My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2378: Odin secret

Jian Shenfeng.

Xu Lingshan talks about what they experienced in the Odin Empire...

The Odin Empire has a vast territory. Although the population is similar to the main levy, the area is equivalent to the sum of the big levy and the wild.

After Xu and Feng’s two women flew, it was only a few years before the Olympics in Odin. Only when they were shopping in the city of Odin, they recognized each other.

Xu Lingshan was interested in the military and used to run in the military academy of Odin.

So he reunited with the old man of INFERZ and other INFERNO.

The military theories and training theories of Asazler, Asmonis and Leviathan were all appreciated by the nobility of the world, and they all served in the military.

Therefore, through the relationship, Asazil helped Xu Lingshan find a court teacher position in the court, responsible for teaching the children of the palace aristocrats to practice martial arts.

Feng Yueying did not like to be disturbed, so he entered the court.

The result reunited with Ai Er, and Ai Er became a sacred person, and Feng Yueying became her attendant.

After the two women met in the Imperial City, they knew that both the Imperial City and the Imperial Court had their own people, and everyone was in a city in the middle to make a reunion.

Although everyone's purpose is to enter the top of the world, and then find the whereabouts of Ye Fan.

But after all, everyone's strength is still limited, so I plan to meditate and wait for the opportunity.

Later, Ai Er became a gods, and through her influence, she also turned Asazil and other people into reds in front of King Arthur and was reused.

It’s been calm for so many years...

Until, three years ago, in the recent ancient seas of the Odin Empire, a large number of monsters died and surfaced.

Followed by the sudden disappearance of some ships and monks.

At first, the Royal Odin of the Odin did not care too much. The Maritime Hall also felt that there were only some powerful monsters and monsters.

Less than a month, the relatively safe sea, that is, offshore, even the Royal Fleet of the Odin Empire, was attacked by inexplicable monsters!

The Royal Fleet lost thousands of warriors and hundreds of warships!

Among them, Uncle Arthur's uncle, the commander of the Royal Fleet of the Eucharist, was destroyed by an evil force, destroying the Holy Land, leaving only a miserable body!

This time, the entire Odin Empire was shocked!

The strongest of the Eucharist, or the royal family, is so dead! ?

Arthur XIII, suddenly furious, sent a large number of troops to carry out a comprehensive investigation.

As a result, a large number of ugly, but destructive monsters have appeared on the sea!

"These monsters, we now call them "evil spirits", because they do not exist in the flesh, only the spirit formed by the power of pure chaos!" Xu Lingshan said.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Fan frowned. "You mean... they are the power of chaos!?"

Xu Lingshan Zheng focused on the head. "Yes, because of this, the monks below the holy place are very difficult to kill those evil spirits.

And those evil spirits, even if they are very small ones, may also test sneak attacks, hit hard and even kill the holy monks!

The key point is... Although most of these evil spirits are unconscious, but a few powerful ones, some subjective consciousness has emerged, which is particularly difficult to deal with.

If these evil spirits are really like smart life, then I am afraid... The Odin Empire has long been completely destroyed! ”

Everyone heard it, and his face was grim and silent.

Even if you don't see the evil spirits in the woman's mouth, simply imagine that these monsters are all the cohesive force of chaos, and you know how terrible!

Just like the physical body, it must fight against the body of steel.

You hit each other, the other party is not hurting, the other party hits you, directly killing or hurting!

Ye Fan couldn’t help but think of it in the imperial city, Odin’s special envoy, Belved, after drinking and talking about the bitter water...

"It is no wonder that in the past few years, the Odin empire has nothing to do with the big levy, and all kinds of trades have stopped.

Even the special envoy did not return to the Odin empire for several years...

Is it because of the invasion of evil spirits, so the Odin Empire wants to block this news? ”

"It is so", Xu Lingshan reluctantly said: "In fact, King Arthur also has many considerations.

In the first place, the Odin Empire did not guarantee that if the big levy knew that Odin was in a war, would it be a knife?

If the levy does not help, but instead takes the opportunity to destroy Odin, it is very likely.

Secondly, King Arthur also wants to wait for the first time to see if the evil spirits appear in a certain "historic relic".

Because sometimes the ancient ruins appear, there will be some powerful ancient species.

But after more than three years of war, we have come to the conclusion that the evil spirits originated from the distant ancient sea, and even flew directly from the chaotic void above the Odin empire.

In other places, there seems to be no invasion of evil spirits, so... I don’t know if it is the positional relationship of the Odin Empire, or what other reasons."

"Now, the court and the Odin empire have joined forces to fight evil spirits together.

But in the past three years, Odin has lost 30% of the population, and the court has suffered heavy casualties.

When we saw the badge of the Hellman swordsman, don't mention how happy, but ... is very tangled," Xu Lingshan sighed.

The people were silent. Obviously, everyone in the Odin empire was unwilling to involve them all in a dangerous war.

Moreover, the situation on the side of the Odin Empire is not convenient to say in the letter, and it is afraid to leak to other places in the flood.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, the Odin empire should have done countless jobs. As far as possible, the outside world has made the outside world look nothing wrong.

"You don't want us to be in danger, but now we are still looking for it, is it... Odin's empire, I can't stop it..." Su Xiaoxue asked.

Xu Lingshan and Feng Yueying were red and nodded.

"You are not curious, why are we making progress?"

In fact, it is very simple, because we have encountered too many evil spirits, and the evil spirits that have died will radiate a lot of chaos in the Odin Empire.

Originally we had to cultivate for a long time, in order to capture a sacred heart from the chaotic void.

But because evil spirits appear, the power of chaos is everywhere, making our cultivation environment more superior and more accessible to the Sacred Heart.

If it weren’t for the war, everyone would be able to make progress, and many monks who took the heavens would enter the holy world.

I am afraid that by our original cultivation, we have long been slaughtered by evil spirits..."

Feng Yueying said: "In the past three years, Asazler has replaced the original commanders because of their high combat literacy and became the top of Odin.

Lingshan has also been fighting on the front line and has experienced many battles.

I accompanied Ai Er, together with the masters of the court, to protect the city behind.

The war forced us to be strong, because we can fight fewer and fewer people..."

"The evil spirits are constantly flowing. If this continues, the Odin empire will be completely destroyed sooner or later.

Therefore, we feel that instead of letting you know, it is better to meet as soon as possible and face together...

In particular, we have heard that your husband has become the first master of Dongtianfu. I feel that if you can come, you should be very busy." Feng Yueying is looking forward to authenticity.

Ye Fan’s face is not happy. “Whether I can help, since I know that I am here, I should not glare at me!

Tell me earlier, you are so dangerous there, I will not be dragged until now! ”

I thought of the women glaring at him, fighting over the dangerous monsters there, and Ye Fan was full of fire.

However, he also understands that it is the brothers and women who have been good for him.

"Husband... I feel that this matter will not be able to hold back sooner or later. We must prepare as soon as possible, and go to the Odin Empire to protect everyone first." Su light snow road.

Ye Fan nodded and was planning to consider how to deal with it, but suddenly felt a slight wrong!


Ye Fan looked at the distance from Jianshen Peak and felt that there were strange energy fluctuations.

"Evil spirit!?"

Feng Yueying and Xu Lingshan, then stood up and their faces were unbelievable. They were particularly sensitive to such fluctuations!

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