My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2345: Too many surprises


The foggy night and the moon release a dazzling blue glow, like a blue demon fire, and the dust and whirlwinds shine a touch of green!

A sharp sword is suppressed and released from it!

"Star mark sword, star 璇!"

The sword is bursting out, the whole sandstorm is falling apart, and the power of the numerous sands is no longer rotating, but it becomes a straight line of khaki energy, which is scattered in different directions!

There is no stopping for the meaning of the hundred miles, and it is crazy to punch in the foggy night!

"Chisha Wanli! Burning sand punch!"

Countless figures of fists are filled with hot sand, which contains the power of chaos, and greets the past in the foggy night!

Like a tiger leopard that flutters fiercely, it is like an army burning with flames!

In the foggy night, the moon is calm, the long sleeves dance, and the two-handed swords are waving. All the fierce fists are even biased all around!


The downfall could not withstand the attack of the strong people of the Eucharist, and began to crack everywhere.

The tens of thousands of people left on the scene saw that these imposing fists seemed to have been missed from a halfway, and they were so unprepared!

The attack of the hundred miles of the east did not have any effect, and even the connection to the foggy night could not be done!

"What is the means of this foggy night? How can it be so easy?!"

"I heard that the star-shaped swords of the foggy night and the moon can distort the attack route. It is very strange!"

In the comments of some people on the scene, the foggy night was cold and screaming, and once again, the "Stars" trick was displayed.

I saw a spin in his body, waving his hands, and those who burned the sand punched out a twisted trajectory, and returned to the east and the west!

Not only that, but the counterattack offensive with the star mark sword is even more rapid, but it is still a bit stronger!

The hundred miles of the east run a flying sand vortex shield, forcibly smashed down, but still gray-faced, it is awkward!

The other ancestors of the Baili family saw the ancestors, and they jumped out of the stands and directly surrounded the foggy night!

In the foggy night, I smiled coldly. "Why, I plan to use more bullying? One of the five great candidates in the world, is it so incompetent?"

"Fog nights! You are crazy! There are not so many rules on the battlefield. We are going to get rid of you this horror!"

Just listen to the hundred miles of the east, a group of other ancestors have shot, one by one to display the hundred miles of the Chishua Wanli, a storm on the foggy night!

The foggy night was under siege, and suddenly he was in trouble. However, he relied on the Holy Spirit to cultivate and sword, and it was all the attacks that were scattered in all directions!

For a time, the scene was full of the power of the heavens and sands of the sacred scenes. Many escaped people had already left the stands, and did not dare to stay in the Holy Emperor!

Suddenly, a group of dark energy appeared around the foggy night, wrapping him!

In the next second, the foggy night appeared in the stands of the night house.

"Night star watching! How dare you help this enchanting!" "There is a lot of anger."

The night view star rang: "The foggy night country is trusting the king, only to come to the imperial city alone, can this king Wang believe in him?

If you haven’t just left the country under the foggy night, you think you can stand up and talk. ! ”

"Night star watching! You are basically betraying the big levy! Are you still worthy of the trust of the Emperor?!

Poor two emperors, the bones are not cold, you night is so openly to destroy the foundation of the big sign! ? "Berry East asked."

The night starry star frowns: "This king is the younger brother of Taihang Huangyi and Jinlan. It is loyal to both the Emperor and the Emperor.

If the matter is too old, the king will certainly understand the king."

"Oh, full of nonsense! Now that we are a hundred generations, we will destroy your night house and retreat!"

Just as a hundred ancestors, such as Baili Dongliu, had to make another shot, the royal ancestors on the side of the Su family could not sit still.

Under the leadership of Prince Su Shian, several Su family ancestors performed their studies and quickly intercepted the ancestors of the Baili family!

"Hundreds of miles! Stop!" Su Shian frowned. "Your Majesty said that it is necessary to think long-term, do you want to rebel?!"

The atmosphere on the scene once again reached a state of turmoil, and the state of the grass and the soldiers!

Among the five major families, only the Tujia and Luo family have not intervened, and the clan naturally will not easily intervene in the battle of such a chosen person.

There are many people who run away from the venue, and there are more people to stay. This may be a big battle for the future of the big levy. No one wants to miss it!

In the indignation of Baili Dongliu, "The Prince of World Security, if it is the first emperor of Jude, and the two emperors of Jude, today is here to speak, we have no objection to our home."

But standing on that stage is an outsider with barbaric blood in his body. His orders, we can listen to it! ? ”

"Even if there are half of the barbarians in the current age, he grew up in the big levy, and he was too popular to pass the emperor. It is the wizard of the Su family's millennium.

Although His Majesty has just stepped into the throne, but what is wrong with his words and deeds? Why are you so stubborn? ! Su Shian asked.

Baili Dongliu sneered: "Prince Shi'an, if I tell you, killing the murderer of Emperor Tai and Emperor, is on the scene!

And this murderer still has a good relationship with your ‘good emperor’... What do you think! ?

You will also feel that this emperor has a good relationship with the demon **** country, will it be a good heart! ? ”


Su Shi'an and other Su family ancestors, the old parents of Su, are all surprised.

"Hundreds of miles, you can have evidence!?" Su Zhan is busy with anxious.

"The evidence is here!!"

At this time, Baili Iron City pointed to a huge flooded stone screen. On that, there were several photos of Ye Fan and Su Forgetting in the restaurant.

"This person is the child of the Shenlong family who murdered the two emperors, the Hummer of Houbei Houfu, Ye Fan!

He is now easy to accommodate, just in the Shenlong stand, you can see it in the past! "Bridge Iron City points to the Shenlong's stands.

The audience was stunned for a while, and in the Shenlong's stands, everyone looked at Ye Fan with amazement.

Ye Fan is thoughtful, took a look at the grandstand of the Tujia...

The only thing that can get this kind of information in the Imperial City is that there is no other person besides the shadow guard commanding Tu Yue.

At the same time, Tu Yue also looked at the complex look, and met with Ye Fan's eyes for a moment, and lowered his eyes.

Ye Fan, suddenly understood what!

Could it be said that the ... of the family's starry squad is not stolen by the foggy night, and it is intended to be given to the night star by the beginning! ?

Tusu and the two led the elections together, overthrew the Xuanyuan Dynasty, but did not compete for the Su family.

This tone... The Tujia really swallowed?

For a long time, Ye Fan couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Today, he really gave him too many surprises. The undercurrent behind this holy emperor's test is far more than he imagined!

"The man is Ye Fan?!"

"Is that fugitive Ye Fan?!"

During the time, the whole scene was noisy, and several major clans also showed their incredible color.

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