My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2366: Chaos


Ye Fan looked up, the black flame blazing scorpion, his eyes seemed to cross tens of thousands of meters!

There, the massive force of chaos is exploding!

It seems to be a nebula that can't see the side, and is brewing a trial of all the punishment!

The following group of ancestors have panicked, and if God drops, they will be affected!

"It is very likely that chaos is a punishment, and this place should not be left for a long time!"

"Fast! Leave here!! The farther the better!!"

In the urging voice of the ancestors, the family members also suddenly woke up, although they would like to know what the final battle is, but the chaos of God is not a joke.

After all, the chaos of God is the fusion of all the forces of chaos, symbolizing the test of the strongest power of the wild!

Only after surpassing the chaos and punishment, is it eligible to enter the higher level of the legendary plane.

The thousands of people on the scene, including the few remaining ancestors, have only heard of one or two, and have not really experienced it.

There are many sacred places in history, but in public, they are subject to chaos and punishment, but there are very few! Historical records are also very scarce.

After the specific chaos gods, where the monks will go, what will happen, no one knows.

The only thing that can be determined is that if it fails, it will be destroyed. Even if it is repaired for a long time, it can only be turned into dust!

These people, who can not afford to accompany them together!

"Oh, it seems that the Grand Emperor is not guaranteed!"

There are also some ancestors who sigh with helplessness. This is also the result of no one can think of it.

However, there is no city in the ruined mainland that will never be destroyed. Compared with human life, the city can be destroyed and rebuilt.

"Small fall! Go away! Leave here!" Ye Hongxue took the hand of the flower and shoved.

The flowers are small and tearful, "Red ancestors! Chaos God is coming, the teacher will play with the gods, this... what can I do!?"

Not to mention the gods, everyone else has thought of this problem.

I have to say that if the sword **** wants to fight with God and fight against the chaos, it is tantamount to being attacked by the strongest forces on both sides!

Chaos God's penalty is enough to be dangerous, but you will have to fight the war, think about the scalp!

"Sail children... What should I do with the sails!" Ji Suxin was also anxious to cry.

Ye Huangtu hugged his wife and his face was awe-inspiring: "Go! We will leave quickly to help him the most!"

Ren Tiankui sighed: "According to the record, the more powerful the monk, the stronger the punishment he encountered.

Don't wait to grind again, how far you can run! ”

At this moment, in the sky, behind Ye Fan, suddenly there was a black flame sword that was more violent than any previous moment!

A huge black flame magic wing appeared from behind the leaf sail, letting Ye Fan like the same heavy arrow, bursting out of the air!

Ye Fan's arms picked up the black giant sword, and the front of the star **** will be a shock!


After a heavy metal chorus, the **** of heaven will go backwards in the air!

Ye Fan's offensive is not diminished, and the gods will continue to madly suppress the attack!

Because Ye Fan's route is straightforward, and even directly with the magic wing forward, the Star God will also go backwards and fly out of the Imperial City! ?

"Out... out of town!?"

Many people are showing joy, which means that the Imperial City is likely to be guaranteed!

After all, the chaos of God is moving along with the target. As long as it falls from the sky, Ye Fan is not in the Imperial City. Even if the Imperial City is affected, it will not be completely destroyed.

Many people also sincerely admire Ye Fan's practice. After all, it is reasonable to say that Ye Fan should be anxious to die.

But they also deliberately transferred the battlefield for them.

Ye Fan naturally took risks at this time. If he forced himself, it meant that the offensive routine was in a single.

It didn't take long before I left the city, and she was caught by the **** of the stars, and a sword was cut in the waist!


Blood spurted out, Ye Fan suffered, and forced to hold up the giant sword, once again with the Star God will be a group!

He endured the pain and continued to advance, bringing God directly to the Imperial City for more than a dozen miles!

Halfway through the injury, the three swords, Ye Fan all bite their teeth and persisted!

But he knows that this is the limit, and if he wants to push it out, he may be defeated!

However, such a distance should be able to keep the people in the Imperial City.

Although the wound healed quickly, Ye Fan knew that playing this way, he must be the loser!

Even if he is more powerful, Ye Fan is better than the star of the energy source of chaos.

Therefore, he must find an opportunity to completely defeat God with absolute power and impeccable moves!

In Ye Fan’s mind, his thoughts flowed rapidly, concentrating on himself, and rushing out of the sword while waiting for the opportunity!

Most of the people in the Imperial City have already retreated to a far position.

The people who stayed far away, felt the imminent chaos and punishment, and the heart jumped to the eyes of the blind!

It didn't take long for me to finally hear a sound like a sky!


A chaotic force mixed with countless glamorous Huaguang is like a skylight beam that can't see the side!

God stunned and thundered, and it came to the world! !

The incomprehensible power of chaos turns into the purest thunder of the world, and will completely engulf Ye Fan and the Star God!


Ye Fan instinctively screamed, and the power of the Purgatory Swordsman was released to the extreme!

The black flame bears him, and the power of a sword is constantly lingering around his body! !

Let this chaos **** punishment be a siege hammer, like a sharp knife, constantly impacting Ye Fan's body guard sword, Ye Fan is hard and strong, continue to fight with the **** of heaven!

The star **** will be the condensate of the power of chaos, and it can be impacted by such a pure and massive chaos, and it is not all without influence.

The power of chaos that the **** of heaven will learn at every moment is limited, and not much can be tolerated.

Excessive force of chaos will also cause damage to it!

Ye Fan has already learned this through his unparalleled swordsmanship, so in his view, although God's punishment is a dangerous gate for himself, it is also an opportunity to defeat God! !

For a while with the fierce sword of the gods, the sword of the gods gradually appeared stagnant.

Ye Fan is also feeling that the body is like scorching, and the hands and feet are as heavy as hundreds of tons of heavy objects!

Chaos God is like a demon who does not believe in evil, madly venting its inexhaustible power, it seems that Ye Fan is completely destroyed, and will not give up!

Can Ye Fan's power of purgatory swordsman, its quality has long surpassed the power of chaos, although the damage of God's punishment still exists, but after all, it can be forced to support for a while!

In an instant, Ye Fan’s eyes were condensed, and he saw the gods of the stars, because of the “no support”, a flaw appeared!

"It's now!!"

Ye Fan’s heart is arrogant, and at the same time, his body has been lingering in the rotation of the sword, like a gunpowder barrel that has been ignited, and it bursts instantly!

"Purgatory Sword Devil... Revenge Jianying!"

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