?

The fog night son is a play taste: "This little brother, who is in violation of the rules first?

What is the poison just released? What is your own clearest...

Don't forget, I am from the demon country, the people of the big levy can't see it, I can see some."

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